Certified Professional Staff
Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2008
The meeting was held in the Board Roomand called to order at approximately 3:00 p.m. Present wereSally Borgerson, Anna Fabatz, Julie Fraser, Sandy Frey, Kim Harvey, Bryan Herrick,Deb Higginbotham, Tracy James, John Keck,Joe Lange, Dana Nevois, Beth Watts and Tasha Welsh. Guest: Fawn Ponzar sitting in for Sarah Bright.
Deb welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming to the last scheduled meeting for the year.Snacks and soda were provided.
Minutes Approved
Deb Higginbotham distributed the minutes from the November 1st meeting and an agenda for today’s meeting. Joe Lange moved to accept the minutes. Beth Watts seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Campus Fund Update
Deb filled in for Carol Kline and shared Carol’s statistics for this year’s campus fund drive. So far, this year 75% of certified staff have contributed. Last year 95% contributed. Deb read a statement from Carol asking us to encourage co-workers to contribute, noting that every contribution, even if only a few dollars, makes a difference.
Reaccreditation Report
Kim Harvey provided an update on the self study process for the HLC. Chapters have been written and are now being reviewed and revised. Michael Booker will begin work this summer on combining the drafts into a final Self Study Report. This summer the HLC Steering Committee will begin promoting the college mission and the HLC visit scheduled for March 2009.
Liaison Reports
Dr. John Keckshared the final BAT – FAT agreement, commenting on the five issues. Fall break cannot be accommodated this year. A Board of Trustees Forum will be held in the fall of each year. Marketing of specific programs will continue and communication about these efforts will be improved. Revision of the PARS system will be delayed due to the current focus on reaccreditation. A salary increase of 5.8% has been approved for the next fiscal year.Our group needs to e-mail Rick Turley with a response to the BAT-FAT agreement. Joe Lange motioned to respond that we have no objection to the agreement. Tasha Welsh seconded. It was unanimously approved.
There weren’t any reports fromClassified Staff or Faculty Senate.
Appointment/Election of 2008-2009 Officers
Sarah Bright will be president. Volunteers are still needed for Vice-President/President Elect and Secretary. Deb will send out an e-mail asking for volunteers. If no one volunteers, it will be addressed at the meeting in August.
Preparation and Submission of Annual Report
Deb will write and submit a report summarizing our work for the year. She asked that we e-mail her with information for the report.
Other Business
Deb read a note from Beth Watts thanking our group for support of the TRIO Program. Beth reported that the raffle proceeds were temporarily used by two students, who then repaid the money to benefit other Project Success students.
Carrie Flesh sent a note to thank all the supervisors who allowed staff to attend the classified staff workshop held April 10. Their in-service day had a very large turnout.
Deb encouraged us to think about who we want to nominate from our constituent group for the 2008 Foundation Outstanding Achievement Award. Information will be sent out later for nominations and voting dates.
Bryan Herrick shared the marketing efforts being used to grow Continuing Education and Professional Development Services for the community.
The 50/50 raffle was held, with Joe Lange winning and then donating the money back. $126 was raised and turned over to Project Success Director Beth Watts.
Guest Speaker: Joe Lange
Joe shared the results of the SACE and PACE Surveys. The Personnel Assessment of the College Environment revealed that overall JeffersonCollege is in the highly consultative range, which is a favorable category. We scored higher in 45 of 46 areas than the national comparison group. Our results are also more favorable than our results from the 1997 PACE survey. Joe detailed areas of excellence and shared areas for possible improvement. The SACE results were also positive. The very highest score on the SACE related to students’ sense of feeling safe on campus. The SACE reflects the views of currently enrolled students. Joe also shared a result from the Graduation Rate Survey; JeffersonCollege, as compared to other community colleges, is in the top quarter for the success rate of first time, full time students.The findings from all three measures will be incorporated into the HLC Self Study.
A motion to adjourn was made by Tasha Welsh. It was seconded by Dana Nevois. The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Frey