Tuesday, May 10, 2011

6:45 Public Hearing to hear comments on the Chamber of Commerce Special Events Permit Application. Mayor George Whitt opened the public hearing at 6:45 pm with Trustees present: Mayor Protem Cecilia Robbins, Trustees Ena Millich, Ray Larsen, Leroy Herrera and Marie Zeller. Staff: Balty Quintana, Town Manager, Georgann Valdez, Town Clerk; Dirk Nelson, Town Attorney; Miriam Gillow-Wiles, Planning Intern, Sgt. Wes Crume and James Brown, Maintenance Field Supervisor. Audience: Bill Rose, Emily Meisner, Mike Pacheco, Carol McWilliams, Al Dustin, Victor and Tom Atencio, Lana Jo Chapin, Jay Wood, Craig Springe, Kenneth Bray and spouse. No Comment at the Public Hearing. The hearing was closed at 6:50.

7:00 p.m. Public Hearing as required by Town Code and Colorado Law – Natural Gas Rate Adjustment – No Comment

  1. Call Regular Meeting to Order: Mayor George Whitt called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The same were present as in the Public Hearing.
  1. Public Comment:
  1. La Plata Youth Services – Jay Wood, Executive Director thanked the Board for its contribution to the program. New to the agency, Mr. Wood was glad to meet the partners, learn the needs of the community and reach out with services.
  2. Ignacio School District, Superintendent Rocco Fuschetto – Not Present
  3. SUCAP Transit Budget for 2010 – Not Present
  4. Boys and Girls Club Update – Jen Bartlett spoke of the two-day workshop May 25 and 26 at Ignacio High School coordinated by BGC for high school students that will offer Theater, Spoken Word, Photography and Video. Community involvement is encouraged.
  5. Tom Atencio asked what Mr. Al Dustin, owner of the burned house at 775 Browning has planned for cleanup. Mr. Dustin stated his insurance company has paid for damages and a contractor has been hired to do the cleanup. Mr. Victor Atencio asked when the work is to begin because of his wife’s health, they are not able to move back into their home until the demolition and cleanup is complete so they can have their house cleaned. Work will proceed as soon as Mr. Dustin and the contractor have the necessary permits from the Town.
  1. Approval of Minutes: Trustee Marie Zeller pointed out a spelling correction in the minutes of April 7. With the correction Ray Larsen moved to approve the minutes of April 7, April 12 and April 25, 2010, in block. Seconded by Mayor Protem Cecilia Robbins. The motion passed unanimously by individual voice vote.
  1. Bills to be Paid: Trustee Ray Larsen moved to have the bills paid. Trustee Leroy Herrera seconded. The motion passed unanimously by individual voice vote.
  1. Staff Reports: Written Reports enclosed in Board Packets
  1. Police Dept: No Report, no questions for Sgt. Wes Crume.
  2. Maintenance:New help will start Monday through the Senior Program sponsored by SUCAP, and the Department of Labor. The individual will work part-time for the minimum wage.
  3. Treasurer:
  4. Planning:Miriam is working with kids volunteering for the May 21 Town Hall paint job. Finalizing work on the new town website through the SIPA Grant.
  1. Old Business:
  1. Chamber of Commerce Memorandum of Understanding for 2011 Ignacio Bike Week – Balty pointed out a few word changes and Chamber President Emily Meisner had questions she wanted clarified. Following a brief discussion, the final wording will be worked out between them. With those minor changes Trustee Ray Larsen moved to approve the Chamber of Commerce Memorandum of Understanding for 2011 Ignacio Bike Week. Seconded by Trustee Leroy Herrera. The motion passed unanimously by individual voice vote.
  1. Chamber of Commerce Special Event Permit: Trustee Leroy Herrera moved to approve the Chamber of Commerce Special Event Permit for Ute Street for 2011 Ignacio Bike Week. Seconded by Mayor Protem Cecilia Robbins. The motion passed unanimously by individual voice vote. Emily Meisner informed the Board of the new events, parking regulations and proposed road closure of El Paso Road for the Richard Olguin property at 1001 Hwy 172. Balty stated Richard Olguin has been moving dirt on his property without the proper permits. He must be in compliance with an approved Storm Water Management plan before any bike events can happen on his property, including the Beer Tent which requires a Special Event Permit and approval from the Town Board. Trustee Ena Millich moved that the Special Event Permit for the Chamber of Commerce at 1001 Hwy 172 (Richard Olguin Property) be granted on the condition that the property owner, Richard Olguin prove to the Town that the property where the event is to be held has an approved updated Storm Water Management plan with the Colorado Water Quality Control Division, or other state entity with jurisdiction, including the Town of Ignacio no later than June 14, 2011. If that proof is not provided then this conditional approval shall expire. The local approval of the Special Event Permit shall not be sent to the State until there is compliance with the Storm Water Management Plan Condition. Seconded by Trustee Marie Zeller. The motion passed unanimously by individual voice vote.
  1. Transit Waster Contract Approval: Trustee Ena Millich moved to approve the Transit Waste Contract. Seconded by Mayor Protem Cecilia Robbins. The motion passed unanimously by individual voice vote.
  1. Bean Pole Match $621.75 Community Scan Connection: Balty explained a grant received by Region 9 for three million dollars to upgrade the fiber connections and broad band capabilities in the Region 9 jurisdiction requires a match from each entity in the Southwest Colorado Council of Governments. Ignacio’s share is $2487 or $621.75 each from the Ignacio School District, the Library District, the Los Pinos Fire District and the Town. A memorandum of understanding will follow between the Town and the School District for the perpetual use and maintenance of the fiber. Mayor Protem Cecilia Robbins moved to approve the $621.75 Town’s share of the match for the Bean Pole Community Scan Connection. Seconded by Trustee Leroy Herrera. The motion passed unanimously by individual voice vote.
  1. New Business:
  1. Gas Rate Adjustment from $6.97 to $7.08(an increase of .11 per mcf) Trustee Ray Larsenmoved to approve the gas rate adjustment. Seconded by Mayor Protem Cecilia Robbins. The motion passed unanimously by individual voice vote.
  1. TP Lounge Liquor License Renewal – Trustee Ena Millich moved to approve the TP Lounge Liquor License Renewal. Seconded by Trustee Marie Zeller. The motion passed by 5-1 individual voice vote with Trustee Ray Larsen voting no.
  1. Memorandum of Understanding Between Town of Ignacio and Ignacio School District for Candelaria Lane Easement: With the subdivision and pending sale of Rock Creek II to the Growth Fund, in order for the Town to access the 5.6 acres the Town will retain for the affordable housing component of the Department of Local Affairs Grant, the School will dedicate to the Town the Public Right of Way for Candelaria Lane and Candelaria Drive. Trustee Leroy Herrera moved to accept the Dedication of Public Right of Way for Candelaria Lane and Candelaria Drive from the Ignacio School District 11JT. Seconded by Trustee Ray Larsen. The motion passed by a 5-1 individual voice vote with Trustee Ena Millich voting no.
  1. Ignacio School District Sign Property Quit Claim Deed Request: The Town will Quit Claim 5,194 square feet (.12 acres) to Ignacio School District along the west side of Hwy 172, just past the Catholic Church (15449 Hwy 172) between the ditch and the paved street as Browning splits south, for the purpose of erecting a marquis sign announcing school events. The Town will reserve the right to maintain utilities while the School will maintain the grass, ditch and sign. Trustee Ena Millich moved to approve the Quit Claim Deed Request from the Town to the School. Seconded by Trustee Zeller. The motion passed unanimously by individual voice vote.
  1. Rock Creek II Rezoning & Subdivision – Set Public Hearing Date (June 14 – 6:45 pm) Mayor Protem Cecilia Robbins moved to set a Public Hearing to hear comments on rezoning Rock Creek II from R-1(single family) to R2 (multi-family) and the subdivision of the property. This will meet the conditions of the DOLA Grant allowing for multi-family affordable housing units on the 5.6 acres the Town will retain after the sale of the 54 acres to the Growth Fund Properties. Seconded by Trustee Herrera. The motion passed unanimously by individual voice vote.
  1. Administrative Reports:
  1. Town Manager: In addition to comments in the Manager’s memo:

A property owner has sent the Town an invoice for work done on his property by a contractor for nearly $6000 to re-grade the private sewer line which he claims the Town caused to lose grade when the new water main was installed three years ago. A meeting is planned with the Town Engineer, the property owner and his contractor and me to discuss the possibility of a cost-sharing settlement. Issues of paid sewer tap fees, a permission to use the Town’s Right of Way have to be addressed.

A letter was send to the Tribe to develop a plan to burn some heavy overgrowth along the river. A mountain lion has been spotted along Shoshone Park and the Elementary School grounds. No response has been received yet.

  1. Town Attorney: No Report
  1. Miscellaneous:
  1. Adjournment: Being no further business before the Board, Mayor Whitt adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m. The next regular meeting will be June 14, at 7:00 p.m. at the Abel F. Atencio Community Center at 570 Goddard Avenue.


George Whitt, Mayor Date


Attest: Georgann Valdez, Town Clerk

Town Board Meeting May 10, 20111