DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 20th April 2016
Main Hall, MS Centre, Church Lane, West Parley.
Present: Councillors: John Cullen (Chairman); Diana Penwill (Vice); David Allen; Kay Bundy; John Dinsdale;
Jonathan Heath; Barbara Manuel (District Cllr);
In attendance: District & County Cllr Wilson; County Cllr Smith; Linda Leeding (Clerk) & 1 member of the Public
The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting and were accepted as an accurate record. (Pages 11172 to 11174)
4. MARC THOMPSON – C&EDDC Health & Activity Ranger
Councillors received information regarding the incentive to get people active every day, through events like cycle rides, health
walks, Buggy Walks and the outdoor fitness session which West Parley is hosting 3 x 6 weeks courses from May – July at just £1
per session. Marc announced that West Parley’s Health Walk is one of the most successful with 262 walkers regularly taking part.
They would like to try a Buggy Walk from Glenmoor Road but would be reliant on finding a leader. They also offer accessible
cycling at Moors Valley for weekdays, with 2 free sessions currently. Funding is due to cease at the end of 2016.
The meeting was adjourned at 19.49 Hrs for County & District Councillor briefings and reconvened at 20.15 Hrs.
The report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Reference was made to Recreation Bookings, Highways issues, Service Roads safety, Gorseland Court parking, signs, pest control visit and the PSPO to be reviewed by District Council on Thursday 21st April.
The Chairman introduced Mary Court, who would like to join the Parish Council. Mary has lived in West Parley since 1997 and has volunteered for the British Horse Association for 3 years and is also a festival maker at large Dorset events. Mary wants to contribute to the Council’s work in improving West Parley.The Chairman asked Councillors to vote on the motion for Mary to join the Council and it was passed with a unanimous vote. Mary completed the paperwork for the Clerk and joined Councillors at the table. Cllr Cullen thanked Cllr Court for joining the Parish Council.
The Clerk briefed Cllrs on the document, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, with key spends being on corporate expenses, additional litter bins & floral displays. There is £6500 outstanding at year end, which will be carried forward to help improvements within the Children’s Playground and village signage. This again supports the Council’s decision not increase the precept for the fourth consecutive year. The motion to accept the accounts was approved with a unanimous vote.
The Clerk briefed Cllrs on the document, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, and still forms part of the fixed 5 year arrangement. The motion to accept the document was approved with a unanimous vote.
The Chairman explained the consultation was part of a government review, following the merger of partnerships to make 1 planning department. Cllrs felt there was no need to respond to the consultation.
12. DONATION – Sting in the Tale Story Telling Festival
The Clerk explained that the Council has previously supported the festival and has hosted 2 events each year for the last few years. It is usually 1 indoor event and another Woodland Walk through Parley Woods. In previous years, several events were run on each day, however this year they are holding 1 event each day to make them well attended. Last year’s donation was £250 which means the costs to attendees can be kept low and Cllrs passed a motion to donate £300 to this year’s event.
The document had been circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting and Cllrs were invited to ask questions. The motion to accept the Petition Policy was passed with a unanimous vote.
The document had been circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting and Cllrs were invited to ask questions. The motion to accept the Petition Policy was passed with a unanimous vote.
The document was circulated prior to the meeting and Cllrs invited to comment prior to authorisation. Unanimously approved and Cllrs were reminded with the end of the financial year looming, outstanding spends need to be submitted.
2342 / MS Society / £35.00 / Room Hire (Apr)2343 / War on Waste / £66.00 / Dog Bins (Mar)
2344 / Linda Leeding / £753.83 / Salary less Pension conts & NI
2345 / Dorset County Council Pension Fund - Fund Account / £211.64 / Clerk's Pension ee £44.58 & er £167.06
2346 / Linda Leeding / £28.65 / Clerk's Expenses (mileage, stationery etc)
2347 / Eco Sustainable Solutions / £598.80 / Playground chip for informal play area
2348 / The Fencing Store / £368.64 / Edging for informal play area
2335 / Malcolm Plascott / £26.88 / Printer cartridges and laminating pouches
2336 / John Dinsdale / £19.50 / Reimbursement for fixings for the new Informal play area
2337 / John Cullen / £97.74 / Reimbursement for APM displays, paint for planters, heritage presentation.
total / £2,206.68
Bank Account Balance End Feb / £41,518.15
Less Community Fund / £14,204.44
Less Outstanding Cheques / £3,481.43
Less Ringfenced Funds / £15,000.00
The Chairman talked through the recent refusals permissions made by EDDC and Council reviewed the following application:
Ref: 3/15/1305/HOU 7 Hadrian Close, West Parley
Amend first floor rear window to French doors with juliette balcony
Cllrs discussed the application and object on the grounds of overlooking, with 1 abstention.
Ref: 3/16/0124/OUT South Villa, 39 Dudsbury Road, West Parley
Demolition of the existing buildings and the erection of 11 flats with associate access and parking
West Parley Parish Council discussed the application and wishes to strongly object as the proposed development is completely out of Character with other properties on the road, which are private houses with large surrounding gardens. The building would cause overlooking to neighbouring properties, has insufficient parking which would cause on road parking (near to a bend) and no visitor parking. It is generally unneighbourly and overdevelopment of the plot.
Ref: 3/16/0144/HOU 90 Dudsbury Road, West Parley
Erect single storey rear extension
Cllrs discussed the application and offer no objection to the proposals, with 1 abstention.
Ref: 3/16/0075/FUL 147A New Road, West Parley
Retention of shipping container for continued use as office and shop storage
West Parley Parish Council has tolerated the presence of the container for a long time based on it being a temporary measure. It forces vehicles to park in Elm Tree Walk which impacts residents and is unneighbourly. The Parish Council objects to the proposed application.
16. MEDIA ISSUES: News for April
Councillors agreed the following subjects: Rugby 7s & Traveller Awareness Note, Parley Wood, Exercise classes, PSPO (if approved) & Queen’s 90th.
The Chairman explained that since the last meeting, the Steering Committee were asked to propose a structure and Council is meeting with sports sections to discuss matters (but not provide advice) tomorrow, along with Phil Old from Hurn Sports Club. A consensus of the way ahead is needed and the Club must be run independently and seek independent legal advice. Cllrs asked if subsequent communication had been sent to Management Committee regarding breaches and asked Clerk to progress.
Cllr Allen explained this is a collaboration between Parley Rotary and WPPC, to be held on 12th June at the Memorial Hall and Recreation Ground. Meetings are scheduled to discuss activities. Approaching St John’s Ambulance, WI (for refreshments), stables for pony rides. It is hoped that residents bring picnics to ensure and some food & cakes to be provided. Cllrs passed a motion to donate £500 Community Fund to the event.
19. APM
The Chairman explained the format for the meeting, with displays at the back of the room (to include a full size copy of the village sign) and refreshments provided by WP WI. Cllrs were reminded to arrive prior to 7pm. Clerk producing name plates and badges.
Cllr Dinsdale confirmed 2 dead oaks had been felled and need replacing in Autumn. Overhanging branches to be cut back by contractors to raise height for cyclists and horse riders. Received 3 quotes to undertake the summer planting of the many planters and troughs around the village. It was agreed to progress with Dutch Touch Designs who have provided the watering contract for the last 2 years. Planting will be end of May (after Rugby tournament) and will be Red, White and Blue for the Queen’s birthday and the Olympics. The Volunteers will empty the planters prior to this. The informal play area has been constructed at a minimal cost due to recycling natural products and is being enjoyed by our younger residents. Thank you to be sent to Mr Dampney at Eco for assisting with the cost of the playground chip. Additional mini boardwalks still to be installed. The Garden Competitions are ready to be launched and a response awaited from Wyevale with regard to donations for the prizes. A donation of £100 to the WP Residents Association was requested to purchase an additional chainsaw, with was approved by Councillors.
Cllr Manuel explained that 2 days of Grounds Maintenance meetings evidenced the difficulty caused by Towns and Parishes putting in posts / planters on verges, making the verge tricky to cut with the ride on mower.
Cllr Bundy attended the April coffee morning at the Club, in line with previous suggestions for a Councillor / Clerk to attend on the first Wednesday of the month in order to meet with residents and get their faces known and answer questions. Main concerns were parking in Oaklands Walk, Gallows Drive and the speed of traffic using Elm Tree Walk & Chine Walk as a cut through due to the queues resulting at Parley Cross from the Spur Road roadworks and Kinson road improvements. Over hanging hedges were also a cause for complaints on Church Lane and especially the hedges along New Road at the rear of the properties in Winnards Close. Clerk asked to write to ask for hedges to be cut back to boundary line to alleviate restriction on pavements.
Cllr Penwill said that the date given for the Springers for the playground was week commencing 2nd May and suggestion that 5mph signs are put up in the Parish Council car park due to speeding vehicles (and following DCC advice) and also reminded Council about adding white lines to the ramps and at the entrance to the playground (as cars parking obstruct the entrance). Clerk to ask Rotary if any contacts, if not to contact local contractors for quote. The flooding is still bad in the Wood, on the playing fields and in Stocks Farm fields which is believed to be caused by blocked ditches further along. Cllr Cullen is meeting with EDDC Ranger Jonathan Smith to walk the ditches to identify cause and provide remedy.
The date of the next meeting was set as Wednesday 18th May 2016 at 19:30 hrs (7.30pm) at the Main Hall, MS Centre, Church Lane, West Parley. There being no further business the meeting closed at 22.16 hrs.