South Littleton Parish Council

Minutes of the Council meeting held at 7-30pm onThursday 21st July 2016

Present- Councillors:-Richard Herborn Chairman

Matthew Shaw Vice Chairman

Paul Spain

Steve Langley

Paul Bindley

Roger Jones

Debbie Jones

Richard Lasota

In Attendance9members of the public

Clerk - Chris Size


07/16/01 / No apologies received / Clerk

Declaration of Interest

07/16/04 / There were no new declarations of interest
Schedule of declarations available on request from Clerk
There were no applications for dispensation / Clerk

Minutes of Previous Meeting

07/16/05 / Acceptance of the minutes of the meeting held on the 16th June 2016 were proposed by Cllr. M Shaw and seconded by Cllr. P Spain They were approved. / Clerk

County Councillor Report

07/16/06 / County Councillor A Adams did not attend the meeting

District Councillor Report

07/16/09 / District Councillor R Lasota reported that the governor of Long Lartin Prison had recently changed.
Cleeve Prior Parish Council continued to discuss and vote on the future of the gypsy site and whether their land might be sold and be developed. 70% of residents voted, 10% voted for the gypsy site, 90% voted for houses and of these 60% voted for 40 - 60 houses.
South Littleton P C will be asked their opinion before the action is finalised.
North & Middle Littleton Parish Council is attempting to have a weight limit imposed on Arrow Lane, North Littleton. This is in response to heavy vehicles finding alternative routes due to the weight restrictions imposed in South Littleton.
A new sign is to be erected by the pub the "Round of Grass" informing heavy goods vehicle drivers in advance of the restrictions in South Littleton.


07/16/18 / Cllr. P Bindley proposed and Cllr. S Langley seconded that payments for July 2016 of £4,096.26 and receipts of £370.00, (£350 compensation from Lloyds Bank£20 'Link' advert)be accepted.
The proposal was agreed
Cllr. M Shaw proposed and Cllr. S Langley seconded that known payments for August 2016 can be made and then agreed at the September 2016 meeting be accepted.
The proposal was agreed
Clerk supplied councillors with a schedule showing the balance of the Parish Precept as of 31st July 2016.
New Bank signatories
Clerk updated the councillors on the poor response received from Lloyds Bank re the complaint made by the Parish. Agreed to continue the complaint correspondence with Lloyds Bank.
Cllr. R Herborn proposed seconded by Cllr P Spain that the Clerk be allowed to sign, as second signature, 13 cheques (due in July 2016) as an emergency procedure. The cheques were as outlined on the July 2016 schedule and were numbered 001989 to 002001
Proposal was agreed / Clerk

Clerk’s Update

07/16/24 / All items brought to the attention including correspondence from:-
  • Came & Company informing of their change of tradingstyle to Came & Company Local Council Insurance.
  • Jan Sherriff supplied instructions as to how to completethe Defibrillator Service. Cllr Langley to take
  • Herefordshire & Worcestershire AGE UK advertising
their charitable services
  • Councillor training, confirmation of 2 dates September
8th & 22nd at a local venue.
  • Worcestershire County Council re the temporary closureof Blacksmiths Lane as of 1st August 2016
Urgent decisions taken by Clerk
None to report / Clerk
Cllr Langley

Street Lights

07/16/35 / Cllr R Herborn reported that the working group had received a presentation from one of the preferred companies quoting for the renewal of the street lights in the Parish. Another company had dropped out of the process. The working group were impressed by the company their professionalism and commitment. The company suggested that replacing existing lights with new LED lights could mean that the Parish would continue with 10 less street lights.
They supplied references.
The Parish Council unanimously gave the working group permission to proceed with this supplier
Cllr Lasota informed the meeting that North and Middle Littleton were going through the same process and that it would be an opportunity for the 2 Parishes to get together and join forces.
Clerk to contact North and Middle Parish Council.
Cllr Herborn explained that the Parish could either have the job completed in stages or have a complete job completed with the Parish borrowing funds.
Cllr Herborn proposed seconded by Cllr P Bindley that the Parish seek the Secretary of State's approval via the Department for Communities and Local Government o investigate outside funding for new street lights for the Parish
Proposal was agreed.
Agreed that residents must be consulted and given the opportunity to inspect the street lighting plans.
Cllr P Spain proposed that the Parish takes the opportunity to consult the residents and also give them an opportunity to inspect plans for the new children's play ground on South Meadow.
Meeting to be arranged for October 6th,
6-00pm to 8-00pmat the Scout Hut. / Clerk

Social Events

07/16/38 / Cllr P Spain reported that the Parish Christmas Carol event had been booked for 5-00pm Saturday 17th December.
Other dates for ‘next’ year’s calendar to be decided by the date of the next meeting
Cllr Herborn reported that the Parish First Aid event due to be held on Thursday 28th September was on course.
Clerk to open the Scout Hut at 6-30pm. / Clerk
Cllr Spain
Cllr Herborn

South Meadow report

07/16/44 / Newly Acquired Land
Cllr R Jones reported that he had been cutting the grass on the Parish ground. He had obtained, as authorised, fuel from Badhams Garage.
Cllr R Jones also reported that the developer who had acquired the remaining land had employed him to cut the rest of the grass.
Clerk supplied a detailed map of the area to Cllr R Jones
Map to be returned.
South Meadows Resident’s Group
Nothing to report
Concerns re Garage areas
Cllr R Lasota reported that an arranged appointment with the governor of Long Lartin Prison and the chief executive of Wychavon District Council and himself had been cancelled due to a new governor being appointed.
A new appointment is to be arranged. / Cllr R Jones
Cllr Lasota

Updates – Working Groups – Chairman’s reports/updates

07/16/81 / Open Spaces Report
A resident had provided a quote for cutting the newly acquired grass area. The quote was almost double the amount that the Parish had been paying.
Cllr P Spain confirmed that R Jones had started to cut the grass as agreed at the last Parish meeting.
Cllr Spain reported that a new banner frame had been ordered to replace the one vandalised.
The climbing frame net had also been vandalised.
The amount of litter being left on the recreation ground and around South Meadow was also causing a problem, question was raised as to whether more litter bins council be provided by the sports field.
Worcestershire Highways had replaced a street sign that had been flattened by an HGV
Play Area
Cllr. Herborn reported that there had been problems with the play equipment. A 6' post had again been snapped.
Cllr Herborn to arrange for quotes from thecompany supplied the equipment.
Clerk to investigate the possibility of claiming on the Parish's insurance.
Cllr P Spain to inform Clerk of the Police crime number.
Cllr R Herborn reported that the Lengthsman scheme is working well and is up to date
Traffic Group
Cllr P Spain reported that the new battery had been fitted to the VAS machine and was working well with 4237 'hits' in 10 days. This would have been more but a van was parked in the road and that helped in keeping traffic speed down.
Safety partnership had been using the mobile speed camera on Shinehill Lane, which has some effect by curtailing some drivers.
Cllr Spain reported:-
We still have a problem with HGV's passing through Shinehill lane en-route to Unipart. I currently see at least 3 per day. I am in contact with Unipart's transport manager Paul New. I have agreed to furnish Paul with a weekly list via email. He told me that Unipart are waiting for Highways to put up a sign in Badsey informing HGV'Sto proceed via Bretforton. Cllr Adams is taking this forward.I have also spoken to the transport manager at Bannisters this morning ( Tue ) as one of their trucks was speeding along Long Hyde road as I was checking the VAS. I have also spoken to the driver of the Envyro tanker which had been parking upon South Meadow. This evening he has once again parked on Meadow road. (suggest a letter to the company ). end
County Councillor Adam’s had sent a email informing that Worcestershire Highways had agreed to resurfacing the whole footpath along Long Hyde Road in the financial year 2017/18
All of this data is being collected and will be used in future discussions with the police and Highways officers.
Agreed that the Parish would continue to endeavour to establish who is responsible for the trees growing on the bank of the stream near the allotment plots that the Parish rents from the Wychavon District Council.
It was agreed that trees on the recreation ground be considered for pollarding in the future.
Clerk to diaries for possible inclusion in the discussions re the 2017/2018 precept.
The possibility of using a contractor who had quoted a very low estimate for pollarding the trees to be investigated.
Cllr D Jones reported:-
No issues thatIam aware of to report. It is nice to see some of the youth of South Meadows posting on alocalFacebookpage trying to re-unite the owners with a wallet they have found and aPandorabracelet.
Robin Mace leader of the Youth Bus enterprise had been invited to attend a Parish meeting but had not replied
Cllr D Jones reported:-
Cllr. Roger Jones and myselfattended the PACT meeting onMonday 11thJuly. There was not muchdiscussed. PC Jamie Lee is still the PC for our area, PCJulie DeParis is still on light duties. The Police have continued with speed monitoring in our area and willsoon betaking to our streets on push bikes. Next meeting is onMonday 29thSeptember.
Web Site & Link
Cllr M Shaw reported that the Web site was fully up-to-date. He was in communication with the M. D. of the company who provides our current site. They will soon start work on the updates to the site.
Cllr Shaw asked for any idea’s from councillors re any improvements we could incorporate into the new site.
Tennis Club
Cllr M Shaw reported that he had contacted the tennis club and introduced himself as the link between them and the Parish council.
The club’s only concern was the trees growing on the boundary with a residents land.
Clerk to contact the owner of the land.
First Aid Training
Cllr Herborn reported that the First Aid training to be held at the Scout Hut on Thursday 28th July was on course. Training is free starting at 7-30 for 2 hours.
Cllr P Spain to arranged for wine and cheese to be supplied by the Parish Council
Queen’s Birthday
Cllr Bindley reported that he had attended the Littleton School and presented every child with a medal commemorating the Queens 90th birthday.
Photographs were taken and hopefully one can be used in the Link.
The Chairman thanked Cllr Bindley for representing the Parish
New Home Bonus
Clerk reported that there had been no progress with any bonus. Wychavon continued to await central government actions.
Banner Frames
Cllr P Spain reported that 2 banners are in place – one advertising the First Aid training and the other asking for careful driving in the Parish
New Councillor
Clerk reported that Wychavon District Council had given their approval for the Parish to co-opt a new councillor.
The Chairman, R Herborn seconded by Cllr R Lasota proposed that Louise Bucknall be co-opted onto the Parish council
Proposal was agreed unanimously / Cllr Spain
Cllr Herborn
Cllr Spain
Cllr Lasota
Cllr D Jones
Cllr R & D Jones
Cllr Herborn
Cllr Spain
Cllr Bindley

Cllrs. R and D Jones left the meeting (9-15pm)

Planning and Urgent planning matters since production of agenda

07/16/86 / Approvals:- W/16/01115/CU Miss B Heppinstall20m X 34m Ménage. Change of use from agricultural to equestrian Recommend approve
Applications:- W/16/01551/PN, Black Swan Capital Partnership, 66 Stratford Road, Shirley re The Lanterns, Shinehill Lane.
Demolition of The Lanterns and garage and erection of two detached dwellings and alterations to access.
Mr Stevens, a representative of Black Swan Capital addressed the meeting and answered question re the application
W/16/01503/PP Mr King Oakliegh, Shinehill Lane,
Replacement double storey rear extension plus conversion of attic
Urgent planning matters since production of agenda
n/a / Clerk

Footpaths Warden proposal to invest in cutting equipment

07/16/87 / Clerk reported that the path warden had requested help with some cutting equipment.Cllr Herborn proposed seconded by Cllr M Shaw that a maximum of £180 be allocated for the purchase of a multipurpose tool.
Proposal was agreed. / Clerk

Councillor’s reports and items for future agenda

07/16/88 / Use of CCTV in the Parish / Cllr Lasota

Urgent Matters at discretion of Chairman

07/16/89 / nil / Clerk

Date and Venue of Future meetings

07/16/90 / Agreed that the next meeting beheld on Thursday 15h September 2016, at 7-30pm, at the Scout Hut on the Recreation Ground, Long Hyde Road, South Littleton. / Clerk

Meeting Closed at 9-40pm

Signed ...... Date ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Notes of Public Open Forum

9 members of the public attended, questionsre fly tipping, street lights and rowdy behaviour late at night on the recreation ground were raised.