New Haven Youth League

Exceptions to the

Rules and Regulations.

Last Updated March 06, 2018


This book is the exceptions to the rules found in the official USSSA Baseball and Softball rulebooks as well as the Official Baseball Rulebook.


Universal Rules For All Divisions1

Rules Table3

Definition of Terms4

Team Selection and Assignment4

T-Ball Division5

Baseball Division Rules6

Atom Division7

Bantam 1 Division8

Bantam 2. Division9

Midget Division10

Juvenile Division11

Softball Division Rules12

Pixie Division13

Petite 1 Division14

Petite 2 Division15

Chic Division16

Sophomore/Debutante Division17

Umpires Rules and Regulations18

New Haven Youth League


1. All players must wear shoes. The shoes must be the type generally considered as safe, those without hooks or snaps, which can cause injuries. Molded athletic shoes are acceptable. Metal spikes or cleats are prohibited except in the Juvenile and Junior Divisions.If agreement cannot be reached, contact respective division chief.

2. First team listed on the schedule will be the home team. It will be the home team’s responsibility to keep an accurate count of the score.

Game times will begin at 6:15 and 8:15 pm (unless following a Atom, Pixie, or T-Ball Game). A new inning will not start if the time limit has been reached. If the last out in an inning is recorded prior to the time limit ending, a new inning shall be started. A new inning shall be started even if a team cannot catch up if the time limit has not been reached. If the home team is behind and cannot catch up, the bottom of the inning should still be played. If the first game extends past the time listed, the second game will start as soon as possible after the end of the first game with no infield practice for either team. The time limit of all games will be 1 hour and 30 minutes from the beginning of each game. Exceptions: Atom, Pixie, and T-Ball games will have a 1 hour time limit, Competitive Games will be 1 hour 30 minutes for baseball and 1 hour 15 minutes for softball.

Protests: A protest may be filed for Age, Pitching Violation, and rule interpretations only. Protests must be declared to the Umpire in Charge prior to the next pitch after the dispute, and then shall be put in writing and given to the umpires before they leave the field. No protests will be allowed after the game is over unless the disputed call is the last play of the game. Then the protest must be declared as explained above. League officials will rule on the protest and their decision will be final. A $25 protest fee MUST be paid at the time the protest is filed and will be returned only if the protest is upheld.

Each team is expected to field the normal number of players for their division at the scheduled time to play. The game will be allowed to start as an official game with 8 players. The 9th spot in the batting order WILL NOT be an automatic out. (T-Ball, Atom, and Pixie may play with less than 8)

In the event a team cannot field 8 players within 5 minutes after the scheduled starting time of the game, the game will be a forfeit. (Does not apply to T-Ball, Atom, or Pixie)

No substitution of non-rostered players may be made after the game has started. If, for any reason, the number of players falls below the required number after the game has started, the game may be played. If a player leaves the game due to injury or illness, his position in the batting order will be skipped and no out will be recorded.

If a player leaves the game due to injury or illness, his position in the batting order “may” be skipped and no out will be recorded. If the manager elects to skip the at bat with no out recorded, then the player is not allowed return in this game. (changed 2018)

A team can select no more than 2 stand-in players from a “lower” or "same" division to bring the team to the normal number of players. Stand in Players MUST BE on a New Haven roster to play on a New Haven team. (Example: A team that can play 10 players on the field only has 9 of their own players available. Only 1 stand-in player can be used.) A player on your Roster can never sit out when you are using stand in players. INSURANCE WILL NOT COVER PLAYERS WHO ARE NOT ON THE LEAGUE ROSTERS.

Stand-in players are not allowed to pitch in any pitching division. Stand-in Players “are allowed” to play in more than 1 game per day.

It is the intent of the league to provide as much enjoyment as possible for the players. If an official game cannot be played in the scheduled time slot, an unofficial game can be played providing the opposing manager agrees and it does not interfere with subsequent scheduled games.

  1. A rostered player arriving late for the game will not be allowed to play, under any circumstances, if the third inning has started (a minimum of 1 pitch has been made to the first batter in the third inning). The late rostered player will always bat last in the batting order unless a stand-in player is replaced. If a rostered player arrives late for a game and a stand-in player is being used, provided the preceding paragraph is not violated, the stand-in will always complete an inning once they officially appear in it. The rostered player will take the stand-in player’s place in the batting order.

4. All players must bat consecutively in the order selected by the manager prior to the game. Both the opposing team’s scorekeeper and the official scorekeeper (home team) will copy these on their score pad prior to the start of the game. Line up cards are optional.

5. Each rostered player must play a minimum of three innings per game. This rule may be waived at the manager’s discretion for disciplinary purposes; i.e. not attending practice. (Does not apply in games when only 3 innings are played)

6. Free substitution is in effect on defense only in all divisions. New Haven Youth League will use a continuous batting order in all divisions.

7. Courtesy runners are allowed ONLY for the catcher when there are two outs. (Exception: Atom & Pixie Divisions – a courtesy runner is not allowed for any other runner except for medical reasons.) The courtesy runner will be the first preceding batter not on base.

8. All team rosters are determined in accordance with the special section concerning team selection and assignment.

9.Numbers are mandatory on all league uniforms, 3 inches or larger. Managers, coaches, and players will keep their shirts tucked in once the game begins. The league does not supply uniform pants nor socks and these will not be required for players to play. League supplied uniform should be worn unless there are extenuating circumstances.

10.Catchers must wear a catcher’s mask and helmet, with a throat protector, chest protector, and shin guards for all practice sessions and games. (Exception: Atom and Pixie Divisions will wear helmet, face mask, and chest protector.) All umpires with the exception of adult umpires will wear mask, chest protector, and shin guards during all practice sessions and games.

11.An individual must have been 18 years of age prior to January 1 of the current year to manage a team. An individual must have been 16 years of age prior to January 1 of the current year to officially coach a team. An individual meeting the 18 years of age criteria must be present at all team functions. These age requirements may be by-passed if authorized by the New Haven Youth League Board of Directors.

12.Any game ending in a tie at the end of regulation play may continue within the time limits set forth.

13.If a team member is caught throwing or tossing a bat or helmet in an unsportsmanship-like fashion, the player and the team will be warned once and a second offense by the same player will result in ejection from the game.

Atom and Pixie players throwing or tossing the bat in an unsafe manner while batting will be given a warning the first time. The second time the same player is observed throwing the bat, the player will be called out if they reach base or warned again if they are out. The third time the player is observed throwing the bat, the player will be called out and will be required to sit on the bench for the rest of the game.

14.Alcoholic beverages and/or tobacco use is not allowed on the playing field during a game. A game includes warm-ups prior to the game, during the contest, and immediately afterwards during equipment gathering and team meetings. Anyone involved in the contest, i.e., the manager, coaches, and players will be warned once. If not immediately stopped once the warning is issued, the game will be forfeited to the opposing team. In the event both teams are involved, the game becomes a double forfeit.

Alcoholic Beverages will not be allowed anywhere on the grounds at any field within the City of New Haven during New Haven games. (This does not include games played at other locations where alcohol is sold.)

15.The officers of the board will have primary responsibility for calling a game due to inclement weather. In their absence, the chief umpire, with the aide of both team managers, should make a swift decision concerning inclement weather. Games should be delayed or suspended as quickly as possible during inclement weather. (Example: high winds, lightning, and darkness when lights are not available.) Games that are rescheduled due to inclement weather shall resume play where the game was initially stopped. Any game that has completed a minimum of 1 hour of play or the requirements for a complete game have been met will be considered a complete game and will not be rescheduled.

16. Pitchers in any boy’s division after being removed as a pitcher may not pitch again in that same game.

17. During the Washington Year End tournament, special pitching regulations will be used.

Pitchers up through Midget division may pitch no more than 6 innings in any 2 consecutive games. Juvenile division may only pitch 7 innings in any 2 consecutive games. For softball, pitchers in Petite 2 and Chic division may pitch no more than 9 innings in any 2 consecutive games. There are no limits for pitching in Sophomore or Debutante Divisions.

  1. Big barrel bats will be allowed in all baseball divisions. The league has opted at the present time not to require the USSSA logo on all bats.

New Haven Youth League Summary

Boys / T-Ball / Atoms / Bantam 1 / Bantam 2 / Midget / Juvenile
Age / 4 / 5-6 / 7-8 / 9-10 / 11-12 / 13-14
Pitch Distance / 36’ / 40’ / 46’ / 46’ / 50’ / 60’ 6”
Base Distance / 60’ / 60’ / 60’ / 60’ / 70’ / 90’
Max Innings Pitched per Game / n/a / n/a / n/a / 3 / 4 / 6
Time Limit / 1hr / 1hr / 1hr 30min / 1hr 30min / 1hr 30min / 1hr 30min
Innings per Game / 5 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7
Runs per Inning / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 7
Stealing / No / No / No / Yes / Yes / Yes
Infield Fly / No / No / No / Yes / Yes / Yes
Balk / No / No / No / No / Yes / Yes
Lead Off / No / No / No / No / Yes / Yes
Drop 3rd Strike / No / No / No / No / Yes / Yes
Bunting / No / No / No / Yes / Yes / Yes
Ball Size / n/a / 9” / 9” / 9” / 9” / 9”
Minimum # of Umpires / n/a / 1 / 1 (2 preferred) / 2 / 2 / 2
Girls / T-Ball / Pixie / Petite 1 / Petite 2 / Chic / Soph / Debutante
Age / 4 / 5-6 / 7-8 / 9-10 / 11-12 / 13-18
Pitch Distance / 36’ / 30-35’ / 35’ / 35’ / 40’ / 40’
Base Distance / 60’ / 60’ / 60’ / 60’ / 60’ / 60’
Max Innings Pitched per Game / n/a / n/a / n/a / 3 / ALL / ALL
Time Limit / 1hr / 1hr / 1hr 30min / 1hr 30min / 1hr 30min / 1hr 30min
Innings per Game / 5 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7
Runs per Inning / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 7
Stealing / No / No / No / No / Yes / Yes
Infield Fly / No / No / No / No / Yes / Yes
Illegal Pitch / No / No / No / No / Yes / Yes
Lead Off / No / No / No / No / No / Yes
Drop 3rd Strike / No / No / No / No / Yes / Yes
Bunting / No / No / No / Yes / Yes / Yes
Ball Size / n/a / 10” / 10” / 11” / 12” / 12”
Minimum # of Umpires / n/a / 1 / 1 (2 preferred) / 2 / 2 / 2



A rostered player is a player whose name is listed on the master list of all teams in their respective division. The Division Chief maintains the master list with a copy kept in the concession stands. EACH MANAGER WILL HAVE A LISTING OF ALL ROSTERED PLAYERS ON HIS/HER TEAM WITH THEM AT ALL GAMES. It is available for review by the plate umpire. Opposing managers may request the plate umpire to check official rosters. The game is to be forfeited if a player is not listed on the official roster.


No more than five (5) runs can be scored in an inning, when the fifth (5) run scores, the inning is over.


No more than seven (7) runs can be scored in an inning, when the seventh (7) run scores, the inning is over.


A player listed on any team’s roster who has been asked by a team manager to play a game due to the absence of a normal rostered player. The player must be a current player in the New Haven Youth League. (Players from other leagues such as Washington, Marthasville, etc. are not eligible to play for a New Haven team) Our insurance WILL NOT cover players who are not on the league rosters.

Stand in players cannot begin after play commences in the first inning. One pitch to a batter constitutes commencement of an inning.


It is the responsibility of the New Haven Youth League Board of Directors to conduct the player assignments for the New Haven teams. The player assignments for teams playing out of Washington, Augusta, Dutzow, Marthasville, and other organizations will be carried out by their respective organizations.

Additonal team selection and process will be discussed at the coaches meeting.

1. There will be no trading of players for any reason. Any manager or coach who is caught trading players will be removed from their position with the league. Team selection will be as selected by the manager on draft night and shall not be changed for any reason without prior approval from the New Haven Youth League Board of Directors.


1. All hitters will hit the ball from a batting tee. The tee will be adjusted to such a height the batter will be able to swing level. Base Distance will be 60’ Feet.

2.All players must bat consecutively in the order selected by the manager prior to the game. Both the opposing team’s scorekeeper and the official scorekeeper (home team) will copy these on their scorebook prior to the start of the game.

3.No bunting is allowed.

4.Pitcher should be in contact with the rubber which will be placed at 35 feet for

this division.

5. Teams will bat the entire lineup each inning. The last batter of the inning, once reaching first base safely, must continue to circle the bases until he or she is either tagged out or scores, either of which will end the inning.

6.Batting helmets must be used at bat and when on base.

7.When the ball is hit, it must go at least 5 feet.

8.Three complete misses of the ball while batting constitutes a strikeout.

9.If a batter hits part of the ball and part of the rubber tee, it is a fair ball if it goes past 5 foot. If a batter hits all rubber or the ball does not go past the 5 foot arc, it is a foul ball.

10. No stealing or leading off permitted.

11. A team may play a game with only 5 players.

12. A low impact ball will be used for this division. Game balls will be supplied to the coaches at the start of the season.


1.Only 10 players on the field at any one time.

2.Each player present must play a minimum of 2 innings defensively.

3.Two defensive coaches may be on the field of play, but they must position themselves behind the player’s positions playing the outfield. The coach cannot intentionally make contact with the players when the ball is in play.


1.The time limit is 1 hour.

2.A regulation game will be 6 innings long if time permits.


1. Players will wear protective helmets while batting or running the bases. Player is automatically out if this rule is not complied with, i.e., a pitch is thrown and player is not wearing his helmet. No Exceptions.

2. Groin cups will be worn by catchers in all games and practice sessions with the exception of the Atom Division.

3. Only one player other than the batter and baserunners may be out of the dugout at any time. This player must be in the on-deck circle.


1. Coach pitch will be played in this division. The game ball will be supplied by the League.

2. The distance between the bases is 60 feet.

3. The normal number of players the team is expected to field is 10.

4. A pitching rubber is not mandatory.

5. The 5 run rule is in effect.

6. The infield fly rule is not in effect.

7. Two defensive coaches may be on the field of play but they must position themselves behind the players’ positions playing the outfield. The coaches cannot intentionally make contact with the players when the ball is in play.

8. A player may play a position only two (2) innings in a seven-inning game. Innings may be consecutive. The league recommends rotating the players each inning.