Introduction to Computer Technology

2012-13 School Year

Instructor: Ms. Tina Vangilder

Teacher Email: hool Website:

Conference: 8:50 a.m. – 9:35 a.m.School Phone Number: 870-597-2723

Course Description:

This class is a semester course for 8th graders. The intent of this course is to introduce students to computer and business applications that are necessary to live and work in a technological society. Emphasis is given to data entry, computer concepts and operations, programming and design, computer software, implications of technology in society, and ethics. The course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the business, industrial, and scientific area in which the computer is used.

Materials needed:

Computer (provided by school in classroom), pen or pencil.

Required Text:

Computer Concepts Basics by Dr. Dolores Wells & Ann Amborse, provided by school.

Course Requirements and Grading:

This is a hands-on course using computers almost daily. Attendance is vital to your success. All computer work must be completed at school, unless otherwise assigned by the teacher. If for any reason you are absent, see the teacher to make arrangements to complete your missed work. If your absence is unexcused, do not expect any makeup time.

Class assignments will consist of the “Step-by-Step” lessons in the textbook, open book tests after each lesson, closed book tests after each unit, and various writing assignments relating to computers. Time will be given in class to review for unit tests, as well as study guides that will be sent home with the students. Students will also be expected to complete the vocabulary definitions, multiple choice and true false questions at the end of each chapter.

The assignments that will be due at the end of each week will be posted on the chalkboard.

Grading Scale:





Fbelow 60%

The proportion of the student’s grade will be as follows:

Step-by-Steps and end of chapter assignments (Daily Grades) will account for approximately 40% of the grade

Tests will count for 40% of the grade

Nine Weeks tests will count for 20% of the grade

Classroom Policies:

1. Be on time to class and prepared. Be seated at your computer with your necessary materials and ready to work by the time the bell rings.

2. Be respectful. That means not only of the teacher, but of other classmates.

3. Be responsible. If the computer is not working for any reason, notify me immediately. Take care of our equipment and keep the room neat and clean.

4. No food or drink in the classroom.

5. Students may not leave the room without permission.

6. Students will be allowed to log off the computer when instructed by the teacher.

7. Students will maintain a positive attitude.


Be to class on time. Students should be ready to begin class immediately after the bell rings. Students should be in their seats and ready to work when the bell stops ringing, or they are tardy. Being tardy three times is equivalent to an absence.

Additional Notes:

Class time is valuable. It is not to be wasted. When in the computer lab, students are expected to abide by the school’s internet policy at all times.

No changing backgrounds, screensavers, etc. on the computers. Other students will have to use these computers also.

Your success is important to me! I am available for help when you need it.

Marmaduke School District

Mission Statement

The mission of the Marmaduke School District is to provide effective, responsible instruction in all areas taught. To accomplish this mission, it is necessary for the district to insure awareness of the opportunities available to members of the community at large as well as to students and faculty. The district will aggressively and continuously pursue exemplary programs and training for all employees and students. These programs will enhance professionalism, aid in the pursuit of teaching excellence and increase student achievement.


The purpose of the Marmaduke Public Schools is to help the young people of the community to develop into responsible, useful and intelligent citizens.

If our youth are to function properly in society during the years ahead of them, they must receive a well-rounded basic education.

It is hoped that we can provide this education by adhering to the following guidelines and objectives:

  1. To provide the finest degree of instruction to all youth in the district.
  2. To provide a good foundation for students who wish to further their education.
  3. To provide the basic fundamental skills for students who wish to enter vocational fields.
  4. To install a feeling of citizenship and appreciation for our democratic form of government.
  5. To prepare students to live in a democracy through active participation in responsible activities.
  6. To develop an awareness of the difference between liberty and freedom – freedom must be earned by each generation.
  7. To develop the process of communication.
  8. To instill in the students the difference between right and wrong.

We are continually attempting to prepare our students for the social and economic impact that the constant changes in the world are bringing upon us.