Minutes of Meeting held at Ipplepen Millennium Centre

On Tuesday 05th December2017

In attendance:

Coun.Mrs.Northwood (ChairmanCoun.Tomkinson

Coun.Carnell (Vice Chairman)Coun.Farrow




Mrs.F.OldingParish Clerk

Coun.Dewhirst District/County Councillor

The Chairman opened the last meeting of our retiring Clerk, Fay, with a huge thank you from the past and present Councillors and Parishioners of Ipplepen for her 28 years (nearly three decades) service to the Village. Fay was presented with a beautiful bouquet, bottle of champagne and a silver bracelet and thanked everyone very much for being such a wonderful council and community to work for and was happy to leave with the knowledge that the Council would be in good hands with the new Clerk, Cat Freston.

All Councillors had received a copy of the new Clerk’s Contract, which was duly approved unanimously. Cat signed the Contract which included a 3 month probationary period and will now work alongside Fay for the rest of December and take up her post from the 1st January 2018.

111) APOLOGIES–Coun.Mrs.Hutchings

112)DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST– No declarations of interest


Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 7th November, 2017 were approved and signed by the Chairman.


MATTERS ARISING FROM THE LAST MEETING - information from the Clerk

New Skate Park - On-going

Devon Air Ambulance Night Landing Site – Awaiting news on the planning application.

Football Club –Detailed drawings had been received for their new extension and would be further discussed under Plans.

Toilet Block Council Tax - The Clerk had spoken to Jane Major at TDC and she suggested that we wait until the end of this financial year, when the government are hoping to give 50% towards the running of public toilets. In the meantime, we will pay approximately £157.00 per month for the Clampitt Road Toilets and no Council Tax for the Recreation Ground toilets. This was agreed unanimously by all Councillors present.

Toilet Block Pathway – Work will commence early in the New Year as the chosen Contractor is very busy at present.

CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) – The Clerk had spoken to TDC concerning the report we needed to complete on how we were going to use the CIL money recently received. They confirmed that as we have only just received it, we will not need to do a report until December 18. The Clerk requested whether the money would be suitable to use for the new skate park project and they confirmed that this would be an excellent way to use the money. We should receive another payment in May and November 2018.

Defibrillator – The new defibrillator for the Recreation Ground is now installed, which now leaves the Clerk to register it with South West Ambulance Service.Action: The Clerk

Christmas Tree – The tree is up and running and looks absolutely splendid. A huge thank you to Coun.Carnell and those who helped him, for organising this in time for the Candlelit Procession held on the 25th November.

Litter Posters from TDC – These have been ordered and acknowledged by TDC and we will receive them in due course.

Parking Problems – The Clerk had given our Neighbourhood Beat Manager the dates of our next three meetings, which included the December meeting, inviting her along to attend, but as yet no reply has been received.

115) CORRESPONDENCE– Chairman, Coun.Mrs.Northwood

a)Items from Devon County Council:-

The Annual Parish Paths Partnership Finance Forms had been received and had been passed to the Chairman of Highways. The forms need to be returned by the middle of February.

b) Items from Teignbridge District Council & Teignbridge CVS

Details on the changes to the Elector Fund whereby it will be returning to its original purpose of encouraging communities to work together, identifying and kick starting new ideas for their mutual benefit enhancing and making a difference to communities.

An invitation to all Parish Clerks to attend a Networking Event being held on 14th February in the Long Room, Old Forde House, 10.00-12.30. The new Clerk will endeavour to attend.

c) Items from DALC/DCT/SLCC:-

November Newsletter

d) Items from the Police: Various Devon & Cornwall Alerts had been received during the month of November and were taken as read, parishioners are reminded to be vigilant particularly concerning bogus phone calls, cheap goods being sold, fake adverts on social media, equipment rental etc.

Other items received:

e)A thank you from the Local History Group had been received for erecting and decorating such a splendid tree in the Village Square in time for their procession.


Millennium Centre –The minutes from the meeting held on 14th November, 2017 were taken as read. The next meeting is due on the 9th January 2018

TALC – The minutes of the meeting held on 30th November, 2017 were taken as read. The next meeting is due on the 25th January, 2018

Village Hall Committee– Nothing to report

Ipplepen Community Fund–A grant was awarded to the local choir Unity in Sound, towards a portable sound system.

Emergency Team – The annual Heavy Snow article will appear in the January edition of the Parish magazine.

Councillor Training– Coun.Rattlidge confirmed that he had attended the recent New Councillor Training which proved to be most helpful and well attended.


County Matters

The first of a programme of planned repair schemes started on the A380 last week.Following survey and inspection work carried out on the route earlier this year, the County Council has announced that due to the depth of reconstruction needed, from Monday 4 December, this work will need overnight road closures from 7pm to 6am for two weeks, in addition to daytime lane closures which will be subject to a 50mph speed restriction for safety.At the start of the New Year, work will also be carried out on the southbound carriageway at Telegraph Hill and the southbound carriageway at Ware Barton.

Libraries Unlimited, the charity responsible for running Devon’s libraries, and Devon County Council, have been working on a more modern, user-friendly and improved library service thanks to a new library system and website, and the system is now ready to go live. Devon libraries will be switching over to the new system from Wednesday 29 November and it is hoped that all libraries will be online with the new system by mid-December.

The new website will be available at devonlibraries.org.uk and, once live, users will be able to use their existing borrower number and PIN to access all library services, including the catalogue, reservations and renewals, as well as account information, eBooks, digital magazines and more.

Gritters were out in some parts of Devon earlier in the month for the first time this season. Skanska, Devon’s highway maintenance contractor, has taken delivery of nine new tractors, supplied by local business, Masons Kings. These will work across the county.The new tractors are replacing the old fleet, which has worked in excess of 52,000 hours. In autumn and winter they will clean the roads, to help them function more smoothly. The new fleet will also be used as a backup to operate salt spreaders, snow blowers and ploughs.Six new gritters with snow ploughs have also been added to Devon’s frontline fleet of winter vehicles, with the county’s gritting routes covering around 2,000 miles of Devon’s 8,000 mile road network.

District Matters

Village litter pick – Suggested date - 3rd March Great British Spring Clean Day. The Parish Council agreed.

118) PLANNING – Coun.Farrow

The meeting due to be held on 22nd November was cancelled as there were no planning applications to discuss.

b) Grants & Refusals of Planning permission received:

REFUSED: Application 17/01462/FUL – Land opposite Coach House Great Ambrook for Agricultural building

Granted: Application 17/02833/CAN –Reduction of a line of poplars to previous reduction points and removal of one branch from a gingko tree at Paternoster House, Paternoster Lane.

Granted: 17/01883/FUL – Grasscrete driveway at Camping & Caravan Site, Dornafield Farm

Granted: 17/01880/VAR – Variation of Condition 6 on planning permission 15/01496/FUL (Demolition of bungalow and garage and erection of two detached dwellings) To remove garage door and replace with window to create additional living accommodation on Plot 2 only at Site of 7 Clampitt Road.

Granted: 17/01175/FUL – Conversion including extensions and alterations of existing two storey outbuilding into a single dwelling and associated parking at Hellyers Stable, Croft Meadow

Granted: 17/01824/FUL – New building to accommodate existing equestrian shop, including ancillary café, storage and office space additional parking and access to north of site at Lillisford Stud, Littlehempston

Granted: 17/01993/FUL – Agricultural Barn at Land NGT 283316 67315 at Townsend Hill.

c) Applications discussed: No applications to discuss this month.

d) Other items discussed:The Football Club had submitted plans for their new extension and storage facilities. The Councillors accepted the plans as seen and Coun.Farrow requested the Clerk to contact the football club to request floor plans for existing and new before he can submit the planning application on their behalf. Action: The Clerk

119) AMENITIES- Coun.Carnell

The Minutes from the meeting held on 9thNovember 2017, were approved and taken as read with the following comments:

a)Disabled Swing Harness - Coun.Carnell advised that he would investigate as to whether there was an alternative harness/seat for the disabled swing as the present harness fixtures were easily removed and stolen.

b)Play Inspection Reports -The Clerk requested the return of the play inspection reports for the records.

c)Water/Electricity at Toilet Block -The Clerk requested Coun.Carnell to work out from the recent meter readings a fair amount to pay the MCMC per month for the water and electricity being used at the new toilet block, which taps into their bills.

d) Gate Post repairs - Roger to obtain quotes for replacement gateposts at entrance to right of way past the scout hut and the Football/Cricket Club in Moor Road.

120) FINANCE & PERSONNEL– Coun.Smith

Balance No.£ 36,935.17


Mill.Centre Rent for Nov£ 50.00

Transfer from Reserve Account for Clerk’s Gratuity£ 9,728.45

Rural Aid for Swings£ 3,500.00

Balance:£ 50,213.62

Invoices Received and Approved:£ 3,775.46

Balance £ 46,438.16

Reserve Account

Balance£ 33,950.15

Overall Total £ 80,388.31

Items discussed:

RESOLUTIONS: The Chairman of Finance, Coun.Smith proposed, seconded by Coun.Farrow and agreed unanimously to request £66,820.00 from Teignbridge District Council for the 2018/19 Precept

It was also proposed, seconded and agreed unanimously to take the Clerk’s Gratuity Shortfall of £2771.55 from the 2017/18 contingency money.

Finally, it was proposed,seconded and agreed unanimously to transfer the CIL Payment of £4,307.90 to the new Skate Park Project in the Reserve Account.


The minutes of the meeting held on 23rd November, 2017 were taken as read.

Coun.Smith reported on the recent Highways Conference, which he found to be rather tedious and disorganised. He also attended the P3 Workshop which was much better and well worth attending.

The DCC Lengthsman should have visited on 29th November 2017, but never left Abbotskerswell in time to come to us. It is therefore hoped that we will be re-scheduled for a visit in the future.

Coun.Smith advised the Council his concerns about the barriers being removed between Dornafield Drive West and Dornafield Drive East without any consultation with the Parish Council and that he was taking the matter up with Devon Highways.


Coun.Rattlidge advised that their sub-committee had met and was meeting once again soon to discuss further the next steps that need to be taken before taking on a consultant to assist in writing the plan. The locality grants available have been extended into 2019, which is good news as we are no way ready to apply as yet. The next meeting date of the main committee will be advised in due course.

123) ITEMS LEFT ON THE TABLE– Available from the Clerk

124) OPEN FORUM– One member of the public who has now lived in the village for a couple of years commented on how pleased he was to see the Defibrillators and whether it would be good to run another first aid course in the near future. Action: The Clerk to look into this.


Amenities Meeting12th Dec. 7pm at Mill.Centre

Plans Meeting20th Dec.7pm at Mill.Centre

Full Parish Council02nd Jan.7.15pm at Mill.Centre

MCMC09th Jan.6.15pm at Mill.Centre

Highways18th Jan.6.30pm at Mill.Centre

Neighbourhood Plantba

Meeting Closed at 9.08pm