
Environmental Advisory Council

October 10, 2012

Meeting Minutes

Those Present:Jim Bray, Chairman

Alan Dresser, Vice Chairman

Mark Bortman, Member

Rick Ewing, Member

Paul Roden, Member

Gail Stringer, Member

Joe Sundeen, Member

The October 10, 2012 meeting of the LMT Environmental Advisory Council was called to order at 7:00PM.

Approval of September 12, 2012 Minutes – The EAC minutes of September 12 were approved unanimously, as amended.

AudubonBirdTown – Mrs. Brandt was unable to attend the meeting, but provided information in an e-mail which Mr. Bray shared with the group. Mr. Bray will talk to Terry Fedorchak about locations for the four signs which are to be posted; the remaining signs are for sale to residents. Mr. Bray will ask Mrs. Brandt to attend the November meeting.

Cool Cities Update – Mrs. Stringer reported on her meeting with Mr. Bray and Ms. Grayson. They discussed next steps for Cool Cities and decided that the short-term objective will be to develop a buy local/buy green program to support LMT businesses; Mrs. Stringer outlined the steps that will be taken to develop the program and her thoughts on the format . The long-term objective will be to determine ways to measure the reduction of Co2 resulting from the program. Once the outline of the program is in place, Mrs. Stringer hopes to energize the original Cool Cities volunteers to help with the implementation.

Environmental Stewardship Award – Mr. Bray read an e-mail from the mother of Kimmie Wodzanowski, updating him on the work Kimmie has been doing to increase recycling on the sports fields in PennsburySchool District, as well as starting a recycling club and working to make sure her efforts continue after she graduates. She also mentioned some of the awards Kimmie has received for her work on the environment. Kimmiehad been suggested as a nominee for the EAC Environmental Stewardship Award. After discussion, the EAC agreed that Kimmie would be a great nominee. It was suggested that steps be taken to attract additional nominees. This will be done through an e-mail to the EAC list and an ad on the LMT cable channel.

Electronics Recycling, October 13, with Leck – Mr. Bray provided an update on the October 13 electronics recycling in LMT and asked for volunteers. Mr. Roden will send an e-mailreminder of the event to the EAC e-mail list.

EAC/DVGBC Meet the Candidates Forum – Mr. Bray reported on the October 2 event at the Yardley Makefield Library. Mr. Bray was a speaker at the event; he gave an overview of the LMT EAC’s accomplishments. Kathryn Boockvar, a Congressional candidate, spoke about the environmental issues that are very important to her and answered questions from the attendees.

G.O.A.L. (Greenbelt Overhaul Alliance of Levittown )Cleanup in Bluestone – Resident, Gudrun Alexander, and Dale Frazier, of G.O.A.L.,were in attendanceto provide information on a cleanup of invasive plants that is taking place on November 4in the retention basin between Fieldstone and Marble Court.

Pervious Paving Ordinance – Mr. Bray and Mr. Dresser had met to edit Mr. Dresser’s draft; the revised draft was distributed to the members. A discussion followed; there was general agreement with the wording of the ordinance, though some concerns were raised. Mr. Dresser will talk to the new Township Engineer to get his input on the ordinance. Mr. Bray will call Upper Makefield to get information on how they maintain their parking lots. Mr. Bray and Mr. Dresser will meet to go through the draft ordinance, line by line. Mr. Dresser would like to give the final version to the engineer in the next week. LMT would be the first municipality in Pennsylvania to have such an ordinance, to our knowledge.

Land Reviews – The Freemans Farm plan has been approved. The builders agreed to some of the EAC’s suggested changes, though not all. Mr. Dresser will review the plan one more time before deciding whether to officially respond to it.

EAC Lecture Series – Mr. Roden is awaiting information on a film he feels should bepart of the lecture series. It seems likely that the EAC will not sponsor an event until early in 2013.

With no further business to discuss, the October 10, 2012 meeting of the Lower Makefield Township Environmental Advisory Council was adjourned at 9:10PM. The next meeting of the EAC will be held on November 14, at 7:00PM, in the LMT municipal building.

Respectfully Submitted,

James J. Bray, Chairman