Inventions 1Brigita Ornik

1. Match the words (1-6) with descriptions (a-f). Write a - f in the boxes below. Use anonline dictionary if you need help.

1) an invention / a) create something new
2) an inventor / b) to find out information that was not previously known
3) to invent / c) the process or act of finding something or somebody
4) a discovery / d) a thing that somebody has created, especially a device or process
5) to discover / e) somebody who travels to distant unknown places to find out more about them
6) an explorer / f) somebody who invents something

The answers:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

2. Discuss in pairs:What is the difference between INVENTION and DISCOVERY?

3. Inventors / Inventions KWL Worksheet. Fill in the chart.

What I Know / W
What I Want To Learn / L
What I Have Learned

Choose the letter from the alphabet. Click on it and read. Write in column L what you've learnt about the inventor and his/her invention

Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4

4. What about Slovenian inventors? In pairs name some of them.

Slovenian inventors are:
  • ………………………………….
  • ………………………………….
  • …………………………………..
  • …………………………………..
  • ………………………………….
/ They invented:

You can check your answers here:

5. These are some famous past inventions. Label the pictures.

1.______/ 2.______/ 3.______
4.______/ 5.______/ 6.______

Click on the picture and check on the internet page.


Who are the inventors? When did they invent the things?


6. Let's look how modern inventions work.

Can microwavesbe dangerous?

Has your I Phone ever shattered?

Can we unlock the car door with the cell phone?

Click on the words to see what can/can't happen?

Which of the ideas above do you find the craziest? Why?

Inventions 2Brigita Ornik

1. Work in pairs. Quizzes, Quizzes.

You've already found/learned more about inventions/inventors.

Test what you know.Choose ONE link only.

  • Quiz with six questions to answer.
  • Quiz with nine questions.(Izberi odgovor, klikni submit, počakaj na rešitev, klikni na next question, na koncu klikni na score)
  • Quiz from Discovery Channel. (9 questions)

2. Work in pairs. Story about PENICILIN

The text about penicilinis mixed up. Try to put it in order.

Click A, B or C to find the beginning. Then find what comes next. Click A, B or C.

3. Work in pairs. A) Name top world’s 10 inventions.

Telephone, … Now click here to check your answers.

B) What about future inventions? Choose ONE future invention from the website.

Say what you think about it? I think it will ……; I don’t think it will……; Maybe it will….


Now decide on your project work. Choose a topic:

  • Quiz
  • Mixed sentences
  • Our inventions
  • Me and inventions
  • My inventions
  • Our/My top 5 useful inventions
  • My future invention
  • I / We Can Live Without Inventions!
  • …………………………………………………..

Oblike: plakat, wordov dokument, Power Point, ….

Načrtuj delo:

Kaj? Kako? (oblika)Kdaj?

Zadnjo uro v tem tednu je izdelek končan.

Pomembno je besedilo v angleščini, nato slikovni material - slike v formatu JPG.

Izvedbo projekta je omogočilo sofinanciranje Evropskega socialnega sklada Evropske unije in Ministrstva za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo.

InventionsBrigita Ornik

Dictionary. Matching.

The answers:

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
D / F / A / C / B / E

What is the differnece between INVENTION and DISCOVERY?

Discovery is 4C. Invention is 1D

What I Know; What I Want To Learn; What I Have Learned;

Odgovori posameznih učencev so različni.

What about Slovenian inventors.

Slovenian inventors are:
Jurij Vega
Janez Puhar
Friderik Pregel
Janez Puh
Albin Belar / They invented:
Photography on a glass board
Improve Lieblig’s organic microanalysis methodology
First bike, driving engine, own car
Pocket radio receivers

These are some famous past inventions. Lable the pictures.

Ferdinand Porsche1936 / 2. jeans
Oscar Levi Strauss1850s / 3. Coca-cola
John Pemberton1886
John Walker1826 / game
Nolan Bushnell 1972 / 6.Ketchup
Henry Heinz1876

Let's look how modern inventions work?

Odgovori posameznih učencev so različni.

Izvedbo projekta je omogočilo sofinanciranje Evropskega socialnega sklada Evropske unije in Ministrstva za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo.

InventionsBrigita Ornik

Quizzes, Quizzes.

Six questions: 1f, 2a, 3 aspirin, 4f, 5c, 6b

Nine questions:

1.J. S. Pemberton, 2.A. G. Bell, 3.Wright, 4. L. H. Baekland, 5.Autometic Telegraphy-electric lamp-cement, 6. D. Engelbart, 7.I. Singer, 8. Daimler, 9. J. Fromm

Discovery Channel:

1B, 2D, 3C, 4A, 5D, 6A, 7B, 8D, 9B, 10C

Story about PENICILIN?

Ko rešiš nalogo,imaš celo besedilo pred seboj.

A)Top ten inventions: on internet B)Top future inventions: on internet

Izvedbo projekta je omogočilo sofinanciranje Evropskega socialnega sklada Evropske unije in Ministrstva za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo.