Scoil Bhríde

Nurney, Co. Kildare

Telephone: (045) 526767

1st February2017

Dear Parents/Guardians

It is a pretty full Wednesday note this week!

Please read both sides!

Enrolment September 2017 Closing Date is February 22nd

Legal Vetting of all teachers, mentors, coaches, office staff, caretakers

In line with new legislation all adults (including transition year students) involved and present in the school during school time in any way must now be Garda vetted through the Catholic Diocese Head Office. Anyone not vetted through the Catholic Diocese Head Office, must not, cannot and legally have any unsupervised contact with children under the care of the Board of Management. The Board of Management wishes to inform all parents/guardians that the Board of Management will be compliant with all its legal vetting requirements and procedures.

Saint Brigid Crosses

As you are aware Saint Brigid crosses form a big part of our fundraising in the school year. If you wish to purchase or sell some of our Saint Brigid Crosses in your workplaceto raise funds for our school please contact the school office. €3 per cross or €5 for two.

Gymnastics and Aerobics

Gymnastics finishes for every pupil shortly. Aerobics finishes for junior infants, senior infants, 1st class and 2nd class shortly. These pupils have received 10 lessons from an expert in this area. Thank you to those who have paid in full the full cost of €5 per pupil (which is tremendous value @ 50cent a lesson). If you have not paid for your child yet please pay your child’s class teacher or ONLINE by January 31st. A text reminder will go out to those with amounts outstanding shortly.

Jersey day

A request has come to the School from past pupil Lauren Page who will be travelling to Kenya as part of a small group to volunteer to build homes for families in dire poverty. Lauren is asking interested children and their families in Scoil Bhríde to please take part in a jersey day onFriday February 10that a cost of €1 a head with all donations going towards the above named cause. The School’s Board of Management has given permission for this request to be put to families in the school. So if you wish to partake and support Lauren in her mission you may send your child to school in a jersey on Friday 10th February and €1 will be collected from them on the day. If you choose not to partake uniform is worn as usual.

Road safety message from school Board of Management

You have received a notice from Kildare County Council (KCC) regarding the relocation of the school warden crossing. It is in the interest of your children’s safety that you get involved in the dialogue regarding this issue. If you are unhappy with the new layout, we urge you to make your concerns known directly to KCC for the attention of Declan Keogh (Road Safety Officer), please.

Pupils Keep Fit Class – Operation Transformation

Keep fit classes delivered by an expert start for all classes on Friday February 3rdat a cost of €5 per pupil for ten lessons (i.e. 50cent per lesson) (please pay to class teacher or ONLINE)

Dates for your diary

  • Saint Brigids Day Mass – February 1st @ 10am Nurney Church
  • Swimming resumes for 6th class – March 1st
  • First Confession – March 16th 2017 @ 7.30pm Nurney Church
  • 6th class Retreat – March 28th 2017 10am-2pm
  • 6th class Confirmation – April 1st 2017
  • 2nd Class Communion – May 13th2017 Nurney Church
  • 6th class Graduation Mass – June 27th @10am Nurney Church

Wednesday Note and school information also available


Thank you for your co-operation with the above.


Vinny Thorpe – Principal

M.Ed (SL), MA.Comp.Mus, H.Dip.Prim.Ed, H.Dip.Mus.Tech, P.Grad.Dip.Ed.St(SEN), B.Mus.Ed(H.Dip.Ed), Dip.Mus.Ed, T.Dip.ICT

Scoil Bhríde

Nurney, Co. Kildare

Telephone: (045) 526767

1st February 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians

It is a pretty full Wednesday note this week!

Please read both sides!

Enrolment September 2017 Closing Date is February 22nd

Legal Vetting of all teachers, mentors, coaches, office staff, caretakers

In line with new legislation all adults (including transition year students) involved and present in the school during school time in any way must now be Garda vetted through the Catholic Diocese Head Office. Anyone not vetted through the Catholic Diocese Head Office, must not, cannot and legally have any unsupervised contact with children under the care of the Board of Management. The Board of Management wishes to inform all parents/guardians that the Board of Management will be compliant with all its legal vetting requirements and procedures.

Saint Brigid Crosses

As you are aware Saint Brigid crosses form a big part of our fundraising in the school year. If you wish to purchase or sell some of our Saint Brigid Crosses in your workplace to raise funds for our school please contact the school office. €3 per cross or €5 for two.

Gymnastics and Aerobics

Gymnastics finishes for every pupil shortly. Aerobics finishes for junior infants, senior infants, 1st class and 2nd class shortly. These pupils have received 10 lessons from an expert in this area. Thank you to those who have paid in full the full cost of €5 per pupil (which is tremendous value @ 50cent a lesson). If you have not paid for your child yet please pay your child’s class teacher or ONLINE by January 31st. A text reminder will go out to those with amounts outstanding shortly.

Jersey day

A request has come to the School from past pupil Lauren Page who will be travelling to Kenya as part of a small group to volunteer to build homes for families in dire poverty. Lauren is asking interested children and their families in Scoil Bhríde to please take part in a jersey day onFriday February 10that a cost of €1 a head with all donations going towards the above named cause. The School’s Board of Management has given permission for this request to be put to families in the school. So if you wish to partake and support Lauren in her mission you may send your child to school in a jersey on Friday 10th February and €1 will be collected from them on the day. If you choose not to partake uniform is worn as usual.

Road safety message from school Board of Management

You have received a notice from Kildare County Council (KCC) regarding the relocation of the school warden crossing. It is in the interest of your children’s safety that you get involved in the dialogue regarding this issue. If you are unhappy with the new layout, we urge you to make your concerns known directly to KCC for the attention of Declan Keogh (Road Safety Officer), please.

Pupils Keep Fit Class – Operation Transformation

Keep fit classes delivered by an expert start for all classes on Friday February 3rdat a cost of €5 per pupil for ten lessons (i.e. 50cent per lesson) (please pay to class teacher or ONLINE)

Dates for your diary

  • Saint Brigids Day Mass – February 1st @ 10am Nurney Church
  • Swimming resumes for 6th class – March 1st
  • First Confession – March 16th 2017 @ 7.30pm Nurney Church
  • 6th class Retreat – March 28th 2017 10am-2pm
  • 6th class Confirmation – April 1st 2017
  • 2nd Class Communion – May 13th 2017 Nurney Church
  • 6th class Graduation Mass – June 27th @10am Nurney Church

Wednesday Note and school information also available


Thank you for your co-operation with the above.


Vinny Thorpe – Principal

M.Ed (SL), MA.Comp.Mus, H.Dip.Prim.Ed, H.Dip.Mus.Tech, P.Grad.Dip.Ed.St(SEN), B.Mus.Ed(H.Dip.Ed), Dip.Mus.Ed, T.Dip.ICT

Supervising Sick Children Policy

Please make yourself familiar with new School Board of Management policy and procedures which come into place with immediate effect in relation to the school supervising sick children. The full supervision policy can be viewed and downloaded from our school website

Scoil Bhríde Nurney does not have a sick bay facility

For supervision and insurance reasons, the school cannot facilitate ill children staying in at break times or from 9.10am. Scoil Bhríde does not have the adult capacity to supervise ill children staying in a break times or from 9.10am. Under health and safety guidelines, pupils cannot stay in during break times or from 9.10am unsupervised.

However the school office/principal’s office/library may be used at the discretion of the most senior member of staff to facilitate (for insurance, health and safety and child welfare reasons) pupils staying in at break times or from 9.10am that have a recent medically signed off/approved condition (e.g. broken limbs, stitching, cold urticaria). Any such request must be put in writing to the school’s Board of Management using the letter in Appendix 1.

Responsibility of Parents/ Guardians – When children should be kept at home

It is the policy of Scoil Bhríde Nurney that children who have short term illnesses, such as colds and influenza, should not be in school.

If your child is sick they should remain at home. If a child is well enough to come to school then they will be expected/told to go outside at break times or from 9.10am.

In the case of your child not having a medically signed off/approved condition and you wish to have your child stay in a break times or from 9.10am your two options are to remove your child from the school for the duration of the breaks and place them under your care or sit with your child in the school on each of the breaks.

Parents/Guardians are asked not to send their child/ren to school if any of the following apply:

  • The child has symptoms of an infectious illness that is mentioned in the list of ‘Common Ailments requiring Pupils to Stay at Home’ at the back of this policy (Appendix 1) or in HSE Publication: ‘Management of Infectious Diseases in School – 2014’, Chapter 9.
  • The child does not feel well enough to participate in all of the school’s daily activities (including recreation periods)
  • The child requires more care than the classroom team is able to provide without affecting the health, safety and schoolwork of the other pupils.
  • If antibiotics are prescribed for a contagious illness or infection, the child should not attend school until 24 hours after treatment has begun and must be showing signs of improvement.
  • If head lice or ringworm is noticed, the child may not come to school until treatment has begun. If a child has been sent to school and is clearly unwell, as described above, a parent or guardian will be asked to collect him/ her from school as soon as possible.

Supervising Sick Children Policy

Please make yourself familiar with new School Board of Management policy and procedures which come into place with immediate effect in relation to the school supervising sick children. The full supervision policy can be viewed and downloaded from our school website

Scoil Bhríde Nurney does not have a sick bay facility

For supervision and insurance reasons, the school cannot facilitate ill children staying in at break times or from 9.10am. Scoil Bhríde does not have the adult capacity to supervise ill children staying in a break times or from 9.10am. Under health and safety guidelines, pupils cannot stay in during break times or from 9.10am unsupervised.

However the school office/principal’s office/library may be used at the discretion of the most senior member of staff to facilitate (for insurance, health and safety and child welfare reasons) pupils staying in at break times or from 9.10am that have a recent medically signed off/approved condition (e.g. broken limbs, stitching, cold urticaria). Any such request must be put in writing to the school’s Board of Management using the letter in Appendix 1.

Responsibility of Parents/ Guardians – When children should be kept at home

It is the policy of Scoil Bhríde Nurney that children who have short term illnesses, such as colds and influenza, should not be in school.

If your child is sick they should remain at home. If a child is well enough to come to school then they will be expected/told to go outside at break times or from 9.10am.

In the case of your child not having a medically signed off/approved condition and you wish to have your child stay in a break times or from 9.10am your two options are to remove your child from the school for the duration of the breaks and place them under your care or sit with your child in the school on each of the breaks.

Parents/Guardians are asked not to send their child/ren to school if any of the following apply:

  • The child has symptoms of an infectious illness that is mentioned in the list of ‘Common Ailments requiring Pupils to Stay at Home’ at the back of this policy (Appendix 1) or in HSE Publication: ‘Management of Infectious Diseases in School – 2014’, Chapter 9.
  • The child does not feel well enough to participate in all of the school’s daily activities (including recreation periods)
  • The child requires more care than the classroom team is able to provide without affecting the health, safety and schoolwork of the other pupils.
  • If antibiotics are prescribed for a contagious illness or infection, the child should not attend school until 24 hours after treatment has begun and must be showing signs of improvement.
  • If head lice or ringworm is noticed, the child may not come to school until treatment has begun. If a child has been sent to school and is clearly unwell, as described above, a parent or guardian will be asked to collect him/ her from school as soon as possible.