Draft Minutes of Dunwich Parish Meeting Annual General Meeting held on Friday 24th April 2015
1. Welcome and apologies for absence:
Present: Electors: S. Strickland (Chairman), G. Abell (Treasurer), A. Abell, D. Blackwell, S. Blackwell,D. Cole, D. Cook, J. Hamilton, P. Labat, S. Labat, E. McCormick, K. Maunder, J. Perry, K. Riches, J. Sharp, M. Sheppard,S. Taylor, B. White, M. White
Visitors: S. Foster, N. Mayo,L. Barrick, B. Slater, M. Gower
Apologies: C. Barnett, J. Cary, C. Clay, L. Clay, H. Cook, V. Donovan, C. Oldham, R. Oldham, C. Palmer, M. Palmer, J. Salusbury, J. Salusbury, J. Zarins
2. Election of Officers of the Parish Meeting for 2015-2016:
Simon Strickland was elected to serve another year as Chairman. Jane Zarins was elected to serve another year as Vice-Chairman. John Cary had withdrawn his nomination to serve as treasurer, leaving a vacancy. The meeting expressed their gratitudeto Geoff Abell, who was relinquishing this role after six years, and who kindly agreed to act temporarily until the role is filled.The role of amenity warden would need to be fulfilled voluntarily on an ad hoc basis.
3. Minutes of the Parish Meeting of 30th January 2015:
Minutes of 30th January were proposed (A. Abell), seconded (M. White) and approved nem.con.
4. Matters arising not otherwise on the agenda:
Work to repair damage from the flood and surge of 2013 has finally been cleared and completed. The meeting thanked Michael Gower for helping to push this through.Therese Coffey MP had written re non-availability of the electoral register stating there was no plan to alter access. Michael Gower wouldfollow this up.
5. Election of a representative to the Dunwich Town Trust:
Mark Whitby was elected as the new Parish Meeting Representative Trustee on the Dunwich Town Trust (proposedby G. Abell, seconded by V. Donovan)
6. Treasurer’s Report
The accounts had been completed. J. Cary had completed an internal audit. Current reserves were £2,597.90. The meeting approved the accounts (proposed by K. Riches, seconded by J. Hamilton) and the Governance Statements (proposed by E. McCormick, seconded by R. Smith). Cheques were approved en bloc (proposed by J. Hamilton, seconded by P. Labat): £55 expenses to G. Abell; £32 Annual Sub; £300+ for Annual Public Liability Insurance; £50 - refundable - to Suffolk County Council for road diversions for the Dunwich Dynamo.
7. Amenity Report:
The Town Trust had granted a 100% grant of £700 to cover the expense of a new information board on the lavatory block in the car park.Anew box for faster broadband had been installed but not connected:it would remain to be seen how effective this would be at the bottom of the village.
Planning was in hand for the Octocentenary Celebration on July 4th to celebrate Dunwich’s receipt of its Charter from King John. Invitations wouldgo out shortly. The Town Trust was being asked to contribute £500 towards entertainment. The WI was also making a contribution. The event would be free for Dunwich residents and their guests. Volunteers in the museum would also be invited. The museum would be open and there would be a short talk by John Prior.Police Report: This year four crimes in Duwnich had been reported, representing a 50% drop.The Dunwich Dynamoprompted discussion about traffic control and parking. Last year’s one way system would be repeated. No decision was made about whether to prevent parking on St James Street. G. Abell agreed to contact the police for advice.PCSO Jamie Newson had advised that the number to call to report suspicious behaviour was 101, and 999 for emergencies. A new free service called Police Connect would make people aware of local crime, accidents and police-related events. Suffolk Coastalwere auditingvillage services and facilities, and were interested in difficulties reaching important services. The chairman would reply.
8. Coastal Defence and Flood Committee Report:
There was nothing to report.
9. Planning Issues:
Retrospective planning permission had been granted for the three new signs at Bridge Farm Cottages, which had been reduced in size.Three new applications for planning consent had been received. “Dunton” - in the woods to the South - sought permission for a new roof.No 2 Church Cottages hadreceived outline permission for a further dwelling in the garden.The fourth house on Duncan’s Field had received planning consent for an extension.
10. Annual Reports:
Dunwich Town Trust: A. Abell presented the accounts and gave a brief resume of Town Trust activities and expenditure for the year which included dealing with reeds dumped in the car park by the surge; improvements to the car park and to housing stock; an open session at the restored Mortuary and plans for an Open Session at Gallows Field on June 5th.Dunwich Jubilee Committee:
Mick Palmer had submitted a short report. The AGM would be held in May. Fun Day was successful in spite of having to cancel the rounders match due to the weather. New bushes and trees had been planted in the field raising the question of whether the fun day could continue to be held there.Dunwich WI:Veronica Donavan had submitted a short report of activities for the year, including the addition of two new members. Christine Palmer would represent the WI at a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace on June 2nd to celebrate 100 years of The WI.PCC St James Church: Katharine Riches presented the annual report for the PCC, which had focused on funding issues connected with installation of a new roof currently under way and to be finished by mid August. A new tree had been planted to replace the felled Monterey pine. Grants from the Heritage Lottery Fund had encouraged more participation with the community, especially younger members; and we were now included in a tourist website called Angels and Pinnacles organised by the Diocese. Greyfriars Trust:Geoff Abell presented a short report on activities, thanking volunteers for their contributions. Contractors would begin work on the east wall in the next six weeks, funded largelyby English Heritage. There would be a dig on site with four trencheson 21st - 27th July led by Cambridge University. Amateur volunteers would be welcome. The AGM would be held at The Reading Room on Friday 1st May at 7 p.m.
Dunwich Museum:Jane Hamilton presented a report on the year in the absence of John Prior. The museum AGM would be held jointly with the Greyfriars Trust on Friday 1stMay. The original 1215 Charter was currently on display together with the even older original seal. An exciting new display upstairs would be installed in the next few weeks about marine and land-based archaeology. The museum was also creating a family archaeology project in the field behind the Reading Room.
11. Reports from District and County Councillors:
Cllr Barry Slater presented a brief report of the year at the District Council. Suffolk Coastal Local Plan was currently stalled by legal action relating to more than one planned development. Recent legislation had reduced the obligation on private contractors to build public housing. The Yoxford Ward had been redistributed,hence Mr Slater would no longer represent the District Council in future. The meeting expressed their appreciation of his outstanding contribution over past years.
Cllr Michael Gower presented a brief report on Suffolk County Council’s activities over the past year. There had been planned improvements to the sea wall in Walberswick which would, in theory, make the northern pinch point more resilient. The new broadband service should extend effectively up to 2 km away from the new box. The VC awarded to Doughty Wiley would be “visiting” Theberton Church. In discussion, Cllr Gower attributedrecent changes in County Council leadership to “personalities”. Darsham station would see a new Car Park with charges but precise details were not yet available.
The next four Parish Meetings would be on the last Friday in each relevant month, hence on:Friday 31st July 2015; Friday 30th October 2015; Friday 29th January 2016; and Friday 29th April 2016.
The meeting closed at 9.15
Signed as a correct record Chairman Date
CHAIRMAN: S. Strickland, Marshside, St James Street, Dunwich, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 3DT.
Tel: 01728 648792. VICE-CHAIRMAN: J. Zarins. ACTING TREASURER: G. Abell.