
Barbara Aitken, Team Manager Older People, D&G Council (Chair).

Nicola Cameron, Prescribing Support Pharmacist

Sara Abbott, Rainbow Care Services.

Sharon Walker, Public Health Practitioner, NHS D&G.

Carylann Williamson, Stewartry Care.

John Locke, Lead GP, Stewartry.

Penny Nowell, Strategic Planning.

Liane Holmes, Prescribing Support Pharmacist, NHS D&G.

Christine Lyon, Nurse Manager Stewartry, NHS D&G.

Alison Solley, Locality Co-ordinator, NHS D&G

Justina Ritchie, CMHN Team Leader

Helen Brown, Divisional Finance Manager

Robyn Langton, Health & Social Care Integration Programme Support Officer


Ewan Marshall, Third Sector, D&G

Sue Newberry, Independent Sector

Hazel Walker, Workforce Development Partner

1. / Welcome and Apologies
Barbara welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.
2. / Previous Notes
The group agreed the notes as accurate.
3. / Corporate Update - Hazel Walker Health & Social Care Integration Workforce Development Partner
Locality Manager interviews are next week (5th and 6th May).
Hazel was not present at the meeting therefore an update will take place at the next meeting.
4. / Integrated Care Funding
a)  Community Link Worker - Sharon presented a proposal regarding Social Prescribing and further development of this from PYF funding. This was originally part of the BHC Self Management Programme. Evaluation around process, community resource and impact on GP Practices was carried out in original test. This will build on existing evidence but include how to make it work in a rural area and embed this approach for sustainability within the GP practices themselves. Having a link worker embedded into the Practice would provide better opportunities and eliminate the time lag between referrals. This would hopefully be working within all GP practices in Stewartry. The group discussed the opportunity to link in with the Mental Health team to refer in. The group also noted the need to ensure that this is not a support worker role and will be a signposting role into existing community assets.
Action: Sharon to liaise with Justina re links with Mental Health.
Sharon and Christine agreed to link closely with each other in terms of evaluation.
The group agreed the proposal of £52,370.
b) Healthcare Support Workers - Christine presented a proposal requesting two part-time phlebotomy assistants to release capacity for healthcare support workers to provide ‘wellbeing checks’, advice and signposting for housebound patients to maintain independence and build community capacity for self-management. John highlighted to the group that the way bloods are taken needs to change as already too much duplication.
The group discussed the need to link in with other partners and services including mental health, community link, social services, housing support workers, care at home providers.
The group suggested that in order to increase capacity within the team, the proposal is amended to ask for 1 Band 2 Healthcare Support Worker.
The group agreed the proposal for £20,000.
c) Ideas from Social Work teams – Barbara presented some ideas for thought from the Social Work teams. An overnight carer service was discussed and Carylann noted that from the Flexible Care test carried out in Dumfries town a key learning point was highlighted that district nurses and social work referrals are more appropriate than GP referrals. The group agreed that further scoping work is required to understand how this could work in Stewartry but this would need a robust exit strategy.
Another idea presented was the adoption of a ‘silverline’ telephone service. Sara Abbott highlighted to the group that an original proposal to PYF for a Good Morning D&G service was rejected as the Council had agreed to create a similar service. The group agreed that this would be a beneficial service which would help to reduce social isolation and attendances at GP surgeries and that this could be re-considered to be hosted in the Stewartry but operating across the whole region.
Action: Barbara to speak to Eunice Flett to liaise with Sara and Carylann.
With the two proposals agreed, Stewartry locality now has £109,000 left of their ICF locality monies.
Prescribing support discussed the need for closer links between teams going into homes to identify those on a large number of medications that could perhaps be reviewed.
5. / Locality Planning
Penny discussed the progress of the locality plan. Some areas need to be co-ordinated with the rest of the region around general areas of the plan.
If there are other consultations carried out by anyone in the group please contact Penny. Action: All
The ‘Where are we now?’ section
Action: group to have a think about what the locality’s main challenges are and feed back to Penny.
The group agreed that the Prescribing budget needs to be identified as one of the main challenges to the locality.
Action: Penny to insert into plan.
The group agreed that we need to understand how the whole health and social care system works.
‘Where do we want to be?’ section
It was suggested that the group could come together to look at our approach going forward.
Penny highlighted that the group needs to plan community consultations.
6. / Date of next meeting: Tuesday 26 May 2015, 10am , Day Room Conservatory Castle Douglas Hospital