Name______Per_____Date______Anatomy & Physiology




COW eye

  • Examine the surface of the EYE. Make 3 observations.




  • List 2 observations about the lens.



  • Describe the surface of the tapetum.


ACTIVITY 1: Blind Spot

  • D7 Record the distance at which the DOT disappears. ______
  • D8 Record the distance at which the X disappears. ______

ACTIVITY 2: Near Point of Accommodation

  • D9 Distance from RIGHT eye to straight pin (needle/metal pointer). ______
  • D10 Distance from LEFT eye to straight pin (needle/metal pointer). ______

ACTIVITY 3: Astigmatism

  • D11Is astigmatism present in your LEFT eye?______
  • D12Is astigmatism present in your RIGHT eye? ______

Part IV: QUESTIONS (2 points each)

  1. Why is the cornea cloudy?

2.How does pupil size differ in dim light and bright light?

3.What gives the eyeball its round shape?

4.If it was possible for you to look through the lens, who would everything appear?

5.How is the lens of the eye similar to a magnifying glass?

6.Where is the retina attached to the back of the eye?

7.What is the function of the optic nerve?

8.What is the tapetum? How does it assist night vision?

9.Do we have a tapetum on the back of our eye?

10.What animals, besides the cow, have a tapetum?

Match the following structure of the cow eye with their function and/or description. (1 point each)

  1. Ciliary body

B. Iris

C. Lens

D. Pupil

E. Retina

F. Sclera

G. Tapetum

11._____ contains the photoreceptors for vision

12._____ the colored portion of the eye

13._____ this structure changes shape to focus light on the retina

14._____ the opening in the iris through with light passes

15._____ the iridescent portion of the choroid layer found in nocturnal animals

16._____ consists of muscles, which control and shape the lens

17._____ the white of the eye

18. Define refraction. (2 pts)

19.How does an eye LENS change its refractive strength?(3 pts)

Why is this necessary?

20.Define accommodation. (2 pts)

21.What 3 conditions cause visual problems? (3 pts)




22.Define the following: (5 pts)

•Emmetropic eyes





23.How does near point of accommodation differ with age? (2 pts)

CONCLUSION: On a separate sheet of paper, write a 3 paragraph reflection ESSAY summarizing what you did and what you learned about the eye and how it works. (24 points)

Description / No attempt (1) / Emerging (2) / Target (3) / Excellent (4)
Paragraph 1: Introduce our dissection.
What did we dissect? Why did we dissect this? Conclude with a thesis statement that introduces the theme of “structure fits function”.
Paragraph 2:Research and briefly describe how a camera works. Be sure to address the following structures:
1.Lens (outer and inner lenses)
2.Aperture and Shutter
Paragraph 3: Compare the function of the following eye structures to the structures found in the camera and their functions.
Paragraph 4: Describe the path that light takes through the eye to eventually form a signal that our brain interprets as an image.
Paragraph 5: A major theme in life science is the idea that the structures in living organisms fit their function. Refer to the terms: transparent, translucent, and opaque when addressing the following terms.
1.How is the structure or shape of the lens well-suited to its job?.
2.How are the aqueous humor and the vitreous fluid suited to their jobs?
Paragraph 6: What did you learn from this dissection? Did you learn anything from this dissection that you would not have been able to learn from just looking at a diagram? Explain your response. Did you enjoy the cow eye dissection? Why or why not?