HEATHWOOD LOWER SCHOOL, Heath Road, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 3AU
www.heathwoodlower.com Telephone: 01525 377096 E-mail:
Headteacher: Mrs Susanne Dove B. Ed (Hons), NPQH
Dear Parents, 14th September 2016
We have arranged several events this half-term as part of our study of the local area. On Friday 23rd September, a member of the Greensand Trust and the Bedfordshire Geology Group will be spending a ‘Sandtastic Day’ with us to help us understand the local geography. We will be visiting a quarry in Heath and Reach to get an idea how the sand industry operates, followed by a visit to a restored quarry at Tiddenfoot Lake. Afterwards we will move on to Stockgrove Country Park where we will have a lunch break followed by a walk to view the two local soil types. We have booked a coach to take us to the different sites. Children will need to bring a packed lunch. They need to wear sensible clothing and must have long trousers and long sleeves (as it will be ‘Jeans for Genes Day’, jeans would be ideal). Children should wear either trainers or walking boots (no open-toed shoes or wellies) together with a waterproof coat if the weather looks uncertain.
Finally, a member of the Bedfordshire Geology Group will be coming into Class 4 on one Monday afternoon to talk about Fossils. She will bring along some geological specimens for the children to look at.
The total cost for these events, together with the Historical Society Activities is £14.00. Don’t forget the local historical walk will take place on Wednesday 12th October, which will be covered by the ‘Stepping out’ documentation.
Please complete the slip below and return it with the payment no later than Tuesday 20th September.
Many thanks,
P Dicker
Mr Dicker
(Class 4)
Trip to Heath and Reach Quarry, Tiddenfoot Lake and Stockgrove Park – Friday 23rd September
I agree to my child………………………………………………..………………………. taking part in the above.
I enclose a voluntary contribution of £14.00 to cover the costs for the trips and visits from local Societies/Groups. Please make cheques payable to Heathwood Lower School or alternatively you can pay
on-line prefixing your child’s name with ST as the reference. Our bank details are: Sort Code 60-02-13 account number 62411632.
My emergency contact number is…………………………………………………………………...
Signed………………………………………………………… Date……………………………….