Name: ______Date: ______Class: ______

Modeling Eclipses- Inquiry 6.2

Standard ES1A- Describe an eclipse of the Moon and/or an eclipse of the Sun in terms of the relative positions of the Earth, Sun, and the Moon. Compare the causes of the phases of the Moon with the causes of an eclipse of the Moon.

Purpose: There are 13 New Moons a year, but there are usually only Two Solar Eclipses a year. There are 13 Full Moons a year, but there are usually only Two Lunar Eclipses a year. Use the model to explain why?

Lab investigation:

q  Use the diagrams of the Earth, Moon, and Sun Model to record your observations of the lab activities.

q  Label the number of months between box A, B, C, D on the space provided.

q  Label the New Moon and Full Moon for A, B, C, D.

Reflection Questions: (Use the evidence from the experiment to answer the following questions)

·  About how often do lunar and solar eclipses occur each year?


·  Why don’t solar and lunar eclipses occur every month?


Use these tables to answer the following questions

Solar and Lunar Eclipse 2002 / Solar and Lunar Eclipse 2003 / Solar and Lunar Eclipse 2004
Date / Type of Eclipse / Description / Date / Type of Eclipse / Description / Date / Type of Eclipse / Description
May 26 / Lunar / Penumbral / May 16 / Lunar / Total / Apr 19 / Solar / Partial
June 10 / Solar / Annular / May 31 / Solar / Annular / May 4 / Lunar / Total
Nov 20 / Lunar / Penumbral / Nov 8-9 / Lunar / Total / Oct 14 / Solar / Partial
Dec 4 / Solar / Total / Nov 23 / Solar / Total / Oct 28 / Lunar / Total

·  What is the pattern to when eclipses occur?


How does your own evidence from this lab confirm or conflict with this information?


·  Describe an eclipse of the Moon in terms of the relative positions of the Earth, Sun, and Moon.

·  ______

·  Describe an eclipse of the Sun in terms of the relative positions of the Earth, Sun, and Moon.

·  ______

·  Compare the causes of the phases of the Moon with the causes of an eclipse of the Moon.

·  ______