Design Propulsion Subsystem



Document Authors:

Bo Naasz ()

Elliot Shoup ()

Scott Lennox ()

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Aerospace and Ocean Engineering

215 Randolph Hall

Blacksburg, VA 24060

Last Updated:04/18/02 3:00 PM

Document Number:(To be assigned by Ann, Jana or Scott)

Revision Number:1

Revision History

Revision / Description / Author / Date / Reviewer / Date / Systems / Date

(The reviewer section needs to include everyone that knows how to handle the hardware. The systems section is for approval by Jana or Scott.)

Table of Contents

List of Figures......

List of Tables......

List of Abbreviations......

Other Related Documentation......

1.0 Introduction......

1.1 Part #1 of component (Put the name of it here, not this title)......

1.2 Part #2 of component (Put the name of it here, not this title)......

1.3 Continue until all of the parts are described......

2.0 Miscellaneous......

3.0 References......

4.0 Appendix......

List of Figures

(Use the table of figures option that Word has. If you do not know how to do this please email Scott and set up a time to figure out how to accomplish this task.)

List of Tables

(Use the technique as the List of Figures page)

List of Abbreviations

(Fill this table out with any abbreviations that you use in the document. Put the abbreviation in the left most column and then the definition in the right most column)

Other Related Documentation

Document Name / Document Number / Document location

(The author should fill out the other document names, and systems will fill out the documentation number and location. Make sure all of the drawings for this component are included in this table.)


HokieSat’s orbit control is performed by pulsed plasma thrusters (PPTs) designed by Chris Rayburn at the University of Washington, with help from Primex Aerospace Corporation. Chris Rayburn’s thesis[1] is the most complete documentation on the PPT hardware, including the power processing unit (PPU). Elliot Shoup has designed the integration hardware for the PPTs, including the PPT bracket, and the Teflon fuel bar (TFB) supports. Scott Lennox has designed the base plate for PPU integration.

1.1Thruster Layout


1.2PPT Bracket

The AOE machine shop fabricated four unique brackets for the PPT’s. Additionally they fabricated two mounting plates, and two capacitor supports for mounting the PPT’s to the brackets. All parts are aluminum 6061.

Files for brackets to be attached to iso 3,4,5,6 are found on Hermes:

\\Hermes\stl\Internal Config\PPT_mount\PPTBracket3

\\Hermes\stl\Internal Config\PPT_mount\PPTBracket4

\\Hermes\stl\Internal Config\PPT_mount\PPTBracket5

\\Hermes\stl\Internal Config\PPT_ mount\PPTBracket6

\\Hermes\stl\Internal Config\PPT_ mount\capsupport

\\Hermes\stl\Internal Config\PPT_ mount\plate1

1.3[BJN2]Fuel Bar support

The AOE machine shop fabricated two “arms” to support the Teflon fuel bars. Additionally they fabricated “fuel bar wraps” that also support the fuel bars. All parts are aluminum 6061.

Files for the fuel bar support hardware is found on Hermes:

\\Hermes\stl\Internal Config\PPT_mount\fuelsupport1

\\Hermes\stl\Internal Config\PPT_ mount\fuelsupport2[BJN3]

1.4PPU Placement


1.5PPU bracket



(Anything else that you can think of that would need to be known about the design of this component.)


(Reference info for any other documents or drawings you refer to in the text.)


(Include figures, tables, or other documentation not included in the rest of this document.)

1Date (04/18/2002)1/8

[1] Chris Rayburn’s Thesis




