6th Grade Math 2015-2016

Course Syllabus

Mr. Sutphin

Course Description: Students will master the concepts required in the sixth grade California Mathematics Content Standards. The standards are available online at www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/documents/mathstnd.pdf . Students will demonstrate their understanding of the standards through daily homework, hands-on activities -- often working in pairs and groups, orally sharing and presenting projects, as well as successfully passing quizzes, chapter tests, and final exams.

Course Objectives: Students will engage in standards-based, meaningful, challenging, and relevant math studies and activities which allow students to use different strategies in computation and problem-solving.

Course Book(s): Sixth Grade Math text CCSS (McGraw-Hill) and supplemental materials

ESSENTIAL Materials for class (also recommended for home):

·  a minimum of three pencils #2, NO mechanical pencils allowed

·  1 box colored pencils

·  1 hand-held pencil sharpener

·  1 large eraser (white, not pink)

·  graph paper

·  basic calculator

·  1 highlighter

·  2 pens (black or blue)

·  1 composition book

·  1 folder or 3-ring binder

·  1 pack loose-leaf, college-ruled paper

·  1 USB flash drive: at least 1 GB (can be used for all subjects including Math)

·  1 pair kid scissors

·  purse-size/pocket-size packets of tissues

Course Expectations: Students are expected to come prepared and on time every day with their homework neat and completed (showing work is a MUST), their classroom materials, and their textbook. Homework is to be done on 8.5 x 11 inch graph or loose-leaf paper unless the homework is a worksheet, or otherwise indicated. Students are expected at times to work independently, in cooperative pairs, or in small collaborative groups to complete assignments in class or longer-term projects. Students are to respect others’ words and contributions to class and use class time and materials appropriately. Daily studying is expected (reading, note taking, problem practice, etc.) whether or not homework has been assigned.

Grading Policy: Students will be graded according to:

·  Class work/daily warm-up (25%)

·  Homework (preparation and accuracy) (20%)

·  Projects (15%)

·  Tests/quizzes (40%)


Evaluation: There will be progress reports at the 5, 10, and 15 week intervals in each semester. The 20 week marks are final grades. Students will be evaluated accordingly and cumulatively over a 20-week period:

·  90 – 100% A

·  80 – 89% B

·  70 – 79% C

·  60 – 69% D

·  Below 60% F

Work Habits and Cooperation Policies: Students receive a letter grade for their academic performance, and an “Excellent”, “Satisfactory”, or “Unsatisfactory” (E=Excellent, S=Satisfactory, U=Unsatisfactory) for both work habits and cooperation, respectively, at five week intervals, the 20 week mark being the final grade. Please consult your agenda for clarification of the district and school-wide policies regarding Work Habits and Cooperation marks. Per our own classroom rules, if a student misses three or more assignments in a five week marking period, or if a student engages in plagiarism, the student’s work habits grade is automatically changed to a “U”.

Detention will be given to students who are tardy without a written and teacher/administrator approved excuse. The student’s Cooperation and Work Habits grades will suffer and command the need for a student-parent-teacher conference and a contract for improved behavior in class if a student is chronically tardy, tardy without an excuse more than once, truant, overly talkative, disruptive, or disrespectful.

Inappropriate and disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated and may result in detention. It is within the teacher’s discretion whether detention will be served at nutrition, lunch, or after school. Not serving detention will result in more severe consequences.

Homework Policy: Students are expected to complete all homework assigned and study for weekly quizzes. If in the rare case a student does not understand the homework assigned that day well enough to complete it, the student may write a detailed note to me, explaining what he or she does not understand, date it, and share it with a parent or guardian who must sign the note. The student will get one more day to complete the assignment without penalty. Being too busy to do homework is not an acceptable excuse; students must learn to manage their homework loads. Students must adhere to due dates for projects in order to receive consideration for full credit for their work. I will immediately notify the student and student’s parent(s) if/when a student is failing to meet homework, class work, or project expectations. No partial credit is given for partially completed or incomplete homework.

Absence Policy: All written assignments are due one day after the student returns to school from a one day absence. Tests and quizzes are to be made up one day after a student’s return. Procuring and completing assignment(s) are the student’s personal obligation, even when the absence is due to illness. In the event of an absence, your child needs to call a classmate from his/her MATH SEVEN list to get the homework assignment(s) and check the class period tray upon return from an absence. This list should be left at home for you and your child to use. He/she is responsible for acquiring at least seven telephone numbers from different classmates as soon as possible and the missed assignment(s) and homework during an absence.

Contact Information: Please leave a message at (818) 528-1600 or a note in my mailbox located in the Main Office.


Last name, first name: ______Per.: ______


We have read, discussed, and understand the syllabus for Mr. Sutphin’s class and will comply with its content (Sixth Grade Math 2014-2015).


Student name (print)


Student signature date


Parent/guardian name (print)


Parent/guardian signature date