#First Choice


Ready to Work for You

Tamie Sullivan is an innovative, inclusive leader. She will infuse fresh, practical ideas and good government to Cincinnati City Council.

At her core, Tamie Sullivan values inclusion and equity. She is committed to listening to many voices and serving ALL residents and families with common sense solutions. Sullivan knows that although Cincinnati is made up of 52 unique neighborhoods, we are one community.

New Leadership, Fresh Ideas

Sullivan’s priorities on council will be to address difficult issues:

  • The opiate epidemic
  • Poverty and economic inclusion

She will also focus on

  • Basic services
  • Fiscal responsibility
  • Transportation to connect people to jobs
  • Neighborhood revitalization

A Proven Leader

Sullivan’s wide array of professional experience includes:

  • Navigating government effectively.
  • Advocating for business and job-creating priorities.
  • Managing non-profits for impactful outcomes.

Above all, Sullivan has a proven track record for entrepreneurial thinking and a reputation for getting things done.

As a small business owner, Sullivan knows that you must perform, or you fail. Success is being able to communicate strategy and provide customer service, while holding to a budget and timeline. Sullivan chose to run for City Council because she can infuse these needed skills into our city’s leadership.

Cincinnati Born and Raised

Sullivan is a Cincinnati native who takes pride in our city as a great place to live, work, play and do business. Now is the time to build on Cincinnati’s forward momentum and economic opportunity to include all city neighborhoods and find solutions to lift families out of poverty.


Through Tamie Sullivan’s years spent working to prevent drug abuse, mentoring and empowering young women to be their best selves, running her small business, or being a mom, Sullivan is a servant leader who knows we will be stronger if we move forward together as One Community, #OneCincinnati.

Additional Background

Sullivan has been integral in the creation of many special projects that have had a sustained impact on the Cincinnati community, including the Coalition for a Drug-Free Greater Cincinnati(now Prevention FIRST), theSt. Vincent de Paul Charitable Pharmacy, development of the BRIDGES Hispanic Awareness Campaign and Cincinnati Works Next Step program to benefit young adults aging out of foster care. Just last year, she founded Girls with Pearls, Cincinnati, to foster leadership and empower girls living in impoverished neighborhoods to plan for a brighter future through education, personal responsibility, and exposure to opportunity.

Sullivan is a graduate of Leadership Cincinnati Class XXX.The Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber named her a WE Celebrate finalist for Woman of the Year – Entrepreneur in 2012.

Prior to starting her own company, Sullivan was the first executive director of the Coalition for a Drug-Free Greater Cincinnati,founded in 1996 by Senator Rob Portman with Ohio First Lady Emeritus Hope Taft, Rev. Dr. Damon Lynch, Jr. and John Pepper.She served as assistant vice president for PRIDE -- the National Parents' Resource Institute for Drug Education.Sullivan also worked to prevent drug use and improve the lives of the addicted as public information officer for the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services.Her diverse background also includes positions held at the Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce and CET in Cincinnati.

Sullivan is currently a member of the Lighthouse Youth Services Board of Trustees, the St. Vincent de Paul Advisory Board, the Bridges of Faith Trialogue, the Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board, andthe Prevention FIRST! AdvisoryBoard. SullivanForCincinnati.com