Name: ______Date: ______

Part I – Infer the Definition

Instructions: Read each sentence. Then infer the definition of the underlined word based on its roots (your background knowledge) and context (information in the text). (HINT: Take an educated guess! What do you think it means?)

  1. The teacher kept asking the class which book they would prefer to read, but she was frustrated because their blank stares and shrugging shoulders made them seem totally ambivalent.

Definition: ______

  1. Before the days of talking GPS devices, sailors would navigate using only an astrolabe and the clear night sky.

Definition: ______

  1. Sheila was determined to make Stanley notice her, so she made her behavior more audacious each time he passed by her seat.

Definition: ______

  1. In a stunning gold-medal match-up, Kessy and Ross fld-medal match-up, the rookie team of Kessy and Rosshavior more audacious each time he passed by her seat.ambivaaced their veteran compatriots May and Walsh in Olympic beach volleyball.

Definition: ______

  1. In an effort to improve his personal best, Dave used a chronoscope to determine if he had shaved even the tiniest fraction of a moment of his race time.

Definition: ______

  1. Hilda’s friend all hated her cheating husband and told her that it would be best for her to leave him, move to another country, ignore all of his calls and texts, and excise him from her life completely.

Definition: ______

  1. Norbert never exactly lied to his mother; instead, he told her such a long story about what had happened that his circumlocution distracted her and she forgot what she had asked him in the first place!

Definition: ______

Part II – Multiple Choice Section.

Instructions: Read each sentence. Then infer the definitions of the italicized words and write the correct letter in the blank provided.

_____ 8. Maria knew the young man from years ago and recognized him as a miscreant. The young man was:

  1. A wrongdoer
  2. An overachiever
  3. An underachiever

_____ 9. The news reporter stated that the governor is a progressive thinker. This means that the governor is:

  1. A powerful thinker
  2. A forward thinker
  3. Has thoughts of equality

_____ 10. The baby was born with an excessivenumber of teeth, a medical condition referred to as:

  1. Hyperodontogency
  2. Hypobenthos
  3. Postifix

_____ 11. Archeologists found a microlith while exploring a rock formation in Iraq. They found:

  1. A large mountain
  2. A tool with many sides
  3. A small tool

_____ 12. The religious studies professor claimed she believed in all religions – every religion in the world. She was a:

  1. Polytheist
  2. Microlite
  3. Omnist

Part III – Matching Section.

Instructions:Predict which word fits each definition by using your knowledge of roots. Fill in the blank with a word from the word bank.
Definitions / Word Bank
13. After the sun has passed: ______
14. Having many branches: ______
15. The under part of the tongue: ______
16. An evil deed: ______
17. Something which happened before: ______
18. To bring into equal balance: ______
19. Not wishing evil toward another: ______
20. An especially powerful leader: ______
21. A star-shaped stone: ______
22. Bringing together: ______/ Unmalevolent
Post Meridian (p.m.)