- Camden CIL vision state
- What is a CIL?
- Greenwood Place
- CIL service level outcomes
- Community level outcomes
- Life of the contract and indicative timeframe
- Requirements of the organisation(s)
- Organisational values, characteristics and capabilities
- Workforce
- Policies and procedures
- CIL service objectives
- Service description – core CIL offer
- Service description – enhanced CIL offer
- Income generation streams and CIL social enterprise
- Buildings responsibilities
- Location and timings of CIL services
- Target group for CIL services
- Publicity of the CIL
- Contract budget and scope
- Service user involvement
- Quality systems
- Complaints procedure for service users and carers
- Confidentiality
- Key performance indicators
- Regular monitoring
- Service review and evaluation
APPENDIX 1- Definitions
APPENDIX 2- Camden’s population, needs and potential demand for CIL services
APPENDIX 3- Workforce standards
APPENDIX 4- Special conditions for social care/ public health contracts
APPENDIX 5- Serious incidents and near misses
1.1.Camden Council is committed to developing a Centre for Independent Living (CIL) in the borough by summer 2018.
1.2.The Council is looking to select, through a fair and transparent process, a user-led organisation (or network of organisations) as a partnerto co-produce and deliver a CILthat will enhance the wellbeing and independence of disabled people in Camden.
1.3.This specification explains:
- The vision for Camden CIL.
- What difference Camden CIL should make to people’s lives (“outcomes”).
- What sort of user-led organisation(s) is wanted as a partner to co-produce and deliver the CIL.
- Some headlines about whatthe Camden CIL should do.
1.4.The specificationhas been co-designed. From vision and values, to outcomes and service headlines,itis based on what disabled peoplein Camden have told us.
1.5.The specification is outcomes-based. This means that it focuses on thecharacteristics wanted in the user-led organisation(s), the qualities people want in CIL services and the difference itwillmake in people’s lives. The specification does not focus on a specific CILservice model or volumes of delivery, but does provide broad headlines based on co-production completed so far. This leaves room for the generationof innovative ideasby the organisation(s) selected to co-produce and deliver the CIL.
1.6.Definitions of key terms used throughout this document can be found atappendix 1.
2.1.The Care Act 2014 and associated statutory guidance forms the background to the Camden CIL development. The Act requires Camden Council to:
- Promote people’s wellbeing and independence
- Prevent, delay or reduce care and support needs
- Provide information and advice on the choice of social care available
- Support people to fully participate in assessing their care and support needs and developing support plans
- Meet eligible care and support needs
- Join up health and social care services where this will help us do the above.
2.2.The CIL will support Camden Council in meeting these duties. At the same time it will improve the choice, control and independence of disabled people.
2.3.The vision for Camden CIL is also shaped by the fact that people are living longer, including those with complex needs (see population and demand data atappendix 2). The CIL will make best use of limited public resources to meet people’s increasing needs in a more innovative and flexible way.
2.4.Locally the development of the CIL is shaped by the Camden Plan. We want Camden to be a place where everyone can succeed and nobody gets left behind. Through the Camden Plan the Council has committed to working with the community to design and deliver services and facilities that meet many different needs, bring people together, reduce inequality, and are sustainable, highly valued and well-used. The CIL willoffer high quality facilities for people with different needs, and support them tomake the most of what Camden has to offer.
Camden CIL vision statement
3.1.To develop by summer 2018 a Centre for Independent Living in Camden run by disabled people for disabled people with the community, offering a range of services and activities in one place that empower disabled people to have the choice, control and opportunities they need to live as independently as they want and to be included and valued in society.
What is a CIL?
3.2.A CIL is a community resource thatany disabled person can go to for information and support so that, whatever their level of impairment, they can find out the choices open to them, decide how to live, and make it a reality.
3.3.CILs are run by and for disabled people. Camden’s CIL is an opportunity for a user-led organisation, or network of organisations, to take control and co-produce with the community a place that truly responds to people’s needs in Camden.
3.4.The vision is that from summer 2018 Camden CIL will be an ‘independence hub’ supporting disabled peopletolive as independently as they choose. It will offer a flexible range of services and activities that disabled peoplehave told us they need toget the information and support to pursue their goals, enhance their wellbeing, and participate as fully as possible in the community. The CIL will support social inclusion and integration, as well as offering benefitsto the wider local community.
3.5.It is intended that, in due course, the CIL will become financially self-sustaining.
Greenwood Place
3.6.Camden’s CIL will be basedin the new Greenwood Place development in Kentish Town, expected to open in mid-2018. Greenwood Place will be a new, fully accessible centre with state of the art facilities.
3.7.Alongside the CIL and interacting with it, there will be a range of opportunities at Greenwood Place for service user groups including people with dementia, mental health problems, learning disabilities, profound and multiple disabilities and autism.
3.8.A range of facilities will be available at Greenwood Place, including: art room; music room and recording studio; reablement gym; conference facilities; training kitchen; hydrotherapy pool; sensory room(s); gardens; demonstration assisted living flat; IT room; and space for a social enterprise café/ juice bar/ canteen/ restaurant.
4.1.An outcomes framework for the CIL has been co-produced based on what difference disabled people have told us they want the CIL to make in their lives, and what benefits the CIL can generate for residents generally.
CIL service level outcomes
4.2.As a direct result of the CIL, disabled people in Camden will be able to say:
- I have choice and control over decisions affecting my life
- I am able to live as independently as I choose
- I am more confident to self-manage my care needs and direct payments
- I can access mainstream/ community services (e.g. sport, health, art etc.)
- I can improve my skills and use them in sustainable employment
- I can make the most of the opportunities Camden has to offer
- I feel better understood,respected and integrated in the community
- I can participate equally, as a full citizen
- I can influence national and local strategy, policy and practice
- I can be involved in the design and delivery of the CIL.
4.3.In addition the successful organisation(s) co-producing and delivering the CIL will support future commissioning by generating new insightinto:
- The needs, aspirations and resources of disabled people in Camden.
- What outcomes are important to them.
- What kind of support could achieve these outcomes.
Community level outcomes
4.4.As a result of the CIL, wider social, environmental and economic benefits will be generated for Camden residents, linked to the Council’s Camden Plan ambitions and Care Act duties, including:
- Improved wellbeing and independence for all
- Increased community cohesion and reduced inequality
- Prevented, delayed and reduced care and support needs
- Improved skills, employment and enterprise opportunities for residents
- Reduced environmental impact of service delivery
- More high quality value for money services, that reduce costs by getting it “right first time”
- A financially self-sustaining CIL.
4.5.The above outcomes framework will be used to evaluate co-produced tenders to select an organisation(s) to co-produce and deliver the CIL. After contract award, a performance indicator framework will be co-produced to monitor the effectivenessof the CIL service against the above outcomes framework (see section 9).
5.1.The Council is looking to select a genuine user-led organisation (or network of organisations) that is best qualified and experienced to co-produce and deliver Camden CIL according to this specification.
Life of the contract and indicative timeframe
5.2.It is envisaged that the contract will run from April 2017 to April 2020, with two options to extend for a further period of one year each until April 2022 at the latest (known as “3+1+1”).
5.3.An indicative timeframe for CIL co-production and delivery is as follows:
Timings / PhaseJul – Dec 2016 / Procurement of a user-led organisation(s)
Jan – Mar 2017 / Mobilisation
Apr 2017 – Jun 2018 / Delivery of interim services and CIL co-production process
Summer 2018 / Opening of Greenwood Place and fully operational CIL
Apr 2020 / Option to extend contract for a further year
Apr 2021 / Option to extend contract for a further year
Requirements of the organisation(s)
5.4.The successful organisation(s) will enter into a co-production process with the Council, disabled people in Camden and other key stakeholder organisations to:
- Work through a range of ‘unknowns’ and make decisions together.
- Develop a mobilisation and delivery plan for interim services in 2017/18, including securing any temporary accommodation required.
- Develop a model fordelivering core CIL services from 2018 to meet the needs and desired outcomes of Camden residents set out in section 4.
- Develop a business plan to enhance and further develop CIL services.
- Develop a robust, sustainable income generation model for the CIL.
- Agree appropriate buildings responsibilities and a governance framework.
- Develop a proportionate and creative performance indicator framework and service review model that is fully user-led and outcomes based.
5.5.Camden Council will offer to the co-production process its expertise in service specification and procurement, and will make available to the successful organisation(s) appropriate support and resources to build capacity.
5.6.During the co-production process the successful user-led organisation(s) will ensure the delivery of interim advice, information and support services for disabled people in Camden from April 2017 until the opening of Greenwood Place in summer 2018. Interim services willwork towards the outcomes as set out in this specification and will include:
- Direct payments support services to people aged 16+.
- Specialist support, advice and legal services on issues including immigration, housing, welfare and employment.
- Self-advocacy, peer support and user involvement services for people with learning difficulties and disabilities, including BME groups.
- Interpreting, advice and information service in British Sign Language for D/deaf and hard of hearing residents.
5.7.Following the co-production process the successful organisation(s) will deliver the CIL in accordance with this specification and the results of the co-production process, and will ensure:
- Delivery of core CIL services
- CIL service enhancement
- Income generation
- Undertaking of agreed appropriate buildings responsibilities.
5.8.User-led organisations will propose in their co-produced tenders:
- How they intend to work with a range of stakeholders to co-produce and deliver a CIL that is financially viable and achieves the outcomes set out in this specification.
- The detail of any financial and in-kind capacity building support they may require during the co-production process, indicating costing and intended source.
- A proposed service model and mobilisation plan for delivering interim services from April 2017 to summer 2018.
Organisational values, characteristics and capabilities
5.9.The following organisational values, characteristics and capabilitiesset out a broad definition of the sort of user-led organisation the Council is looking to select. The values and characteristics listed are based on Department of Health user-led organisation design criteria and related research and good practice examples.
5.10.These values, characteristics and capabilities apply equally to an individual user-led organisation or to a network/ consortium/ partnership of organisations.
5.11.The successful organisation(s) will be able to evidence through its co-produced tender these organisational values, characteristics and capabilities.
Organisational values- Works from a social model of disability perspective
- Promotes independent living
- Shaped, driven and delivered by disabled people (committed to co-production)
- Peer-ledand peer support based
- Includes and represents all local disabled people (pan-disability and all ages from 18+) and carers
- Non-discriminatory, accessible to all, and works with all types of diversity
- Properly involves members and disabled people in decision-making processes at every level of the organisation
Organisational characteristics
- Legally constituted
- Majority of board members/ management committee(s) and/ or decision-makers (as applicable) are disabled people (ideally 75%+)
- Full voting membership is only open to disabled people
- Accountable to its membership and represents their views locally
- Disabled people are at the centre of all activities and participate in the design, delivery and monitoring of organisational strategy and services
- Works towards achieving the “pillars of independent living” or “basic rights”
- Clear management structure
- Majority of paid staff (including senior staff) are disabled people (ideally 50%+)
- Robust and rigorous systems for running a sustainable organisation (e.g. financial management/ contingency planning)
- Financially sustainable, or can demonstrate a business plan to become so
- Well connected to local communities of disabled people with strong links to wider networks, services and support that can empower local people, or can demonstrate a business plan to become so
Organisational capabilities
- Ability to mobilise quickly within specified timescales to achieve outcomes
- Experience of co-productive approaches
- Works collaboratively with a range of stakeholders
- Adaptive and flexible, e.g. to changing needs, circumstances, set-backs
- Expertise in problem solving and innovation
- Availability of sufficient resources,or clear plan for bringing these together (including capacity building support required and intended sources)
- Ability to work closely with and add value to existing provision within the borough
- Established, or clear plan to develop, effective HR systems (see “workforce” section below)
- Effective budgeting and financeprocesses that ensure best use of public money in achieving outcomes
- Knowledge of innovative, user-led performance monitoring and service review models
- Demonstrable experience and proven track record in buildings/ facilities management (required if tendering to run the building wholly or in part) or plan to obtain this
- Established processes for recognising opportunities and successfully attracting/ generating income, e.g. match-funding, grants, social enterprise.
5.12.The successful organisation(s) will aim to recruit staff/ volunteers made up of diverse local people reflective of Camden’s disabled population and the wider local community.
5.13.All members of staff will be paid at or above the London Living Wage (LLW).
5.14.The successful organisation(s) are required to take adequate measures to ensure the protection of the public when recruiting any staff and volunteers, in line with chapter 14 of the Care and Support Statutory Guidance (DH 2016. The successful organisation(s) will ensure that for each member of staff and/ or volunteer, before any work is commenced, they have:
- Carried out and cleared appropriate criminal record checks through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
- Obtained satisfactory references in line with statutory requirements
- Obtained a declaration of convictions that would otherwise be spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975.
5.15.The successful organisation(s) shall ensure that at all times there are sufficient staff/ volunteers in order to co-produce and deliver interim and CIL, includingcontinuity of service through holidays and sickness periods.
5.16.The Council recognises the importance and value of good employment practices in delivering public services. To encourage and safeguard this, the Council has developed a set of minimum standards (see appendix 3) against which co-producedtenders will be evaluated and suppliers will be required to accept.
5.17.The Council believes these standards will help to develop a well-managed, engaged and motivated workforce and, though them, better delivery of public services. The Council believes that these represent a minimum approach to the management of a supplier’s workforce and therefore does not expect its suppliers will incur additional costs as a result of these standards.
5.18.The successful organisation(s) will be required to demonstrate adherence to these standards as part of performance, monitoring and evaluation processes.
Policies and procedures
5.19.As a minimum requirement, the successful organisation(s)will have in place and be working to, or be able to demonstrate a commitment to the development of, the following regularly updated policies and procedures. (Where these do not exist, the successful organisation(s) will be expected to work by default to the Council’s own procedure/ policy):
- Recruitment procedures, including relevant professional registrations and Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.
- Health and safety (including lone working)
- Risk assessment and management
- Grievance and disciplinary
- Supervision and appraisal of staff
- Training and induction of staff and volunteers
- Compliments, complaints and suggestions (including a right to complain directly to the Local Authority Adult Social Care complaints unit)
- Confidentiality (data protection/ information sharing)
- Equalities and diversity (including the Accessible Information Standard)
- Person-centred practice/ service user involvement/ co-production
- Quality/ quality assurance
- Safeguarding adults
- Whistle-blowing
- Financial management and reimbursement of expenses
- Business continuity
- Environmental impact and sustainability policy (including annual waste reduction and recycling targets)
5.20.It is the responsibility of the successful organisation(s) to enact and enforce its policies.