Course Themes:

1.  Social Reform – Muck of American history can be threaded together through the evolution of Social reform – This course will explore the gradual expansion social rights including magnifying eras such as:

  1. Colonial reformers
  2. Constitutional construction
  3. The Age of Reformers
  4. Reconstruction
  5. Progressivism
  6. New Deal Humanity
  7. The Great Society
  8. Carter and Human Rights
  9. Clinton and Health Care Reform

2.  Economic Growth:

  1. Mercantilism
  2. Hamilton’s Program
  3. Jackson destroys the Bank
  4. Tariff Conflict
  5. Manifest Destiny
  6. Imperialism
  7. Industrialization/Laissez-Faire Economics
  8. TR and New Nationalism
  9. Mellon’s Program
  10. FDR and Keynesian Economics
  11. Truman and Cold War defense Spending
  12. War on Poverty
  13. Nixon and the Energy Crisis
  14. Carter and Stagflation
  15. Reaganomics

3.  Presidential History – The course encourages the use of presidential history as a way to organize the massive information that exists in this course – Throughout the course and on each exam the students are asked to chronologically record presidential history, including political party, major reforms, major scandals, and miscellaneous info.

4. Military Engagements:

-Two themes run throughout our analysis of War:

a. War as an instigator of technological growth

b. War and how it exposes contradiction in American culture (Ex. Fighting WWII with a segregated Army

5.  Geography

Basic skills – elementary map skills are practiced throughout using transparencies and Text book maps – Students are assessed on their geographic skills including the Application of the 5 Themes of Geography throughout American history.

EVIDENCE: - The use of The primary source readings from The American Spirit by David M. Kennedy and Thomas A. Bailey throughout the course will require the students to analyze and use evidence in their comprehension of American History – the students will continue to read and record these documents in their “Primary Source Readings Log:”



In addition to primary source documents – Evidence will be presented often by the students – In projects such as The Civil War Museum (description in the syllabus) the students have to gather evidence and create an exhibit that is interactive and evidence based.

ASSESSMENT: The course has a series of exams that are a combination of Multiple Choice questions, Free Response Essays taken from old exams, and DBQ practice – The student will complete 5 DBQ’s before they take the exam – They are interspersed within the syllabus




1.  Chapters 1-4 Brinkley A Survey of American History – McGraw Hill Publishers 12th edition

Assignment 1:

U.S. HISTORY – ONE PAGERS – 1 for each chapter 1-4 (25 points each)

A one pager is a front/back notebook page concerning one chapter in your book. It is a way of making your own pattern of unique understanding of this part of history. It is creative and experimental. It is imaginative and honest. We learn best when we create our own patterns.


-Pull out 8-10 quotations and write them – these are springboards to explore your own ideas.

-Use visual images or images from the book or computer to create a central focus for your page

-Cluster around this visual image impressions, feelings, thoughts, and insights regarding what you have read.

-Identify and state the historical significance of 6 individuals in the chapter

-Describe and state the historical significance of 5 major issues

-Make two personal statements about what you read

-Write 4-5 questions about what you read

-Keep in mind that an audience should be able to examine your one pager and understand the essence of this chapter

-Use color and symbolism

-Include geographic highlights including 2 drawn/labeled maps

2.  Summer trip to historically significant place

Assignment 3:


Either by yourself or with a partner you are required to go to one place relevant to American History and complete the following tasks (Individually):

1.  Take at least 10 photos (can be digital) with captions – should contain proof you were there that day

2.  One page summary of this place’s importance in American history

3.  One page response to the visit from a personal perspective – What were the impressions that you left with – why did you choose this place – why should others go there

60 points

This Website can be helpful at finding a place wherever you may be traveling






Mayflower Compact

Mercantilism and advantages to colonists

Settlements (New England, Virginia, Middle colonies)

Inner Colonial Trade

Headright system

Religion: Congregationalism/Halfway covenant/Great Awakening/Anne Hutchinson/John Winthrop/Roger Williams/Thomas Hooker/William Penn/Calvinism/George Whitefield/Lord Baltimore/Deism

Bacon’s Rebellion/Slavery

John Peter Zenger Trial

New England Confederation/Dominion of New England

Benjamin Franklin (Albany Plan)

French and Indian War – 7 years War


Chapters 1-4 (Brinkley)

Richard Haklyut (Spirit – 1D2 and 1D4)

The Starving Time (Spirit 2A1)

“Conformity in the Bay Colony” (Spirit – 3B)

Bacon’s Rebellion (Spirit 4B1,2,and 3)

The Great Awakening – Edwards and Whitefield (Spirit – 5B1 and 2)

The Epochal Zenger Trial (Spirit – 5D1)

Wilderness Empire (Eckert)


1. Group Analysis of 5 Colonial Settlements (Plymouth, Mass. Bay, Jamestown, Maryland, Carolina – Each group researches and analyzes one of the above settlements and makes a presentation based upon the following criteria:




Art and Architecture



All students choose two of the colonies and write a Compare/contrast essay (50 points)

1.   Webquest Scavenger Hunt for the French and Indian War

2.   Readings of Allan Eckert’s Wilderness Empire to illuminate the Battle of Duquesne and the Native American culture of torture

3.   Numbers Review Game for Chapters 1-4 in Brinkley (Example included below – The students play this game at the end of several units – I will only include the first one as an example:



Groups of 3

1.  Cut all of the numbers into squares

2.  Shuffle numbers and place them face down in a pile in the middle of the table

3.  One student holds questions, one student holds answer key, and one student picks a number

4.  Whatever number gets chosen the student with the questions reads that number question aloud – If the student who chose the number can answer it then they keep that number (They do not go again) – student with the most numbers at the end is the winner

5.  If the student can’t answer or answers incorrectly then the number gets put back into the bottom of the pile – Important the student with the answer key cannot read the answer aloud!!!!!!!!!! Don’t blurt it out!!!!!!!!!

6.  ************Rotate – The answer key should go to the student who just tried to answer the question – That way that student can check the answer and know it from now on***********

7.  Winner of each group gets two points on the exam – 2nd place gets one point


1.  The first European nation to travel overseas and trade with the new world was? (Also the home of the great Figo and Christiana Rinaldo)

2.  Name at the five nations of the Iroquois?

3.  A group of Spanish explorers, including Cortez, Pizarro. And Coronado, who conquered indigenous people’s in the new world became known as the:

4.  1565 in Florida this was the first permanent settlement (set up as a Franciscan missionary?

5.  Compared to the British the Spanish were much more interested in ______as a motivation for their colonization:

6.  Transforming land from farming to sheep herding in England was referred to as the ______Movement.

7.  The goal of a National economy is to increase it’s wealth, by exploration, colonization, and eventually imperialism – This is the definition of ______

8.  Far more devastating to Indian cultures than military attacks was the spread of (be specific) this disease ______

9.  ______an Oxford clergyman preached in his writings the need for England to expand for reasons like creating markets, creating work, and attaining resources and goods

10.  Calvinism is congruent with the doctrine of ______

11.  The last of the Tudors in England she, like her predecessor Henry the 8th severed ties with the Catholics

12.  He was the first of the Stuarts

13.  The concept that colonists remain separate from indigenous people originated in Ireland and eventually led to the ______system made famous by southern (Antebellum) society

14.  What was William Johnson’s Mohawk name?

15.  These were “Adventure traders,” of French origin who worked with the Algonquins and Hurons trading fur

16.  New York was settled originally by the ______(European country)

17.  The defeat in 1588 of what naval force paved the way for the English to become more oriented to Mercantilism and expansionism?

18.  Early in Jamestown’s existence people were hungry and famine was horrendous – we call this The ______

19.  The introduction of what crop by John Rolfe in Jamestown obligated it’s leaders to seek more land westward?

20.  In 1619 The “House of Burgesses met for the first time in this state ______– It is the first recorded formal assembly in this country’s history:

21.  This was the only colony settled by Catholics, although there too they became a quick minority:

22.  Bacon’s rebellion led to the direct rise of ______in the south

23.  Bacon’s rebellion is seen as the first demonstration of this sectional conflict:

24.  The local Indians and friends of the first Pilgrims at Plymouth were the ______

25.  ______was the military leader of the Plymouth Colony, while ______became the first governor.

26.  The Motto of the “Congregationalist church in Mass. Bay Colony was “Complete Liberty to ______.”

27.  These were two separatist who refused to conform to the theocracy of John Winthrop’s Mass. Bay: ______founded Connecticut and ______founded Rhode Island.

28.  She claimed that some clergy were illegitimate because they had not had a, “Conversion Experience.” She was charged with ______

29.  These were the three approaches to the, “Indian Problem” in the Northeast.

30.  The King Philipps war demonstrated the carnage that could result from the switching of the Matchlock rifle to the ______

31.  As a result of the English Civil War King James and his ______were replaced by ______and his Cavaliers.

32.  James II originally was known as the ______

33.  George Fox and Margaret Fell founded the Society of Friends or more commonly the ______

34.  An act of Mercantilism the ______Acts attempted to restrict the American colonies from trading with non British companies

35.  The ______revolution restored the power of Colonial ______and as a result is seen as a factor towards American independence

36.  As the Spanish settled New Mexico and California they consider the ______from the north to be a bigger threat that the English

37.  Identify two factors that made the life expectancy greater in New England than in the Middle and southern colonies:

38.  Women in the Chesapeke Colonies had an average of ______children each

39.  Identify two popular “puritan” names in the New England Colonies

40.  Africans were tied in ______and taken through the middle Passage to the New World

41.  The Enlightenment provoked interest in ______and ______as opposed to allegiance to God.

42.  A response to “decadence” created by increased immigration/diversity and the Enlightenment The Great Awakening was inspired by the fire and brimstone of these two preachers:

43.  Name three European philosophers of the Enlightenment

44.  Name three American philosophers of the Enlightenment

45.  This is seen as the specific year that the British tried to tighten control of the colonies:

46.  “One General Government,” was a proposal made by Benjamin Franklin called The ______.

47.  General Braddock was defeated by the French at ______in the first big battle of the French and Indian (7 Years War)

48.  Weakened by famine from poor Harvests the British were able to defeat the British at the Battle of ______in 1760 precipitating a French surrender.

49.  Led by the Fierce warrior ______the Indians in the west fought for another 50 years but eventually were subdued by the British

50.  The land won from the French was needed for ______by the British but not for ______.

51.  Settlement in the Indian Territory was supposed to be prevented by the ______but colonial assemblies ignored it and refused to pay taxes

52.  Name 4 acts taken by the Grenville Ministry that increase tension between the colonies and England:

53.  The ______Movement in 1771 fought a battle (Almanance) against the North Carolina Militia as an example of resistance to colonial legislation and also East v. West conflict

54.  The most egregious of the British Mercantile Acts in America was the ______Act

55.  ______called for George the third’s head as he blew the “Trumpet of Sedition,” from the Virginia House of Burgesses

56.  Although Rockingham repealed the Stamp Act he simultaneously passed the ______Acts or in American the Intolerable Acts, placed a military presence in towns and people’s houses, closed the Port of Boston, and also allowed for the extradition of rebels for treason in courts in England

57.  The ______Duties taxed external goods like lead, paint, paper, and Tea

58.  ______became the battle cry in the Massachusetts Assembly

59.  ______was the Yellow Journalist who used the Boston Massacre as a method of rallying support for the revolution

60.  ______was a play write and a “Daughter of Liberty,” who used her pen to rally support for the revolution

61.  In 1774 the first Continental Congress met in Virginia and decided:

62.  At ______and ______the American Revolution sparked, but at the far bloodier ______it really began______.

63.  The study of how historical events are re-interpreted as they are examine in different eras is called ______

64.  Peter Zenger was represented by the Philadelphia lawyer ______who argued that a libel was not libelous, if it was true.

65.  The system of dividing land and acquiring new land in the south for planting was called the ______system

66.  This permitted New England residents membership to the church in 1692, although they had not been converted, as long as the had been baptized at infancy, lived by church doctrine, or did not lead a scandalous life: