Teacher’s Name: McKaig Week 0f:April29 – May 3

Course Title and Periods Taught:Computer Illustration 2 Unit Title: Blender ch 2 and 3

learning target(s)
(related to Core Academic Standard): / Daily lesson activities/agenda: / Formative assessment:
Monday / I can…
  • Identify important parts of the Blender interface, such as screen areas
  • Identify and use basic mouse functions in Blender
  • Complete basic tutorials using Blender
/ Today we will begin working on Blender. The instructor will show the program to the class, and go over identifying parts of the screen interface, saving files, etc. Then, students will go through a self guided introduction to the program interface and basic functions. This should take today and tomorrow to complete. / Q & A
Observing use of learned skills or knowledge
Checking for understanding
Recalling information
Tuesday / I can…
  • Identify important parts of the Blender interface, such as screen areas
  • Identify and use basic mouse functions in Blender
  • Complete basic tutorials using Blender
/ Students will complete the chapter two tutorial, which covers the program interface and basic functions. / Q & A
Observing use of learned skills or knowledge
Checking for understanding
Recalling information
Wednesday / I can…
  • Define timeline, parent, empty
  • Explaing a parent child relationship in blender
  • Create primitives in Blender
  • Apply basic animation to objects in Blender
/ Students will begin working on the tutorial for chapter 3 in the blender manual. This tutorial teaches how to create basic primitives in blender, as well as how to create and use an empty, which is an invisible reference object. This chapter also covers the basics of creating animation, and using parent/child relationships to apply animation to multiple objects. / Q & A
Observing use of learned skills or knowledge
Checking for understanding
Recalling information
Thursday / I can…
  • Define timeline, parent, empty
  • Explaing a parent child relationship in blender
  • Create primitives in Blender
  • Apply basic animation to objects in Blender
/ Work on chapter 3 tutorial. / Q & A
Observing use of learned skills or knowledge
Checking for understanding
Recalling information
Friday / I can…
  • Define timeline, parent, empty
  • Explaing a parent child relationship in blender
  • Create primitives in Blender
  • Apply basic animation to objects in Blender
/ Work on chapter 3 tutorial. / Q & A
Observing use of learned skills or knowledge
Checking for understanding
Recalling information

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