Bangladesh Green Development Programme

Framework and interactions of themes

Six thematic components / Crosscutting issues
Theme / Transformational changes / Environ-mental Law & Policy / Institutional & Partnership / Rural Environ-ment / Urban Environ-ment / CDM / Pillar 5 Business plan
Govt Institutions / Scale up/uptake / Govern-ment / Private
Renewable Energy / SEDA / Public
Private / Policy review / √ / √ / √ / Possible integrated demonstration in select urban centres (potential link with UPPR) / √ / Review strategy, guidance for thematic work / Potential funding, Long term business plan
Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management / SEDA
BSTI / Private Partnership
Awareness / Law: regulate/
enforce / √ / √ / √ / √
Green Business/ Jobs (social/poverty focus) / ? / Private sector
Training (SME) / Policy review / √ / √ / √
Environmental Quality / pollution(monitoring & enforcement) / DoE
MoI / Private Sector / Law: Industrial regulation / √ / √ / √ / √
Natural Resource Managementand Biodiversity(commons) / MoLand (Wetlands)
?DoF, DoE / Co-management (Public-community) / Policy/laws: land,wetland, fisheries / √ / √
Forests (emission /REDD) / Forest Department
[CHT Regional Council?] / Public- Community / ? / √ / √
Additional topics for cross cutting issues / NGO role and capacity
Local and central government / Interactions between thematic “best bets” / UPPR,
MoLocal Govt / National capacity building
National policies & coordination (Environmental Governance)

Framework note

Green development in Bangladesh is viewed as comprising of six thematic areas.

In each of these themes the challenge is to identify and take up key actions that are ready to be scaled up and will have a transformational impact on the national economy. These “best bets”shouldlead to continued economic development on a long term low-emission and environmentally sustainable track. In each theme such changes are likely to involve not only government institutions but also the private sector whether that is thought of as businesses or communities of poor people.

In support of such changes appropriate policy and legal frameworks will be needed, institutional capacity developed in the different tiers of government, and partnerships with and among the private sector encouraged.

Green development will need to take place in both urban and rural areas, and in taking a programmatic approach ways to integrate elements or themes and ensure that they are complementary and do not adversely impact one another need to be ensured. There is also scope to incorporate green development themes within existing sectoral programmes and projects.

Lastly to operationalise the best bets there are opportunities for Bangladesh to tap resources under existing frameworks such as the Clean Development Mechanism, but there is also a need in a programmatic approach to develop a business plan, and that should not only fit within UNDP’s assistance framework for Bangladesh but also help other development partners coordinate and cooperate.