Updates to Birth Specifications
(From version 10/11/2001 to version 5/3/2002)
Specifications for items: State of birth, Certificate number, Void flag, Auxiliary State file number and Receipt date.
Appendix D - Hispanic Origin Look-up Table
Appendix E - Race Codes
General modifications:
Alphabetic codes have been modified so that “unknown” is consistently represented by “U,” and “not applicable” by “X.”
Numeric codes have been modified so that “unknown” is represented by “9(s),” and “not applicable” codes by “8(s).”
Changes to geographic items:
The geographic items were modified and distributed earlier (version dated 4/3/02).
The specifications for these items were corrected for differences in geographic coding between the birth and death specifications. U.S. States and Territories codes were changed from numeric to alpha (FIPS 6-4). This change is consistent with HISSB geographic coding standards and permitted Canadian Provinces (and Territories) to be treated as U.S. State equivalents for the purpose of coding residency. Notes were also added to geographic code appendices indicating that they will be superseded by the revised Part 8 (NCHS Geographic Coding Manual) upon its release later this year.
A minor change has been made to this current version of the specification -- all
references to ISO 3166 were removed and replaced with FIPS 10-4.
Specific changes: (The corrected information is in bold.)
Item 2, page 3. Delete TB value 2400-2359.
Item 4, pages 2, 3. IDOB_YR change to: 4 digit year, must be equal to current data year.
Item 8b, pages 2, 4. MDOB_YR change to: 4 digit year, must be less than child’s year of birth.
Item 8d, page 3. Change item name from BPLACE_ST_TER to BPLACEC_ST_TER
Change item name from BPLACE_CNT to BPLACEC_CNT
Item 9g. Add variable “limits” to NCHS transmission file.
Item 10b, page 2. Item name correction from MDOB to FDOB.
Item 10b, page 2 and 4. FDOB_YR change to: 4 digit year, must be less than child’s year of birth.
Item 10b, page 3. Edits for father’s calculated age have been added.
Item 29ab, pages 3, 4, 6. DOFP_YR and DOLP_YR change to: 4 digit year,year of child’s birth, or year of child’s birth –1.
Item 29ab, page 5. Final paragraph wording modified to “Dates that fail the edit criteria (that is, are more than 1 year earlier than the child’s date of birth) will be changed to “unknown” before transmission to NCHS.
Item 31, pages 2, 3. Add “unknown” value (99) to variable HIN.
Item 32, pages 1, 3. Change mother’s prepregnancy weight value range from 50-350 to 50-400
Item 32, page 2. Mother’s prepregnancy weight must be between 50 and 400 pounds…
Item 33, pages 1, 2. Change mother’s weight at delivery value range from 50-350 to 50-450
Item 33, page 2. If the mother’s weight at delivery is not between 50 and 450 pounds…
Item 35, 36, pages 4, 8. YLLB and YOPO change to: 4 digit year, mother’s year of birth plus 10 through child’s year of birth.
Item 35, 36, page 7. C_AGEM-TBO must be => 8. If this value is less than 8, the following message appears.
Item 35, 36, page 8. Change MLLBL to MLLB.
Change YLLBL to YLLB.
Item 39, page 3. Delete first sentence: “If year is not 999, and if “system year-DLMP_YR>2 then a screen should appear that reads:”
Item 39, page 3. Entry - Year. Change to: “Must be equal to the child’s year of birth or 1 or 2 years less…”
Item 39, page 5. DLMP_YR value change to: 4 digit year, child’s year of birth or 1 or 2 years less.
Item 41, page 4. Add: NPCES BYPASS variable.
Item 41, page 5. Change “if the correct box is checked and number given is greater than 30, the bypass flag is set to unknown” to “If the value is greater than 30 it should be changed to unknown.”
Item 41, page 6. NPCES_BYPASS delete value = “2.”
Item 44, page 2. Corrected item names are PROM (Premature rupture) PRIC (precipitous labor) and PROL (prolonged labor).
Item 47, page 4. Change variable name UORPto UOPR.
Item 49, page 2. Add sentence: “Do not convert unknown (99, 99) values for pounds and ounces.”
Item 49, page 4. Change variable name from BWto BWG.
Item 50, page 2. Change OWGEST_BYPASS valuefrom 0, 2to 0, 1.
Item 52, 53, pages 4, 6. Change MATCH length from 10 to 6 and value from 000000 to 000001.
Item 54, page 5. Change variable name NVPR to NICU.
Item 56, page 3. Change variable name TRAN to ITRAN.
Item 57, page 2. Change value ILIV “T” to “U.”
Item 58, page 2. Change variable name from ILIVto BFED.