Big LakeFloodline Delineation

Big LakeFloodline Delineation

That Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:
That the elevation of 654.18 metres as the 1:100 year floodline for Big Lake be approved, and guiding principles for land use in the flood plain be developed.

Report Summary

Approval of this report will allow Administration to manage land use in the flood plain for Big Lake in Edmonton in a manner that is consistent with the other jurisdictions adjacent to this water body.


  • At the September 14, 2004, City Council meeting, the Asset Management and Public Works Department report summarizing the Big Lake Stormwater Management final report was received for information. The report recommended that a detailed floodplain map should be developed for BigLake by the surrounding municipalities. The report also recommended floodplain management concepts and recommended that the participating municipalities develop floodplain policies in keeping with their statutory plans and Land Use Bylaws to regulate land use and development within the floodplain.
  • The Big Lake Basin Study Task Force was initiated by the County of Parkland in cooperation with Alberta Environment and neighbouring municipalities, including the City of Edmonton;Counties of Sturgeon, Parkland, and Lac Ste. Anne; City of St. Albert; Town of Stony Plain; and City of Spruce Grove,in the spring of 2002.
  • The purpose of the Task Force was to develop a Stormwater Management Plan for the Big Lake Drainage Basin from Lac Ste. Anne through Big Lake and along the Sturgeon River to the North Saskatchewan River. The northeast corner of Edmonton lies within this drainage basin.
  • The Big Lake Task Force has recommended that each member municipality seek approval for the floodline elevations and the mapping of the floodplain from their respective Councils.
  • An elevation of 654.18 metres has been established as the 1:100 year floodline for Big Lake.
  • The floodplain mapping will be referred to each municipality’s respective Planning and Development Departments to develop appropriate bylaws, overlays, or changes to practices with the overall aim of providing a consistent implementation plan for floodplain management within Big Lake.
  • The Big Lake Task Force will develop specific guiding principles for floodplain management that will protect the Big Lake floodplain for its important flood control benefits and for environmental protection of the ecologically important floodplain area surrounding Big Lake.

Justification of Recommendation
The City of Edmonton is committed to provide environmental and floodplain protection within its jurisdiction and to demonstrate cooperative effort for floodplain management with neighbouring municipalities.

Others Approving this Report

  • M.Garrett, Acting General Manager, Planning and Development Department

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