
IEEE OCS Subcommittee for Rail Transit Meeting

May 9th & 10th 2017

Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA)

Cincinnati, OH USA

Meeting Location:

Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza

35 West Fifth Street

Cincinnati, OH

Tuesday, May 9th Meet in the Rosewood Room

8:30 am Opening remarks by the Chairperson

·  Safety briefing of the facility

·  Introduction of attendees

8:40 am Committee Business

·  Minutes of the previous meeting

·  Travel funding reimbursement information

·  Lunch logistics –

·  Dinner logistics – C3M Power Systems

·  Next meeting location and date

·  Other business

9:00 am Report of the Chairperson

9:10 am Report of the Vice-chair

9:15 am Report of the Secretary

9:20-9:45 am Report of Working Group status

·  Standard P-1627 Lightning Arrestors

·  Standard P-1791 OCS Terminology

·  Live Line Maintenance potential standard

·  Standard P1833 Design Criteria

·  Standard P2406 Disconnect Switch

·  OCS Testing & Commissioning Guidelines

9:45-9:50 am PatCom Slides

9:50-10:05 am Break

10:05 am-12:00 pm Working Group breakout sessions for various standards

12:00-1:00 pm Lunch (sponsor needed otherwise Dutch treat)

1:00-4:00 pm Working Group breakout sessions for various standards

4:00 pm Discussion and adjournment

6:00-7:00 pm Cocktails and Conversation at the Hilton Hotel – sponsored by C3M Power Systems

7:00-8:00 pm Dinner at the Hilton Hotel – sponsored by C3M Power Systems

8:00-9:00 pm Presentation by C3M Power Systems on recent SORTA construction

questions and discussion following presentation

Wednesday, May 10th

Joint meeting session with the Traction Power Group, meet in the Pavilion Room

8:30 am Meeting called to order

8:35-8:40 am Opening remarks by the Chairpersons

8:40-8:45 am Remarks by Bih-Yuan Ku of VTS

8:45 am Welcome greeting by SORTA personnel

·  Presentation and general information on SORTA

·  Questions and discussion

End of joint meeting session

brief break in between

Start of OCS-only meeting session

9:30-10:00 am Breakout session for working groups

11:50-12:00 pm Recap of meeting and adjournment

12:00-1:00 pm Lunch (sponsor needed otherwise Dutch treat)

1:30-3:30 pm Tour of SORTA facility

3:30 pm Return to hotel.

6:00 pm Dinner on your own. Meet in hotel lobby for those staying over and wishing to dine together.

Please note, agenda items and times are approximate and dependent upon extent and

length of discussions and subject to change.


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