* No names on supplies please. We will collect all the items the first day of school.

* Please pay particular attention to brand names & sizes listed.


4- boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons

2- boxes of 8 count washable Crayola markers

1- tray of 8 count Crayola watercolor paints

12- sharpened yellow #2 pencils

8- large Elmers glue sticks (22g)

1- 4oz. bottle of glue

1- 1 inch – 3 ring binder in a solid color

1- plain, blue pocket folder

4- sturdy, plain red pocket folders (used daily for parent, teacher, child communication)

You may want to purchase extras to have on hand.

2- large boxes of Puffs or Kleenex facial tissue

3- rolls of Bounty paper towels

BOYS- 1 box large (gallon size) Ziplock bags (with double closure please)

GIRLS- 1 box of sandwich size Ziplock bags (with double closure please)

These bags should NOT be “Slider Top” since the openings are not wide enough.

1- large beach towel for resting

1- small pillow (no larger than 14 x 14)

1- pair of clean tennis shoes for gym class (will be kept in school locker)

1- backpack (minimum size 10” x 12” , NO wheels please)


* No names on supplies please.

* Please pay particular attention to brand names & sizes listed.

***ALL 1st graders will drop off supplies during the Back to School meeting time. Any labeling will be done and ready before the first day of school by the teachers.


3- boxes crayons (24 count only)

3- boxes Crayola broadline, washable markers ( 8 count of primary colors)

4- Elmers small glue sticks (purple then dries clear)

1- pair of Fiskars scissors (5” blunt tip)

1- 4 pack dry-erase markers (blue/red/black/green)

24- sharpened #2 yellow pencils ( no mechanicals allowed)

2- packages of 12 count pencil top erasers

1- pencil sharpener with lid ( 2 hole)

1- small plastic pencil box

2- durable, plastic Red pocket folders with brads

2- composition notebooks

2- packs of 100 count white index cards ( 3 x 5 ruled)

1-pair earbuds for use with iPads/Chromebooks

1- box of sandwich size slider closure baggies

1- box of quart size slider closure baggies

2- large boxes of Puffs or Kleenex facial tissue

2-roll Bounty paper towels

1- pair of clean tennis shoes for gym class ( will be kept in school locker)


* No names on supplies please. Any labeling will be done and ready before the first day of school by the teachers.

* Please pay particular attention to brand names & sizes listed.

***ALL 2nd graders will drop off supplies during the Back to School meeting time.


1- box of 48 count Crayola crayons

1- box 10 count or 12 count Crayola broadline markers (classic colors)

1- box 24 count colored pencils

3- large Elmer’s glue sticks

24- #2 pencils (Dixon Ticonderoga brand)

2- pink erasers

1- Fiskars brand school scissors for kids

1- 4 pack dry-erase markers

1- dry erase eraser

1- durable, plastic Red pocket folders

2- durable, plastic Blue pocket folder

2- composition notebooks

1- pencil pouch or small workbox (8- 5/8” x 5-3/4” x 2-1/2”)

2 – highlighters

2 – red pens

1- pair earbuds for use with iPads/Chromebooks

1- roll Bounty paper towels

1- large box Puffs or Kleenex facial tissue

1 – gallon size Ziploc brand bags (Boys only)

1 – quart size Ziploc brand bags (Girls only)

1- pair clean tennis shoes for gym class (will be kept in school locker)


* No names on supplies please.

* Please pay particular attention to brand names & sizes listed.


1- box 24 count crayons

1- box 8 count Crayola broadline markers

1- box 12 count colored pencils

2- large Elmers glue sticks

1- Fiskars 5” sharp point school scissors

24- sharpened #2 pencils

1- highlighter (Avery Hi-Liter; Bic Brite Liner; Sharpie Accent Highlighter)

2- pink erasers (pink only)

1- pencil case (vinyl w/ zipper & w/ 3 holes)

2- pocket folders in red

1- pocket folder in green

2- 1 subject, wide-rule, spiral notebooks

3- composition notebook

1- large Art box (shoebox size w/ lid)

1- package wide ruled lined paper

1 pack of post it notes

2 - red felt pens (for grading)

1- set multiplication flash cards 0 – 12’s

1- pair earbuds for use with iPads/Chromebooks

2- large boxes Puffs or Kleenex facial tissue

1- pair clean tennis shoes for gym class (will be kept in school locker)

2- rolls of Bounty paper towels (boys only)

1- large container of disinfecting wipes like Clorox or Lysol (girls only)


* No names on supplies please.

* Please pay particular attention to brand names & sizes listed.


1- box 24 count Crayola crayons

1- box 8 count Crayola broadline markers

1- box 12 count colored pencils

2- large Elmer’s glue sticks

1- Fiskars 5” sharp point school scissors

1- protractor

12- sharpened #2 pencils

1-pencil case

2- pink erasers

2-yellow highlighters (Avery Hi-Liter; Bic Brite Liner; Sharpie Accent Highlighter; Sanford Major Accent or Pocket Accent)

4- red pens (for grading)

4- pocket folders in 1-red, 1-blue, 2 in your choice of colors

2-1 subject, 70count, wide-ruled, spiral notebooks in assorted colors

1-3 subject, 120count, wide-ruled, spiral notebook

1-package wide-ruled loose-leaf paper

1- pack 100count 3x5 index cards

2- 100 page composition notebook(1 for science and 1 for social studies)

1- 1 inch, 3 ring binder ( music – will use in 4th & 5th grades)

1- large art box (shoebox size w/ lid)

4- Jumbo size Nylon book covers

1- pair earbuds for use with iPads/Chromebooks

1- roll Bounty paper towels

3- large boxes Puffs or Kleenex facial tissue

2- large container of disinfecting wipes like Clorox or Lysol for art & homeroom

1- pair clean tennis shoes for gym class (will be kept in school locker)


*For grades 5 – 8 must have -

1-Merriam Webster’s Dictionary & Thesaurus ISBN #978-0-87779-863-7 Pub.Date 2014

1-pair clean tennis shoes for gym class (shoes & uniform will be kept in gym locker)

1-gym uniform – ordering done thru gym teacher once school starts

1- combination lock (PE)


1- box 24 count colored pencils

6- red, retractable pens (for grading)

2- highlighters (Avery Hi-Liter; Bic Brite Liner; Sharpie Accent Highlighter; Sanford Major Accent or Pocket Accent)

12- sharpened #2 pencils OR

4- mechanical pencils – have extra lead handy

1- eraser

1- durable nylon pencil case

2- durable plastic folder (1-take home folder & 1-science)

1- pocket folder (language arts)

2-3 subject, wide-rule spiral notebooks (Math- 1 for each half of the school year)

1- 3 subject, wide-ruled spiral notebook -- must have plastic front w/ pocket folder dividers (language arts)

1- 1 subject, 70count, wide-ruled, spiral notebooks in assorted colors (health & PE)

1-100 sewn in pages composition notebook (science)

1- package wide-ruled, loose-leaf paper (math)

3- packs of 100 count 3x5 index cards (boys only)

1- package Post It durable tabs (red,yellow,blue)

4- large size book covers - May use nylon or paper.

1-pkg wide ruled loose leaf paper

1- pair earbuds for use with iPads/Chromebooks

1- combination lock (PE)

3- large boxes Puffs or Kleenex facial tissue (homeroom)

1- roll Bounty paper towels (art)

1- large container of disinfecting wipes like Clorox or Lysol (art)

1 – large container of disinfecting wipes like Clorox or Lysol (homeroom) (girls only)



1-durable nylon pencil case


6-red, retractable pens(for grading)

12- sharpened #2 pencils OR

4-mechanical pencils – have extra lead handy

1-durable plastic folder (take home folder)

4- large size book covers May use nylon or paper

3- large boxes Puffs or Kleenex facial tissue

1-pair earbuds for use with iPads/Chromebooks

3- packs of 3x5 index cards (boys)

1 – Clorox Wipes (Girls)


2-3 subject, wide-rule spiral notebooks (Math- 1 for each half of the school year)

1-package wide-ruled, loose-leaf paper


1-Merriam Webster’s Dictionary & Thesaurus ISBN #978-0-87779-863-7 Pub.Date 2014

1- 3 subject, wide-ruled spiral notebook -- must have plastic front w/ pocket folder dividers

1-pocket folder

1 – pkg. wide ruled loose leaf paper


1-100 sewn in pages composition notebook

1-package Post-It durable tabs (red,yellow,blue)

1-plastic pocket folder


2-highlighters (Avery Hi-Liter; Bic Brite Liner; Sharpie Accent Highlighter; Sanford Major Accent or Pocket Accent)

1- box 24 count colored pencils


1- 1 subject, 70count, wide-ruled, spiral notebooks (health &PE)

1-pair clean tennis shoes for gym class (shoes & uniform will be kept in gym locker)

1-gym uniform – ordering done thru gym teacher once school starts

1- combination lock (PE)


1-roll Bounty paper towels

1- large container of disinfecting wipes like Clorox or Lysol


*For grades 5 – 8 must have -

1-Merriam Webster’s Dictionary & Thesaurus ISBN #978-0-87779-863-7 Pub.Date 2014

1-pair clean tennis shoes for gym class (shoes & uniform will be kept in gym locker)

1-gym uniform – ordering done thru gym teacher once school starts

1- combination lock (PE)


6- red, retractable pens (for grading)

3- highlighters in multi colors (Avery Hi-Liter; Bic Brite Liner; Sharpie Accent Highlighter; Sanford Major Accent or Pocket Accent)

12- sharpened #2 pencils OR

6- mechanical pencils – have extra lead handy

1- eraser

1- durable nylon pencil case

1- protractor

1- ruler cm/custom

2- plastic pocket folder (1-take home & 1-science)

1-1 subject, 70count, wide-ruled, spiral notebooks in assorted colors (health)

4 - packages wide-ruled, loose-leaf paper (2- math, 1-homeroom, 1- social studies)

2- packages wide rule, loose leaf ,REINFORCED paper ( language arts)

4-100 sewn in pages composition notebooks (2-science & 1-language arts)

4- packs 100 count, brightly colored, 3x5 index cards (language arts)

1- index card box holder or file(language arts)

1-1inch, 3 ring binder (math)

1-1 ½ inch, durable, 3 ring binder (language arts)

2- package Post-It durable tabs in red, yellow & blue (science & language arts)

2- large size book covers. May use nylon or paper.

1- TI-30XS Multi-view Texas Instrument Calculator (math)

1- combination lock (PE)

1- pair earbuds for use with iPads/Chromebooks

2- rolls Bounty paper towels (art & homeroom)

4- large boxes Puffs or Kleenex facial tissue (3 homeroom & 1 art)

2- large container of disinfecting wipes like Clorox or Lysol (art & homeroom)(boys only)

1- 100 count sandwich size Ziploc baggies (girls only)



6-red, retractable pens (for grading)

3-highlighters in multi colors

12- sharpened #2 pencils OR

6-mechanical pencils – have extra lead handy


1-durable nylon pencil case

1-plastic pocket folder (take home folder)

2- large size book covers. May use nylon or paper.

1-Roll Bounty paper towels (art & homeroom)

3- large boxes Puffs or Kleenex facial tissue

1-package wide-ruled, loose-leaf paper

1-pair earbuds for use with iPads/Chromebooks


1-Merriam Webster’s Dictionary & Thesaurus ISBN #978-0-87779-863-7 Pub.Date 2014

1- package Post-It durable tabs in red, yellow & blue

2-100 sewn in pages composition notebooks

4- packs 100 count, brightly colored, 3x5 index cards

1-index card box holder or file

1-1 ½ inch, 3 ring binder

1-package of tab w/ pocket folder dividers (3 tabs for language art)

2- packages wide rule, loose leaf ,REINFORCED paper


2-100 sewn in pages composition notebooks

1-plastic pocket folder


1- package wide-ruled, loose-leaf paper


1-pair clean tennis shoes for gym class (shoes & uniform will be kept in gym locker)

1-gym uniform – ordering done thru gym teacher once school starts

1-1 subject, 70count, wide-ruled, spiral notebook (3RD quarter Health)

1- combination lock (PE)


1-roll Bounty paper towels

1- large boxes Puffs or Kleenex facial tissue

1- large container of disinfecting wipes like Clorox or Lysol



1-ruler cm/custom

1-1inch, 3 ring binder

2 - packages wide-ruled, loose-leaf paper

1- TI-30XS Multi-view Texas Instrument Calculator


*For grades 5 – 8 must have:

1-Merriam Webster’s Dictionary & Thesaurus ISBN #978-0-87779-863-7 Pub.Date 2014

1-pair clean tennis shoes for gym class (shoes & uniform will be kept in gym locker)

1-gym uniform – ordering done thru gym teacher once school starts

1- combination lock (PE)


6- pens in total in red, black and blue

3- highlighters in multi colors (Avery Hi-Liter; Bic Brite Liner; Sharpie Accent Highlighter; Sanford Major Accent or Pocket Accent)

1- box 12 count colored pencils

12- sharpened #2 pencils OR

6- mechanical pencils – have extra lead handy

1- eraser

1- durable nylon pencil case

3- pocket folders (1-social studies, 1-health, 1-religion)

3- plastic folders 1- green-homework & 1-science & 1-literature

3-1 subject, 70count, wide-ruled, spiral notebooks in assorted colors (1-PE, 1-Health,

&1-religion )

1-1 subject spiral notebook with pocket folder (language arts)

1- package wide-ruled, loose-leaf paper (1-math)

2- 100 sewn in pages composition notebooks (science)

5- packs 100count, 3x5 index cards (2 white and 3 brights -language arts)

1-index card box holder or file (language arts)

3- 1inch 3-ring binders (math, religion, language arts)

1- packages wide rule, loose leaf ,REINFORCED paper (language arts)

1- Texas Instruments TI-30xIIs or TI-30xa calculator

4- large size book covers May use nylon or paper.

2 small glue sticks (homeroom)

1- pair earbuds for use with iPads/Chromebooks

3- rolls Bounty paper towels (1- art & 1 –homeroom & 1- science)

2- large boxes Puffs or Kleenex facial tissue (homeroom)

2- large container of disinfecting wipes like Clorox or Lysol (art & science)



6-pens in total in red, black and blue

3-highlighters in multi colors

1-box 12 count colored pencils

12- sharpened #2 pencils OR 6-mechanical pencils – have extra lead handy


1-durable nylon pencil case

1-plastic green folder for homework

4- large size book covers May use nylon or paper.

2- large boxes Puffs or Kleenex facial tissue