Anatomy & Physiology: Endocrine vs. Nervous Systems


  1. Receptors for steroid hormones are found ______.
  1. on nutrient molecules, such as glucose
  2. in the interstitial fluid
  3. in the cytoplasm of the cells of target tissues
  4. in the cell membranes of target tissues
  1. Name the gland that is located at the base of the throat, just inferior to (below) the "Adam's apple”.
  1. Hypothalamus c. Pituitary gland
  2. Thyroid d. Thymus
  1. What gland is located just superior to (above) the kidneys?
  1. Pituitary c. Pancreas
  2. Ovaries d. Adrenal
  1. The secretions from which of these glands differs between males and females?
  1. Adrenal c. Thyroid
  2. Pancreas d. Gonads
  1. The two regulatory systems of the body are the endocrine system and the ______.
  1. respiratory system c. nervous system
  2. immune system d. circulatory system
  1. Most hormones of the endocrine system are regulated by a ______.
  1. negative feedback mechanism
  2. positive feedback mechanism
  3. hormone-gene complex
  4. hormone-receptor complex
  1. Which gland controls basal metabolic rate (BMR)?
  1. Testes c. Pancreas
  2. Thyroid d. Ovaries
  1. Elderly people are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes due to the decline in ______production.
  1. thyroid hormone c. estrogen
  2. insulin d. follicle-stimulating hormone
  1. The hormone that stimulates the contraction of smooth muscle in the uterus is ______.
  1. Adrenalinc. insulin
  2. oxytocind. prolactin
  1. The Endocrine System is similar to the nervous system in the fact that it is a system of ______.
  1. What are the signals of the endocrine system?
  1. blood vesselsc. hormones
  2. neurotransmittersd. enzymes
  1. What is NOT a function of the endocrine System?
  1. Controls differentiation of reproductive system and nervous system in developing fetus
  2. Controls metabolic functions of the body
  3. Coordinates growth during childhood and adolescence
  4. Coordinates male and female reproductive system
  5. Helps maintain homeostasis and internal environment, initiates corrective adaptive responses to emergencies
  1. The endocrine system coordinates body activities and maintains homeostasis through
  1. electrical impulses c. adrenalin
  2. chemical messengers d. neurological impulses
  1. Endocrine glands release their products directly into ______.
  1. fluid just outside the cells c. connective tissue
  2. ductsd. the bloodstream
  1. Which of the following is true of peptide hormones?
  1. They bind to a receptor site on the surface of the cell.
  2. The hormone-receptor complex binds to the DNA.
  3. The hormone enters the cell and directly influences the production of an enzyme.
  4. They enter the cell through the plasma membrane.
  1. Which of the following hormones are able to enter the cell because of their structure?
  1. progesteronec. estrogen
  2. testosteroned. all of the above
  1. Which of the following is an example of a negative feedback mechanism?
  1. The intake of growth hormone causes long bone growth.
  2. A drop in levels of vitamin K causes slowed clotting times. The addition of dietary vitamin K improves clotting.
  3. A drop in core body temperature causes an increase in metabolic rate. The increase in body temperature inhibits the production of thyroid stimulating hormone.
  4. Uterine contractions stimulate the production of a hormone which causes more contractions.
  1. Which of the following raises heart rate, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure and allows one to perform the extraordinary feats at the scenes of accidents reported on the news?
  1. steroid hormones c. adrenalin
  2. insulind. testosterone
  1. Late in the afternoon, blood glucose levels fall, stimulating the secretion of which hormone?
  1. glycogenc. glucose
  2. glucagond. insulin
  1. Which is the most common form of diabetes?
  1. Type 2 diabetes mellitus
  2. diabetes insipidus
  3. Type 1 diabetes mellitus
  1. Fill in the chart based on the clues given below.

Control / Control
Usually slow
Transmitted electro-chemically through nerve fibers and chemically across synapses
Affects any organ in the body
Effect is short lived
Cannot affect growth of cells
Uses negative feedback to maintain homeostasis and positive feedback to increase a signal
Brain is main organ of this system