Provisions Governing Alcoholic Beverages – Ord. 2012-4
Freedom Park may be used for the consumption of food and alcohol for social purposes, provided that the ABC special permit is obtained, that the distribution and consumption is associated with an event being conducted by a non-profit, and the Township Council deems that is serves the interests of the community and approves same by motion at a public meeting
HVC Historic Village Commercial Zoning District – Ord. 2012-14
This ordinance is to expand the scope of permitted retail and commercial use activities within the HVC- Historic Village Commercial Zone in order to revitalize and promote commerce within the downtown area of the Township
Neighborhood Services Advisory Committee – Ord. 2012-15
In order to streamline the operation of the Boards to increase efficiency to reduce the number of vacancies, the Township Council and Manager made recommendations to combine certain Boards. This Board represents all of the community and civic associations within the Township, who work collaboratively to support their individual missions.
Updated Sign Ordinance – Ord. 2013-1
An ordinance of the Township of Medford amending and supplementing various signage standards in various land development sections to provide efficient and controlled standards for signs that balance the aesthetic and economic developmental needs of the Township
Class A Liquor Licenses - Ord. 2013-9
Ordinance amending and supplementing the code to expand the permitted issuance of Class A liquorlicenses for limited breweries, restricted breweries (brewpubs), plenary wineries, farm wineries and instructional winemaking facilities
Rehabilitation Zone Ord. 2013-11
Ordinance amending and supplementing the Medford Township code for the implementation of “Five-Year Tax Exemption and Abatement” for designated rehabilitation area and redevelopment areas, currently in the greater Medford Village area
Economic Development Committee –Ord. 2014-3
The purpose of this Advisory Commission is to assist the Medford Township Council in the development and maintenance of a positive business environment in the community. The Board membership was expanded in order to facilitate business retention and recruitment efforts.
Pinelands Permitting - Ordinance 2010-27
Allows for a simplified permitting system for those businesses located within the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Area that do not require a “Change of Use” variance, which streamlines the process at significantly less expense to applicants.
Route 70 Corridor Study -2013-2014– possible revisions to HM, HC- 1 and 2 zones to attract more
Commercial development to the corridor area in Medford along State Highway 70 which transverse the Township.
Combinedthe Planning and Zoning Offices with the Construction Code office to facilitate permitting.
Historic Advisory Board Citizen’s Architectural Advisory Committee – No Appointments in2013 or
2014 in order to fast-track planning & zoning applications that previously were reviewed by these Boards
Parking Signs on Main Street– Older historical replica parking signs along Main Street were replaced with the universally approved Parking signs to address perception of lack of parking in the Village area.
Shop Burlington County First - Working in collaboration with the Medford Business Association to facilitate this County-wide initiative to promote local retail shopping and dining and the sale of the gift cards that being utilized as a part of the program.