Parish Life
25th September, 2016 – Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Weekend Mass Times St. Mary’s Castlegregory
Sunday – 10.30am
Parish Office – St. Mary’s Presbytery, Castlegregory
Monday - Closed
Tuesday 10.30am to 4.00pm
Wednesday 10.30am – 4.00pm
Thursday 10.30am to 3.00pm
Friday 10.30am to 4.00pm
(Check out newsletter for any changes in times of opening hours due to holidays etc)
Tel: 066 7139145 – Mobile 087 1438060 – Email:
Kerry Diocesan Website –
Notices for Newsletter to reach office by 11.30am on Fridays
Priest: Fr. Michael Hussey 087 1438060 - Secretary: Bernie Dowling
Weekend Mass Times
Clochán Bréanainn
Séipéal Naomh Bréanainn
An Satharn – 6.45 i.n.
Confession before and after Mass on Tuesdays
Parish Pastoral Council: Chairperson: James Kildea, Julia Dowling, Vincent Filgate, Bernie Dowling, Patricia Hennessy , Audrey Stephens , Joan Herbst, , Sheila Kelliher, Eileen Nicholl, Siobhan Hennessy, Síle Mulcahy , Anne Dennehy, Angela O’Sullivan, Eileen O’Grady, Kathleen Dowd Liturgy Group Contacts Chairperson –
Anne Dennehy Secretary – Maunie Kelliher - Maire Begley (organist/adult choir) Pat Finn & Trish Browne (Folk Group) Síle Mulcahy (St. Brendan’s Choir) Area Pastoral Council Representatives; James Kildea and Bernie Dowling, Eileen Nicholl Finance Committee: Joan Ferriter, Gerard O’Donnell, Kathleen O’Rourke, Bernie Dowling, Fr. Michael Hussey. Building and Maintenance: Sean Lyons, Denis Dowling, Pat Joe Flynn, Micheál O’Leary, Trish Browne, Sheila Kelliher, Pat Finn, Tommy Fitzgerald, James Kildea,
Parish Reps for Safeguarding Children: Kathleen Spillane, Susan Browne and Kathleen Brosnan - Safeguarding Tel no 087 3800220
Youth Council: Cathy Browne, Darragh Rohan, Jena Cronin, Shannon O’Grady, Amy Byrne, Eva O’Connell, Kate Shannon, Sinead Sheehan ,Timmy Walsh, Ellen Goodwin, Shannen Cronin-Maunsell, Cody Stafford, Michael Scanlon, Claire Dennehy, Carrie Dowling, Niamh Shannon, Caitlyn Browne, Grace O’Sullivan.
Week beginning 25th September 2016
Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
“If they will not listen either to Moses or to the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone should rise from the dead”
In the readings this Sunday we are asked to take a look at our attitudes towards wealth and possessions. If by some great misfortune we were to lose all our material possessions and wealth what would we have left to rely on, what would we see our purpose in life to be? In the first reading, the prophet Amos says - almighty Lord says this: Woe to those ensconced so snugly on Zion - they will be the first to be exiled. Selfish indulgence in the material aspects of life are not the ways of the Lord. In the gospel the rich man is suffering the consequences of his selfish lifestyle. A little too late he realizes the errors of his lifestyle. We will all be judged in the same way - Did we show love to our neighbour? Like the rich man in the gospel we are all guilty of sins of omission. Just because we have earned our money and saved for our lifestyles doesn't entitle us to live in a selfish way totally oblivious of our Christian duty to those less well off. Sometimes the greed for material things hardens our hearts and we fail to see or be aware of other’s needs. The Word of God is hard to hear when we haven't time to listen and dwell on it. Love one another as I have loved you is what Jesus asks of us. As newly beatified St. Teresa says – “The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving.” It is not how much we give to the needy we will be judged on but rather on the love and respect and dignity we give to each person as we help them. We can often make excuses for our lack of charity towards others - perhaps if I give them money they will use it to feed some addiction or other. We are asked by Jesus to give with a willing heart we are not asked to judge the motives of another of God's people. Of ourselves we are helpless in trying to achieve what Jesus asks of us. We must open our eyes to see the needs of others, open our ears and our hearts to the Word of God so that we can see Jesus in the faces of those we help “as long as you did it to these the least of my brethren you did it to me” Jesus says. Let us make space in our hearts for Jesus - begin and end each day with a prayer and use Lent and Advent as times of renewal , reflection and repentance so that we too may be carried away by angels to the bosom of Abraham at our passing from this life.
************************************ Days of Prayer in the Diocese of Kerry – Gift of Mercy Sept 24th to Oct 3rd. Prayer booklets are available at the back of the churches, please take one. During this week we reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy and look at how we can act as people of mercy in our homes and in our communities. In this way, we can respond toPope Francis’ call to us, to be people of mercy. How?As individuals at home– taking timeeach day to reflect on how we might act as people of mercy. In parishes –at daily Masses. Inschools – using the resources which have been sent to the schools. Online – the resources will be posted on the diocesan website and on their Facebook page each day. The Days of Prayer, Gift of Mercy will conclude withCelebration of Mercy and Healing in St. Mary’s Cathedralon Monday, Oct 3rd at 7.30pm.The guest speaker will be Fr. Dónal O’Connor.
************************************Pray for our Departed
Peggy & Michael Griffin, Stradbally
Foley family, Kellysheight
Jonathan Kennedy, Ceandeehy
Spillane family, Garrywilliam.
Michael O’Connor, Kilshanning
Mai Healy, Meenascarty
Pray for the Sick of the Parish
Remember the sick of the parish in your prayers, those in hospital, nursing homes, those undergoing treatments and waiting test results. Lord, may Your healing hand touch them.
Priest on Deanery Duty
Priest on duty in the deanery this Sunday 25th September is Fr. Jerry Keane In the event of an emergency, please call 066 9157103.
Intentions for this Weekend
St. Mary’s
10.30am – Intention: Peggy & Michael Griffin, Stradbally
St. Brendan’s
6.45pm – Vigil Mass – Intention: Mass for the people of the parish
Weekday Masses – St. Mary’s
Monday 26th September – 7.00pm Intention: Jonathan Kennedy, Ceandeehy
Tuesday 27th September – 10.00am – Intention: Deceased members of the Spillane family, Garrywilliam
Wednesday 28th September – No parish Mass
Thursday 29th September – 7.00pm – Michael O’Connor, Kilshannig
Friday 30th September – 7.00pm – Intention
Mai Healy, Meenascarty
Weekday Masses - St. Brendan’s
Tuesday 27th September – 7.00pm: No Intention
Intentions for Next Weekend
St. Mary’s
Sunday 2nd September– 10.30am – Intention: Bridie & Tony Ashe, Martramane
St. Brendan’s
Saturday 1st October – 6.45pm Vigil: Intention: Jimmy Dowd, Brandon - Months Mind
Rota for next weekend
Reader: Sunday 2nd October – Sean Goodwin
Eucharistic Ministers Months of October: Vincent Filgate, Denis Kelliher and Mary Browne
Altar Servers next Sunday 2nd October: Andrea & Claire Dowling, Sarah Keane, Meabh Rohan, Orla Donnellan
Alter Society – Month of September: Mary Quirke & Mary Ellen Maunsell
Church Flowers - Next weekend – Chriss & Mary Ellen
St. Vincent de Paul - 087 1647788
Feast Day of St Vincent de Paul this Tuesday 27th September