Welcome to JeffersonLincolnSchool
Welcome from all of us at JeffersonLincolnSchool. We are very happy to have you as part of our school family. Our school is dedicated to the task of giving each child the best education possible and to help them to recognize the potential each has within themselves.
This handbook will help answer a few questions about our school, but it is by no means complete. If you have concerns or questions please call and talk to us about them. If a phone call will not do, then a conference would be welcome.
Mission Statement
The mission of the CentraliaSchool District
is to ensure each student
learns the essential skills necessary to be a
responsible productive citizen,
effective communicator, creative problem solver,
and life-long learner
through performance-based, quality schools
which recognize and encourage
the uniqueness, aspirations, and potential
of each individual.
JeffersonLincoln Elementary
Mission Statement
The mission of Jefferson Lincoln Elementary
is to provide a positive learning community
in which each student learns essential skills
to maximize individual potential.
We will respect diversity
and provide programs
and services
which emphasize high expectations
for behavior and academic performance
in partnership
with students, parents, staff and community
Sue BeckKindergarten
Sarah QualiaKindergarten
Coleen BridgesKindergarten
Crystal SheetsKindergarten
Nicki LunaKindergarten
Cherie Manke1st Grade
Trisha Douay1st Grade
Tiffany Kennedy1st Grade
Joy Rakes1st Grade
Suzanne Heap1st Grade
Shawn Peters1st Grade
Jenny Ashmore2nd Grade
Rachel Woods2nd Grade
Wendy Gates2nd Grade
Patricia Szramek2nd Grade
Michelle Hewitt3rd Grade
Ali Isaacson3rd Grade
Jamie Joner3rd Grade
Hilary Gochner3rd Grade
Charity LaytonInstructional Facilitator
Perry WinklePE
America SmithESL
Trisha ByrnePreschool
Linda MinorMusic
Jane KingDK/Resource Room
David EackerPrincipal
Lori TaylorSecretary
Krystie FisherOffice/Health Room
Dave HarveySpeech
Merran MahoneyCounselor
Jen HalsteadPara Educator
Shawn MerrymanPara Educator
Susan Holmgren ParaEducator/Volunteers
Karen DanielsonPara Educator
Sharon PricePara Educator
Debora FairclothPara Educator
Linda SteelPreschool Assistant
JoAnne HenryPara Educator/Sped
Jaye RobertsPara Educator/ELL/Sped
Beth DeHavenLibrarian
Peggy FloydNurse
John SawyerCustodian
Heather SlusherCustodian
Daily Schedule
Teachers on Duty7:55AM Preschool
Student Arrival 7:55PM Preschool
First Bell8:10
Bell end of Recess8:15
Class Begins8:21
K Lunch/Recess10:55-11:35
1st Lunch/Recess11:10-11:45
2nd Lunch/Recess11:25-12:00
3rd Lunch/Recess11:40-12:15
Teacher Day Ends3:25
Office Hours
Doors open7:55-3:30
Reach us by phone7:30-4:00
Jefferson Lincoln Discipline Plan
Expectations and Rules for Student Conduct
Jefferson Lincoln Elementary
The school board has set forth rules and expectations addressing student safety and security. Much like the rules that govern our cities, violations of these rules carry penalties, fines, consequences, and etc. that are prescribed by law. The purpose of penalties under these Federal, State, and Local laws is to ensure an orderly and safe society.
The Board of Education sets the standards for safety and security and has set penalties for violation of these standards. These standards address the safety and security of both children and school staff. They are not set up for interpretation at the local school level, just as the laws for our city, state, and/or county statutes are not set up for interpretation or revision by local school administrators.
In accordance with student procedural and substantive Due process Rule Chapter 180-40 WAC, these are Conduct Rules that violation of, by students, could result in discipline and/or punishment.
- Insubordination to adults on the school premises.
- Profanity directed toward an adult on the school premises.
- Profanity, slander, harassment, indecent gestures toward an adult employee of the school on or off the school premises.
- Physical damage done to an employee's personal property on or off the school premises.
- Any threats or attacks on any adult on the school premises.
- Any threat or attack on any school employee on or off the school premises.
- Destruction or damaging of school property.
- Acts which may lead to injury of the student or other students.
- Continued use of profanity or indecent gestures toward other students
- Any type of indecent behavior.
- Any continued violation of established school or classroom rules.
- Theft of school or personal property.
13.Truancy from school
Consequences for students involved in any of the proceeding behaviors will be subject to suspension, expulsion, and/or turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
Adults involved in any of the proceeding behaviors will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
All district rules related to safety and security are in effect at all times at the local school level
Rules and expectations covered in this section are designed to meet the following goals:
- Maintain an orderly school operation.
- Maintain optimal learning opportunities for students. School facilities and classrooms must be free of behaviors that interfere with teaching and learning.
- Help students develop skills and behaviors necessary for healthy social interaction, both present and future.
- Help students learn how their decisions affect the quality of their lives and others.
- Help students develop responsibility and character.
- Treat others with the same respect you are treated with by the adults in this school.
- Your actions, possessions, dress, etc. may not cause a problem for anyone else.
Problem actions include, but are not limited to:
Inappropriate language
Leaving school without permission
Problems related to possessions include, but are not limited to:
Controlled substances
Electronic games, toys, etc.
Toys from home
Problems related to dress include, but are not limited to:
Tank tops (2-inch strap minimum)
Bare midriffs
Short shorts / skirts
Undergarments not covered by clothing
Clothing depicting drugs, alcohol, tobacco
Clothing with inappropriate pictures or words
Attire defined as gang-related by the Centralia Police
Sagging or baggy pants (should be worn at waist level)
Pant legs dragging on the ground
Attire creating an unnecessary disruption to learning
“Flip Flops” pose a safety hazard on the playground and in PE
- If your actions, dress, or possessions cause a problem for anyone else, you will be asked to solve that problem.
- If you cannot solve the problem, or choose not to, staff members will impose upon you an appropriate consequence. These consequences will depend upon the situation and the person or persons involved. Staff members will use their best judgment based upon the information they have at the time.
- If students and/or parents feel that the consequences are unfair, they should request a “due process” hearing.
A due process hearing does not need to be formal in nature. It is simply a time for concerned individuals to meet together and share information related to the situation in question.
In the event that this discussion provides additional information that sheds different light on the situation, or shows the consequences to be unfair, the consequences may be changed or eliminated to better fit the unique situation.
Each student is a unique individual with unique personal, social, and educational needs. As a result, every disciplinary situation becomes unique in nature. Consequences for misbehavior provide the best learning value when matched to the unique student and the unique situation. The odds for children learning from their mistakes increase dramatically when children see a reasonable connection between their behavior and the resulting consequences.
The Jefferson Lincoln staff dedicates itself to following a set of core beliefs which provides a guide for dealing with student discipline. These core beliefs guide our attempts to individualize disciplinary procedures and to help students see reasonable connections between their behavior and the resulting consequences.
Since these core beliefs provide the guiding light for our professional decisions, the staff encourages parents to bring concerns and questions to us in the event we operate in ways that appear to be inconsistent with these core beliefs.
The following list of core beliefs outlines the professional actions and attitudes of all staff members in this school.
- Every attempt will be made to maintain the dignity and self-respect of both the student and the teacher.
- Students will be guided and expected to solve their problems, or the ones they create, without creating problems for anyone else.
- Students will be given opportunities to make decisions and live with the consequences, be they good or bad.
- Misbehavior will be handled with natural consequences instead of punishment, whenever possible.
- Misbehavior will be viewed as an opportunity for individual problem solving and preparation for the real world as opposed to a personal attack on school or staff.
- Students will be given the opportunity to do most of the thinking during disciplinary situations.
- School problems will be handled by school personnel. Criminal activity will be referred to the proper authorities.
Jefferson Lincoln Elementary
Three-way Pledge/Compact 2014-2015
I understand the importance of the school experience to every student and my role as a teacher and model. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:
I will teach grade level skills and concepts.
I will teach all of the necessary concepts to your child before regular homework is assigned.
I will strive to address the individual needs of your child.
I will regularly communicate with you regarding your child’s progress.
Teacher’s signature ______Date ______
I realize that my education is important to me. It helps me develop the tools I need to become a happy and productive person. I also understand my parent(s) want to help me do my very best in school. I know I am the one responsible for my own success, and that I must work hard to achieve it. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my ability:
I will get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy diet.
I will get to class on time every day.
I will ask for help when needed.
I will return completed homework on time.
I will be responsible for my own behavior.
I will be a cooperative learner.
I will learn and follow the school rules.
Student’s signature ______Date ______
I realize that my child’s school years are very important, and I understand that my participation in my child’s education will help his or her achievement and attitude. Therefore, I agree to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of my abilities:
I will provide a quiet place and time for my child to study.
I will encourage my child to complete his/her homework.
I will make sure my child gets an adequate night’s sleep and a healthy diet.
I will see to it that my child arrives at school on time every day.
I will encourage my child to engage in reading activities for at least 20 minutes per day.
I will attend Parent Conferences (or reschedule with the teacher).
I will support the school district’s homework, discipline, and attendance policies.
I will communicate with the teacher when I have concerns about my child.
I have read and understand the Jefferson Lincoln Core Beliefs
Parent/Guardian’s signature ______Date ______
According to School Board Policy #4315 “Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises” it is a violation of district policy and state law for any person to carry a firearm or dangerous weapon on school premises, school-provided transportation, or other areas of other facilities being used exclusively for school activities. This policy requires all school officials to notify a student’s parents or guardians and appropriate law enforcement agencies when a known or suspected violation of this policy occurs. Students who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline, including a one-year expulsion for a violation involving a firearm. However, the superintendent may modify the one-year expulsion on a case-by-case basis. A complete copy of this policy is available upon request in school and district offices.
We would like to ask that parents and visitors enter the school at the Summa Street entrance (by the office) so that they can be signed in and issued a security pass. We care about the safety of all students, so we request that all visitors wear a security pass while in the building. Anyone not wearing a pass will be asked to go the office and check in. School visits and/or volunteer time must be pre-approved and background checks completed prior to the day(s) of the request.
Teachers use classroom volunteers at various times during the year for help with special projects, classroom parties and field trips. If you are interested in volunteering on a more regular basis please contact your child's teacher or our volunteer coordinator, Susie Holmgren. Those people who wish to volunteer at Jefferson Lincoln will be required to complete a registration packet, which includes disclosure statements and a Washington State Patrol background check. The packet can be picked up from Mrs. Holmgren. Volunteers are asked to "sign-in" on the sheet in the office before going to the classroom.
In the event of bad weather, the following radio stations will carry school closure news: KITI, KELA-AM, and KELA -FM. If you do not hear a notice, school will open as usual. Under certain weather conditions, school will open one hour late. Only under severe conditions will school be closed.
Jefferson Lincoln elementary students will be dismissed at 12:20 PM on the early dismissal days. During conference weeks, dismissal will occur at 12:00PM daily.
Teachers celebrate birthdays in different ways. If you are interested in planning a celebration for your child, please contact your child’s teacher directly. If you choose to bring treats to school, they must be store bought. Homemade treats, while they are special, do not meet health code standards and are not legal to serve in schools.
Daily we have children who become ill at school. The normal procedure is for us to call home and have the parent come to school and pick up their child. If you are a working parent or have a trip planned for the day please let the school office know who will care for your child until you return.
A box containing lost articles is kept at school. Please feel free to come and check the box for your missing items.
Students should not arrive on the school’s grounds before 7:55 AM as there is no assigned supervision before that time.
If your child needs to take medication at school please contact our office as soon as possible for the Parent and Doctor Permission Slip we use for dispensing medicine. We cannot give medication without written medical permission. All medication must be kept in the office.
Head lice among school children remains a serious problem across the country. In order to keep the number of cases to a minimum, the CentraliaSchool District has adopted the following policy: Children who have lice and/or nits will not be allowed in school until treated with an appropriate medicated shampoo and all lice and nits have been removed from their hair. THIS POLICY IS VERY STRICT, however the enforcement of it has allowed us to keep the occurrence of head lice among our students to a minimum.
Each student in grade K-12 in the State of Washington must be properly immunized to be allowed in school. All continuing students in the CentraliaSchool district have been properly protected and the information recorded. If you are ever in need of your child’s health record please call the school and we will be happy to assist you.
The accident insurance purchased through the school is from a private company. The school collects the premium and sends the money directly to the company. Due to the nature of the policy it only pays when no other insurance is in force.
Our state legislature, in 1995, passed Truancy Legislation (RCW28A.225) specifying procedures to be followed by school personnel to address unexcused absences by students. In the very simplest form:
1)After one unexcused absence within any month the parent will be notified either in writing or by phone.
2)After two unexcused absences within any month, a conference is held with the parent and student.
3)After 5 unexcused absences in any month, or 10 at any time during the school year, a petition will be filed with Lewis County Juvenile Court.