A.G.B.U. DANCE 2016 - 2017 Mrs. Robson , Ms. Miller, Ms. Ninkovic

Dance III/IV


This class is an intermediate/advanced dance class focusing on technique, repertory, and composition.

The students will assimilate kinetic awareness and learn how to communicate through his or her physical center, giving them discipline and freedom as dancers. Students will perceive and respond, using the elements of dance. They will demonstrate movement skills, process sensory information, and describe movement, using the vocabulary of dance. Through different dance techniques plus yoga, and Pilates, the student will become flexible, strong and physically and mentally fit. Students will participate and be assessed in the areas of dance performance, repertory, and composition.

All students must participate in the Spring Dance & Art Show on Friday March 10th and Saturday March 11th. It is required that students be at two Saturday rehearsals (one in February and one on March 4th) and two after school rehearsals/costume fitting (Mondays in February). Students must stay after school for tech week rehearsals until 7:30 during the week of March 6th-March 10th. All Dance III/IV students must attend the Drama Show on February 10th or 11th.

All Dance III/IV students are required to pay a class fee of $150. This fee is due on or by Monday September 26, 2016.


·  Contemporary Ballet Technique , Reperatory, Vocabulary, and History

·  Modern Technique, Reperatory, Vocabulary, and History

·  Jazz Reperatory, Vocabulary, and History

·  Musical Theatre Technique, Reperatory,Vocabulary and History

·  Anatomy & Body awareness

·  Warm up Techniques

·  Musicality and Timing

·  Kinesthetic Response

·  Spatial Relationship

·  Formations

·  Floor Patterns

·  Image Work

·  Exploring Emotions Through Movement

·  Improvisation

·  Familiarity with Stage Terminology

·  Dance Notation

·  Audition Techniques

·  Composition & Choreography

·  Armenian Dance Performance

·  Technical Dance Theatre

·  Developing your resume and portfolio

Student Daily Requirements

·  Black Leotard (any sleeve length) and footless black tights, dance pants, or leggings

·  Pink Ballet & Black Jazz Shoes

·  Hair must be in a bun when Ms. Vera is scheduled to teach

·  Appropriate support under garments

·  Water (You are not permitted to leave class for water...remember your own)

·  Deodorant &Towel

Class Etiquette

·  Bare feet or appropriate dance shoes in studio only

·  Hair must be secured away from face

·  Cell phones must be given to teacher upon arrival to class (and can only be used for recording choreography)

·  No jewelry or watches

·  NO GUM- 3 gum infractions and students grade will drop one letter grade

·  No food or beverages in class (except your personal water)

Areas of Assessment and Consequences

Each students academic and citizenship grade is based on the individuals discipline, commitment, participation, follow-through, self-respect, respect of others, positive attitude, creativity, contribution, ability to take risks, personal growth, completed assignments, tests, and attendance.

Grading Scale

·  60% Attendance, Participation, Discipline, Commitment and Attitude (3pts. per class)

·  20% Individual Progress and Performances

·  20% Assignments and Tests

Infraction Minus Points

Students are expected to be on time and prepared for class everyday. Tardiness or excessive absences will be reflected in the students grade. If a student is tardy more than three times in one school year their grade will be dropped one letter grade. Attendance records begin anew at the start of every semester.

Infraction Minus Points_____

Tardy -2

Absent (excused-illness/emergency) -3 (can be made up)

Absent (excused-school/teacher approved) -0

Non-participation (sitting out) -2 (can be made up)

Not dressed properly -2

Leaving class without permission/Truancy -20

Removing Infraction Minus Points

“I.M.P. Credits “are given for dance articles, observation sheets, assignments and research projects. Students can makeup excused absences by turning in dance articles. Dance articles are worth 6 points each. Please see dance article handout for more details.

If a student comes to class and feels they are too sick or injured to participate - without a parent or doctor’s note - they will be sent to the nurse and can make up minus points for that class.

If a student is sick or injured, with a parent (after 3 days student must have a doctor’s note) or doctor’s note, they will have to do observation sheets (1 point), dance articles (6 points) or a research project (points TBD) for the days they are sitting out of class.


Please be advised, signing this document makes you accountable to yourself for the follow through of all above requirements. This personal commitment will help you complete the class successfully and build a foundation for a positive future.

We, the undersigned, acknowledge and accept all of the aforementioned terms and obligations:

Student’s Signature Date

Signature of Parent/Guardian Date