I.  Call to Order – G. Gilman

G. Gilman called the meeting to order at 8:36 am.

Members present were G. Gilman, S. Miller, P Scalco, D. Moody, T. Jordan, N. Patel

Staff present was V. Dekle. Guests present were C. Robinson, R. Pinholster, M.
Wallheiser, Lou Kellenburger,

II.  Citizens to Be Heard (3 minute limit)

Roger Pinholster (A) – Bend Big Maritime Center

R. Pinholster reviewed the Big Bend Maritime Center hand out and explained the

model and what the Center’s future plans were. Need vendors for Gumbo Cookoff

event on October 11, 2014.

Mark Wallheiser – Videography

M. Wallheiser introduced himself and reviewed his business for consideration for

future TDC needs. Offered his services as a professional photographer.

Lou Kellenbuger gave an endorsement of M. Wallheiser. Complemented TDC on Visitors Guide.

III.  Approval of Minutes from 8-11-14 meeting (A) – G. Gilman

Motion made to approve minutes of 8-11-14. Seconded and approved

IV.  Financial Reports

a.  Clerk’s Office Financial Report (A)– S. Miller

S. Miller reviewed the Clerk’s report and year-end activities.

b. Bed Tax Revenue Spreadsheet (A) – S. Miller

The monthly report was not available from the Clerk’s Office

V. Committee Reports

A. Administrative Committee – G. Gilman

1. TDC Evaluation of Director and Marketing Assistant – G. Gilman

G. Gilman briefed the Council on the Administrative Committee’s recommendation

to not renew the annual contract for Sam Martin as the TDC Director; motion made

seconded and passed unanimously.

G. Gilman briefed the Council on the Administrative Committee’s recommendation

to renew the annual contract for Virginia Dekle as the TDC Marketing Assistant;

motion made, seconded and pass unanimously.

2. Social Media Assistant Position (A) – S. Miller

S. Miller gave a status concerning the recruiting of a college intern to serve in

The Social Media Assistant position. Council gave OK to persue and report back at

The 10-9-14 meeting.

B. Website Committee – C. Robinson

1. Training – C. Robinson

C. Robinson reviewed the Monday, 9-15 training session at 10:00 am at the Best Western

2. Monthly Teleconference – C. Robinson

C. Robinsion reviewed the schedule for the monthly teleconferences

C. Distribution of Printed Materials – S. Miller

S. Miller reviewed the process for the distribution of the visitor’s guide. Bed tax people get visitors guides, events and other businesses get rack cards and brochures.

D. BOCC BP Grant Presentation (BOCC 9-22-14) – S. Miller

S. Miller reviewed Close out of final report for grant.

NNF October event. S. Miller will find out details and help with organization.

D. Moody mentioned upcoming events the Council may want to participate in.

D. Moody will send C. Robinson itinerary for the 10-25th day long events.


VI. Chairman’s Items – G. Gilman

A. Next Meeting October 9, 2014

VIII. Adjournment

Adjourned at 10:07