ROY HIGH SCHOOL – Jenny Hartnett


Attendance: The English Department will follow the District attendance policy. Five absences or tardies during any term will result in a loss of attendance credit. THE ENGLISH STAFF WILL NOT ALLOW MAKEUP FOR TARDIES.
Plagiarism: Information written by others is more accessible to students today because of technology. Students often do not understand what plagiarism is or its consequences. Plagiarism is taking thoughts or words from another person without giving that person credit through documentation. Plagiarism includes the following:

  • Downloading text, copying text or pictures, or extracting ideas from any source without proper documentation.
  • Copying and/or using another student’s work or ideas.
  • Any student who plagiarizes will receive half credit for the assignment if he or she remains after school and completes the assignment under my supervision.

Turning in a major grade assignment (paper, project):

  • If you turn in a major assignment on time, you will also receive a 10 out of 10 minor grade.
  • If you fail toturn in a major assignment on time, you will also receive a 0 out of 10 minorgrade.
  • Your final grade on the major grade will not reflect any academic penalty. However, it must be turned in by the final date of late work acceptance for each quarter in order to receive credit.
  • Major work may be revised for an improved grade prior to end of quarter work deadline. However, if the only changes you make are grammatical and editing (as opposed to major revisions or additions), the improved grade will be miniscule.

If you fail to hand in classwork or homework on time:

  • Regardless of the circumstances, each student's work will be graded solely on the basis of learning outcomes.
  • Late homework for an excused absence can be made up within one week of the absences. After one week, the work will be half-credit when turned in.
  • Late homework or classwork for incompletes or unexcused absence will be graded for a maximum of half-credit.

Classroom rules: Profanity or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Teachers will not allow food, drinks (except water), electronic devices*, spinnersor hats in their classes. On the first offense for an electronic device, the student will turn off and place the device out of reach on the chalk tray and can pick it up after class ends; on the second offense, the device will be taken to the head secretary; on third offense, the device will be taken to an administrator; on fourth offense, the student will be suspended. Parents must call the office to contact students. Let’s not play this silly game. Professors and employers despise cellphone distraction as well, so please just get used to controlling your impulses.

* Weber School District’s policy on electronic devices has changed to help incorporate technology into the classroom. Please read the document attached to this disclosure to understand the new policy on electronic devices.
Excused Absences: If absent, the student should check with the teacher as soon as he or she returns to school to get missed assignments. Each teacher has his/her own policy for makeup.
Truancy: When a student misses a class due to truancy, no makeup work will accepted.
Changing Teachers: Because of core curriculum restraints, students need to stay with their assigned teacher for the year. If circumstances call for a change, the change must be made at the end of the quarter and with the consent of both teachers.
ACT Dates 2017-2018: Test Dates (Registration Dates):

Oct. 28 (Sept.22)

Dec. 9(Nov. 3)

Feb. 10 (January 12)

(Required for 1010)

April 14 (March 9)

June 9 (May 4)

All juniors will take the ACT in school on Tuesday, February 27, 2018. Students will be given information on what to bring and where to report on this day. Sophomores and seniors will not attend school on this day.

Juniors who plan to take English 1010 their senior year must take the ACT Test by December 9th. If students do not earn a score of 17 on both the English and Reading portions of the test, they may obtain a recommendation form from their English teacher and then take the Accuplacer Test by the end of March. Students must have a score of 17 on both English and Reading in order to take 1010.

Royal R & R – School-Wide Program, Policy and Procedures:

Royal students—your academic success is very important to the teaching staff of Roy High! The ultimate goal is GRADUATION and college and career readiness!! We’ve created a program aimed at encouraging regular attendance, achievement, and responsible citizenship in each class, and expectations are high. Royal students, stay in the struggle, graduation is worth it!

Review & Reward: Throughout the week, students may earn the opportunity to leave class early during review & reward time. Students with a grade of C+ or higher will be given the option of leaving class, while students with a C grade or below will be required to use the time to review, make-up, or re-learn material. Additionally, students who are missing assignments from the current unit will also be held for review regardless of their grade. Students with a C+ or higher and all assignments turned in may choose to remain in class for review as well. All students who are tardy to class that day or have lost attendance credit in the class will not be released during the review time. Students are required to use the review time effectively, so students who are current on all assignments for the class will be required to bring other course work, a book, or provide help/tutoring to other students reviewing material. Time spent as a “peer tutor” is viewed favorably on college scholarship and job applications!

Grades determining the release of students during Royal R & R time will be based on the current gradeposted on Friday of the previous week. A great “rule of thumb” is to attend each class regularly and stay current on class work and tests. Furthermore, students should take advantage of the extra time made available with each teacher, especially if they are struggling in the class. Occasionally, students will turn in large assignments such as portfolios and projects. These assignments require a longer period of time for grading and may not be included on the upcoming Friday grades determining a student’s release for review time. Late assignments will be used to update students’ grades, however, teachers will determine the timeline for assessing and including late work on the grades. Students should not expect late assignments to be given priority over current classwork.

Weber School District’s Policy on Cell Phones and Digital Media Devices

Cell Phones and Digital Media Devices
The appropriate use of cell phones and other electronic devices will be permitted before and after school hours and in the hallways during student passing periods as well as in the lunch room during the student's lunch period. Students may also use electronic devices in the classroom only at the teacher’s discretion. The use of cell phones and other electronic devices for inappropriate reasons while on campus, (including cheating, sexting, harassment, or any use that is inappropriate and in violation of the Acceptable Use Policy or disruptive to a positive learning school environment) will be cause for disciplinary action. Students are not permitted to leave class to use a cell phone or electronic device. It will be considered a violation if the student's cell phone or electronic device disrupts the class. Students are expected to cooperate in handing over cell phones and digital media devices when requested. Upon request, students are not allowed to take out the SIM cards or batteries. Students insisting on doing so are in violation of "failing to comply" and appropriate action will take place. Students may be suspended for repetitive violations of this policy and/or related insubordination.

Filming/taking pictures on school campus during school hours must be under the direction of a teacher and used only for assignments given by teachers.Violation of the camera policy will require the same consequences as other electronic devices. In addition, pictures and/or film may also be viewed and deleted and/or given to the proper authorities if deemed inappropriate by school administrators.

When a student is not in the classroom and classes are in session, cell phones and other electronic devices may not be used unless the use is under the direction of a teacher. The violation of using such devices during this time will result in the same disciplinary action as discussed if misused in the classroom but handled by an administrator.

Violation of the cell phone/electronic device policy will be as follows:
1st offense: Cell phone/Digital Media device will be taken away by a staff member or teacher. The student’s name will be recorded in the “My Student” application and the student may pick up the item in the office at the end of the day
2nd offense: Parent is required to pick up the Phone/Digital Media device.The device will be taken away by a staff member or teacher. The student’s name will be recorded by the teacher in the “My Student” application and the parent is required to pick up the item from the office.
3rd offense: Referral to administration and suspension. Cell phone/Digital Media device will be taken away by a staff member and brought down to an administrator. The student will be suspended for one day and the item will be returned to the parent.

The school is not responsible for lost or broken digital media devices.
The taking or sharing of obscene, pornographic, lewd, illegal, or otherwise inappropriate images or photographs will not be tolerated. Violations will be referred to law enforcement.