Example Lesson Plan

Subject: Language Arts

Grade Level 5-6


While reading the book Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt, students will state their opinion on the topic of “living forever”, follow proper netiquette and grammar in the forum discussion.

Time: Several Classes

Materials: Book, Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

Classroom Forum/Computer


1.  Briefly discuss with the class the thought of living forever. Ask students to think about their opinion on whether it would be good or bad to be able to live forever. Tell students their assignment is to state their opinion on the subject within the classroom forum. Set a due date for posting.

2.  In the forum, post the question:

During early exploration of the Americas, many explorers searched for the “Fountain of Youth”. Legend explains that if one drinks from the fountain of youth, they will never die. Do you think it would be good for a person to live forever? Why or why not? Be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ opinions.

3.  Introduce the book, Tuck Everlasting.

4.  Assign readings to students.

5.  Approximately half way through the book, post second question:

You have heard stories of both joys and sorrows from the Tuck family in dealing with never being able to die. Has your opinion changed about living forever changed? Explain why or why not. Be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ opinions.

Follow up:

As a follow up activity, students could compose a persuasive letter to one of the Tuck family members that would have been read prior to the book. Students will need to reflect upon discussions with classmates within the forum to complete assignment.



4 / Student clearly stated opinion and gave many supporting reasons. / Student commented on at least two classmates’ postings. / Student followed proper netiquette and grammar rules with no errors.
3 / Student stated clearly stated opinion and few supporting reasons. / Student commented on at least two classmates’ postings. / Student followed proper netiquette and grammar rules with two or fewer errors.
2 / Student stated opinion with little or no reasons. / Student commented on one or two classmates’ postings. / Student followed proper netiquette and grammar rules with two to five errors.
1 / Student’s opinion was not clearly stated. / Student commented on one or fewer classmates’ postings. / Student had many grammatical errors and may or may not have followed proper netiquette.