Year 1 Long Term Plan Overview 2017 – 2018
Term / Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Topic Name / It’s all about me, me,me! / Monkeying around / Under the Sea / We’ll huff and we’ll puff and we’ll blow your house down! / Lost in the Toy Musuem / Our Little Einstein’s
Learning Journey / YES / YES / YES
Book Art / YES
Texts / On the Way home / Monkey Puzzle/ Amazing Animal Journeys / Under the Sea/
Deep Sea Diary / The Three Little Wolves and the big bad pig / Lost in the Toy Museum / On a beam of light Mrs Armitage on Wheels
English- topic writing opportunity / To label the parts of the body.
To write a poem using the 5 senses. / To describe an animal in the story.
To create a setting. / To write a poem using commotion in the ocean. / To write a character description for a good and bad character.
To write an alternative ending to a story / To write a story from a given point- the lights went out… / To write a short story- adventure story.
To draw and label a map to the park- persuade others to want to go. (H/wk opportunity)
To write a set of instructions- how to treat a graze. / To write a non-chronological report using facts from amazing animal journeys. / To write an explanation text- class pet (goldfish) incorporated into a leaflet.
To write a diary- trip to the deep. (Using deep sea diary) / To write an explanation text- materials of houses.
To write a letter of apology from the big, bad pig! / To write a set of instructions- for how to make a toy.
To write a recount- their toy museum
To use persuasive language- advertise their toy museum / To write an auto-biography.
To write an explanation- how a bikes work.
Maths / Numbers and Place Value(3wks)
Numbers up to 10
Addition and Subtraction(3wks)
Addition and Subtraction within 10
Recognising 2D and 3d Shapes
Number and Place Value(2wks)
Numbers up to 20
Addition and Subtraction(3wks)
Addition and Subtraction within 20 / Time(2wks)
Introduction to time
Number and Place Value(1wk)
Numbers up to 40 or 50
Addition and Subtraction(2wks)
Addition and subtraction within 40 or 50
Length, weight area and volume(1wk)
Introduction to length
Multiplication and Division(2wks)
Introduction to multiplication and Division
Introduction to Fractions(1wk)
Introduction into halves and quarters(1wk) / Number and Place Value(3wks)
Numbers up to 100
Addition and Subtraction(3wks)
Addition and Subtraction within 100
Introduction to coins and notes
Length, weight area and volume(2wks)
Introduction to weight and mass(1wk)
Introduction to capacity and Volume(1wk)
Science / To teach Seasons throughout the Year – create a permanent display.
Acknowledge other science topics here too- food, plants, clothing etc
Animals inc humans-draw and label the human body / Animals including humans- mammals / Animals inc humans- identify fish, reptiles etc / Materials- what material is best for… / Plants / Forces
History / Our history/ Personal history / Homes in past and present / Toys past and present / Albert Einstein
Geography / Familiar local setting / Africa / Africa- raise awareness of lack of resources/toys etc
R.E. / Can you tell what somebody believes by what they look like? / What is special to faith communities? / How does what believers do show what they believe?
Computing / Data Handling / Information Literacy / Modelling / Multimedia / Programming / Sound and Music
Visual Media
P.E. / Athletics / Dance/Gymnastics- Animal in the Jungle / Football / Tennis / Netball / Cricket
PSHCE / Drugs / Health / Myself / Citizenship / Safety / Friendship
Art / Drawing using a range of tools / Colour Mixing / Painting / Textiles/collage / 3D form / Printing
DT / Junk Modelling- make a model park / Playdough- make animals / Making musical Instruments / Make puppets for a well-known story / Make a toy following instructions / Make a model bike- pipe cleaners
Entitlement booklet/ Trip / Wildlife garden/ park if settled / The Deep/Aquarium / Scrap Magic / Toy museum and planting seeds / Bikes
Enterprise / Lucky Dip

Brackenhill Primary School Creative Curriculum