County Administration Building

102 East Front Street

Lillington, North Carolina

Results of Board Meeting

Regular Meeting

November 5, 2007 9:00 a.m.

- Order of Business –

1. Call to order – Chairman Teddy J. Byrd

2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation – Commissioner Tim McNeill

3. Consider additions and deletions to the published agenda

Added 3 budget amendments to consent agenda.

4. Consent Agenda: All items on the consent agenda, including addition, were approved.

A. Minutes

B. Budget amendments

C. Tax refunds and releases

D. Resolutions to add roads to state system

E. Public Utilities write-offs for third quarter

F. Final change order for Temple Grading contract/Harnett Fuquay WW project

G. Change orders for Fort Bragg NTA Housing Project – Billings & Garrett

H. Resolutions recognizing Eagle Scouts

I. Change orders for Anderson Creek Transfer Facility project – D.S. Simmons, Inc.

J. Property damage release for damage to fence at Dunn-Erwin Landfill

K. Request from Library to apply for non-matching planning grant

L. Request from Emergency Services to accept grant for animal sheltering program

M. Request from Emergency Services to accept grant for VIPER communications equipment

N. Request from EMS to award bid for two new ambulances

O. Request from Sheriff’s Dept. to accept additional grant funds from Criminal Justice

Partnership Program

All consent agenda items have been reviewed by the county manager and are recommended for approval by the Board.

5. Period of up to 30 minutes for informal comments allowing 3 minutes for each presentation

Gary Ross, Forest Ridge Subdivision, expressed his concerns regarding issues

associated with Forest Ridge Subdivision.

6. Appointments

Harnett County Board of Adjustment – Andrew S. Ruhland

Airport Committee – Gene Batten

Harnett County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council – Gil Wise

Industrial Facilities & Pollution Control Financing Authority – Robert Doberstein

Board of Health – Herman Medlin, Sherrie Byrd, Dr. Hubert Warren

CCCC Harnett County Advisory Committee – Addie McLean, Brenda Moody,

Truett Underhill

7. Request for authorization to use sole source purchasing option to upgrade Audio Log

Communications Recording System – Clint Williams, E-911 Operations Administrator

Board authorized use of sole source purchasing option as requested.

8. Request for authorization to submit grant application for 2008 NC Housing Finance Agency

Urgent Repair Program – Barry Blevins, Central Permitting & Community Development


Board authorized submission of grant application as requested.

9. County Manager’s report – Neil Emory, County Manager

- Board appointed William Hayes and Margaret Hudson as Local Firemen’s Relief

Fund Trustees for Benhaven Emergency Services.

- Board agreed to help Triton students who are going to China to pay for airline

tickets up front when parents pay half the cost, then county will be reimbursed.

- Closing of Kipling railroad crossing has been delayed.

- New detention center project continues on schedule.

- River Park project is also proceeding.

10. Closed session to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or

other businesses in Harnett County.

11. New Business

12. Adjournment: 10:10 a.m.