FOR GRADES 4, 5, 6, 7

Integrating HOTS into the Domain of Social Interaction English Inspectorate – Southern Region

Shirley Burg, Staff of Elementary School English Counselors



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Interaction / Pupils interact effectively in English, orally and in writing, in varied social contexts with people from varied linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
Foundation Level Benchmarks / Intermediate
Benchmarks / Activity - note the activity listed will correspond to one or more of the benchmarks in the left-hand column. / HOTS
ask and answer simple questions about familiar topics and everyday situations such as family, school, personal interests / ask and answer questions about general topics, such as current events, future plans / ·  Introduce yourself / family/a current event/your future plans to a friend
·  Discuss the weather with a friend
·  Discuss your hobbies with a friend / Applying
express feelings, likes and dislikes / express personal wishes and opinions / ·  Imagine yourself in a situation and express how you feel.
·  Give advice in a letter; write a dialogue with your friend expressing your desires/wishes or opinions.
·  Write a sentence about what you hope to get out of English, this year. / Applying
interact for purposes such as giving directions, making requests / interact for purposes such as agreeing and disagreeing, giving instructions, complimenting, giving advice / ·  Tell a friend how to get to your house (with or without map)
·  Go – Game: Tell a friend how to get to the (window) from his chair.
·  Write / Follow a recipe for… (Fruit salad/ a sandwich/ chocolate balls…)
·  Play the "Fortune Cookie" game / say a compliment to a friend / a child in the room
·  Participate in a "Dear Anne" column
·  Participate in a debate (For / Against School Uniforms) / Applying
Problem Solving
Generating Possibilities
engage in short conversations / engage in longer conversations / ·  Play Guessing Games / Riddle Games:
o  20 Questions
o  Guess an animal / object from its adjectives
o  Guess what a picture will be from seeing parts of it
·  Describe your day to a friend / Applying
Identify Parts and Whole
give and receive short messages in writing, such as notes, invitations / give and receive information in writing, such as post cards, letters, e-mail messages / ·  Write an invitation to a birthday/ school/slumber party
·  Write a note to a friend telling to bring for a field trip
·  Role play as a mother: Leave instructions about what to do when you arrive home
·  Write a postcard about a place you've been
·  Write an email to a friend about a place you've been
·  Write a telephone message
·  Listen to a telephone message / Applying

FOR GRADES 4, 5, 6, 7

Integrating HOTS into the Domain of Access to Information from written texts (and spoken texts)



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Access to Information / Pupils access information in English, from oral and written texts, from a variety of sources
and media, making use of that information for a variety of purposes.
Foundation Level / Intermediate Level / Activities / HOTS
understand the general meaning, main ideas and sequence of events in a text and use this knowledge as needed
General meaning - cont.
General meaning - cont.
General meaning - cont. / understand the main idea and supporting details in a text and use this knowledge as needed
General meaning - cont.
General meaning - cont.
General meaning - cont. / 1.  Show pupils a picture associated with the story. Ask the pupils what they think the story is going to be about.
1.  Show a list of words and ask what they think the story will be about. Example: thief, purse, dog, costume, police, old woman
2.  Have students use the information they've seen a graph / time table to answer questions
3.  Have pupils read a series of sentence strips (5-6) and try to guess the order they think the events will happen in the story.
4.  Show the title and ask kids to predict what the story may be about.
5.  Take a quote from the story and predict what the story may be about
6.  The Road Not Taken – Robert Frost – How would my life be if I went this way vs. the other way?
7.  Jigsaw – putting together a jigsaw story. Everyone has to pool their information in order to understand the complete story.
8.  Highlights – The Guide Dog story- How does the order of events influence the final outcome?
9.  The Three Little Pigs - The pupils need to understand each part to get the main point at the end of the story.
10.  Poems: Mother Goose and Doctor Seuss -
11.  What does this sentence mean to you without knowing the whole story?
12.  “Quick into the hole”
13.  “Fee – fie –foe –fum I smell the blood of an English man”
14.  What did it mean when she said "She is popular"? Answer: She has a lot of friends
15.  How do we know the boy is kind? Answer: He helped the old lady cross the street.
16.  Principal Poem: What does his behavior suggest? Not a good principal? Lacks self confidence?
17.  Line from the poem: The kids stare at me; the kids laugh at me….
18.  “This isn’t the life for you” (taken from the fable “The Country Mouse”) - what can we infer from this sentence? What clues in the text support this quote?
19.  He is hungry. He doesn’t have enough food. He is afraid of the cat.
20. Comparing two characters in the same story: e.g., The Prince and Pauper
21. Comparing two texts: stories, fables, poems etc. using the Venn Diagram – charts
·  E.g., King Midas and The Golden Goose
22. Comparing what the characters experience with your own experience today. After reading.
23. Comparing and contrasting other cultures with your own ex. Prince Harry (polite)
24. “The Clever Fox”
What were the results of the fox’s actions of flattery?
Answer: The crow drops the cheese.
What is the result of the crow dropping the cheese?
Answer: The fox eats the cheese.
Why did the fox flatter the crow?
Answer: To get the cheese
“The Blanket” - What caused the boy to come up with the idea of cutting the blanket in half? (motive) What motivated the boy to cut the blanket in half?
Answer: His father wanted to give his grandfather a blanket to keep him warm at the Old Age Home. The boy understood from this that he would have to do the same when his own father got old. / Predicting
Identifying Parts and Whole
Comparing and Contrasting:
Making Connections
Explaining Cause and effect
Uncovering motives:
Identify motives that explain the character's behavior
identify different text types and use this knowledge as needed / understand the structure and conventions of different text types and use this knowledge as needed / 1.  Fairy Tales: Using patterns in chunks of language. E.g., Big Bear Big Bear what do you see? Once upon a time. They lived happily ever after.
2.  Identifying patterns of behavior in the characters. Repeated behavior - “Can I help you please” (The Big Carrot)
3.  "I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down" (The Three Little Pigs").
4.  Identifying a rhyme scheme in a poem and discussing what it adds.
5.  Identifying a rhyme scheme in a poem seeing where that scheme breaks – and discussing what the break in the rhyme scheme signifies. / Explaining patterns
Identify and explain different patterns in the text and explain their significance
identify explicit opinions and feelings / draw inferences in order to identify the points of view in a text, and use this knowledge as needed / 1.  Show a picture or talk about a character and infer some things. (for example: A picture of a woman)
·  How old do you think she is?
·  What profession do you think she has?
·  What does she like? Etc...
·  Why did X do what he did?
2.  You can make the author's feelings more meaningful to the child when you make a connection with his own world:
·  For instance - If they are learning about
pets ask the pupils questions about pets as it relates to them.
a.  Do you have a pet?
b.  What kind of pet?
c.  How do you take care of it
d.  What do you do when they get sick?
·  As the teacher, give examples from your own life.
e.  Did you ever have to move? Tell how you felt when you moved to a new city. (City Mouse and Country Mouse)
3.  Choose a proverb: See how it applies to you and your pupils
“Where there’s a will there’s a way”
Is there anything in your life that you had to work hard for and that you didn’t give up. Make a connection – apply to the story / Inferring
Making Connections
find out and follow short and simple directions and instructions in familiar contexts / find out and follow short and simple directions and instructions in less familiar contexts / 1. What do you think the story teaches us? / Applying
extract information from visual data, such as timetables / interpret information from visual data, such as graphs / Answer questions / come to a conclusion with the aid of visual information: surveys/ timetables/ schedules/various graphs / Applying
locate relevant information for a specific purpose
Cont. / Extract relevant information for a specific purpose from different sources / 1.  a. The Three Little Pigs - categorize the characters according to their relationships/values.
House Structure / Values – What they said? / Reaction of each pig when the wolf came.
Pig 1
Pig 2
Pig 3
b. The Name Problem: Nachmun
2.  Categorize the elements of the genre (text type) a drama, comedy, mystery and joke...etc.
3.  Dividing the text into the sections – finding the main idea of each part/giving each part a sub-title (The journey: Leaving home – the journey – arriving in Israel)
4.  Preparing a webquest
5.  Using the internet (different sites) to prepare a PPT / Project – deciding if the web site is relevant /authentic/ has authority / Classifying
Making judgments
use simple information tools such as a glossary, a simplified learner's dictionary, table of contents / use additional information such as a learner's dictionary, an index, guided use of search engines / Integrate learning technologies into the lesson
1.  Use the net to find / explain words / idioms / proverbs…
2.  Use online dictionaries / thesauruses/ concordances
3.  Using search engines to find material
4.  Evaluating the site to see if its information is useful to you / Applying

FOR GRADES 4, 5, 6, 7

Integrating HOTS into the Domain of Presentation



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Presentation / Present information and ideas in an organized and planned manner in a variety of formats, in both spoken and written English, on a wide range of topics.
Foundation Level / Intermediate Level / Activities / HOTS
present information on limited content supported by visual aids / present information taken from different sources / ·  Any sentence writing which contains word order / sentence structure / grammar / vocabulary which had been previously taught
o  A card about you and your family / pet…
o  An invitation to a birthday party / any kind of party
o  Describe what's in your cupboard / on the table / in the fridge
o  Describing a picture
·  Integrating different web sources to write a poster about a country/ place/ movie…
·  Prepare a PPT about…
·  According to a picture, infer (and write)
o  What the preferred activities / hobbies of the kid are (what's in the room?)
o  what happened before (jewelry all over the floor)
o  whom something belongs to
o  what will happen later on in the day/ week (look at the calendar/ schedule)
o  what a reaction of someone will be (messy room)
·  Making a fact File about something amazing
·  Writing a recipe
·  Making up and playing your own board game according to newly learned vocabulary / topic / grammar
·  Writing a summary / book report / log of a story
·  Giving your opinion about the book you read
·  Give a different ending to the story
·  Add a character to a story
·  Making a comic strip about a known story/ anything
·  Tell the story form another character's point of view (Peter and the Wolf- tell the wolf's story) / Application
Generating possibilities
Generating possibilities
describe people, places, things and events / react to the content of something read, seen or heard / ·  Any sentence writing which contains word order / sentence structure / grammar / vocabulary which had been previously taught:
o  Writing a postcard about a trip / a fun day
o  Writing sentences according to a picture
o  Making up riddles describing a picture / character
·  Preparing a poster / brochure / ad/ for an attraction /place activity
·  Write a new beginning / ending
to a story /song
·  Write a play from a story / Applying
Generating possibilities
produce a short piece of coherent writing and / or speech that conveys personal experiences / express ideas and opinions about general topics and experiences using main and supporting ideas / ·  Writing/Tell about your day
·  Writing a story according to sequenced pictures
·  Write / tell about a trip you took / your vacation
·  Reacting to an article –( For instance - giving your opinion about the use of animals in a circus) / Sequencing (+ applying)
design a means for collecting information, such as a questionnaire, and list the results / design a means for collecting information, such as surveys and interviews, and reports in results / ·  Making charts
o  about your favorite things
o  Animals
o  Food / vegetables
o  Fact files about people or places or animals
·  Making lists – what I need…
·  Drawing a map with a legend
·  Making charts that compare and contrast your and your friend's favorite things / hobbies…
·  Designing a questionnaire and then presenting its results – favorite sports/food/pets… of class members
·  Describing the differences between two pictures
·  Sequencing sentences in answer to a question /
·  Making a summary of the story – story map – complete a story map
·  Writing instructions to make something / do something
·  Making directions for a friend to reach a certain place
·  Making a questionnaire about friendship / Classification
Comparing and Contrasting
Sequencing and Applying
use given criteria, such as a checklist, to prepare and improve presentations / review and edit presentations based on feedback from peers and/or teacher / ·  Using Patti's Notebook Checklist from – "Check it Out"
·  Use Checklists that come with the tasks in the text books while preparing the task
·  Use rubrics prepared by the teacher before presentation
·  Describe how and why you wrote what you wrote / Classifying

FOR GRADES 4, 5, 6, 7