Steuben County

Immunization April-June 2016


Published: 07/05/2016

71 handed out at clinic with returned of 41. 58% return

Date reviewed by Quality Improvement Committee/Management Team: 8/15/16

ACTIONS (Identify implementation date and responsible party):

FOLLOW-UP DATE (if applicable):

Date Reviewed by Professional Advisory Committee: 10/26/16

11/07/2016 13

Survey Overview 3

Instructions Provided To Respondents 3

Respondent Metrics 3

Respondents 4

Sorted By Name 4

Survey Results 6

Section - Service 6

1. What service did you receive from Public Health? 6

2. Have you ever used services from Public Health before? 6

Section - Indication 7

Instructions Provided To Respondents 7

3. Public Health staff was friendly. 7

4. The service(s) I received were delivered promptly. 7

5. Public Health staff was respectful. 7

6. The service(s) I received met my social, cultural and/or special needs. 7

7. The Public Health staff took the time to listen to my concerns. 7

8. The Public Health staff understood my needs. 7

9. Public Health staff was helpful and I was able to get what I needed from the Public Health Agency. 7

10. Overall, I am satisfied with the services I received. 7

11. I would recommend the Public Health Agency to my friends and family. 8

Section - Service received today 9

Instructions Provided To Respondents 9

12. Did Public Health staff give you information about other services that you might be eligible to receive? 9

13. Did anyone provide outstanding service? If so, whom? 9

14. What did we do well during our service to you? 9

15. What can we improve? (Please be specific) 10

16. Where did you learn about our services? 11

17. Where did you receive services? 12

Section - Optional Questions: 13

18. Race/Ethnicity: 13

19. Gender: 13

20. What is your current age? 13

21. What is the highest level of education you completed? 13

22. Would you like us to contact you in regards to this survey. 13

23. Name (optional) Error! Bookmark not defined.

11/07/2016 13

Survey Overview

Instructions Provided To Respondents

In order to continuously improve the services we provide our clients, we kindly ask that you take a few moments to complete the following survey. Your opinion is important and your responses are confidential. Thank you

Respondent Metrics

Respondents: 41

First Response: 04/15/2016 03:25 PM

Last Response: 07/01/2016 12:22 PM


Sorted By Name

0000000664 Anonymous

0000000665 Anonymous

0000000666 Anonymous

0000000667 Anonymous

0000000668 Anonymous

0000000669 Anonymous

0000000670 Anonymous

0000000677 Anonymous

0000000678 Anonymous

0000000679 Anonymous

0000000680 Anonymous

0000000681 Anonymous

0000000682 Anonymous

0000000683 Anonymous

0000000684 Anonymous

0000000697 Anonymous

0000000698 Anonymous

0000000699 Anonymous

0000000700 Anonymous

0000000701 Anonymous

0000000707 Anonymous

0000000708 Anonymous

0000000709 Anonymous

0000000710 Anonymous

0000000711 Anonymous

0000000712 Anonymous

0000000713 Anonymous

0000000714 Anonymous

0000000736 Anonymous

0000000737 Anonymous

0000000738 Anonymous

0000000739 Anonymous

0000000740 Anonymous

0000000741 Anonymous

0000000742 Anonymous

0000000751 Anonymous

0000000752 Anonymous

0000000753 Anonymous

0000000754 Anonymous

0000000755 Anonymous

0000000756 Anonymous

Survey Results

The following is a tabular depiction of the responses to each survey question. Additional comments provided by respondents, if any, are included after each table.

Section - Service

1. What service did you receive from Public Health?

71.4% 30 Adult Immunization

28.6% 12 Child/Adolescent Immunization


PPD (0000000670 Anonymous)

PPD (0000000667 Anonymous)

TB Test (0000000666 Anonymous)

TST (0000000742 Anonymous)

TST (0000000740 Anonymous)

2. Have you ever used services from Public Health before?

69.2% 27 Yes

30.8% 12 No

Section - Indication

Instructions Provided To Respondents

Please indicate if you agree or disagree with each of the following statements by checking the box under your response. If you disagree with any of the statements below, please help us understand how we improve by providing a comment under question 6.

3. Public Health staff was friendly.

78.0% 32 Strongly agree

22.0% 9 Agree

4. The service(s) I received were delivered promptly.

75.6% 31 Strongly Agree

24.4% 10 Agree

5. Public Health staff was respectful.

80.0% 32 Strongly agree

20.0% 8 Agree

6. The service(s) I received met my social, cultural and/or special needs.

75.6% 31 Strongly agree

24.4% 10 Agree

7. The Public Health staff took the time to listen to my concerns.

80.5% 33 Strongly agree

19.5% 8 Agree

8. The Public Health staff understood my needs.

80.5% 33 Strongly agree

19.5% 8 Agree

9. Public Health staff was helpful and I was able to get what I needed from the Public Health Agency.

78.0% 32 Strongly agree

22.0% 9 Agree

10. Overall, I am satisfied with the services I received.

80.5% 33 Strongly agree

19.5% 8 Agree

11. I would recommend the Public Health Agency to my friends and family.

80.5% 33 Strongly agree

19.5% 8 Agree

Section - Service received today

Instructions Provided To Respondents

The following statements pertain to the service(s) your received today.

12. Did Public Health staff give you information about other services that you might be eligible to receive?

84.6% 33 Yes

10.3% 4 NA

5.1% 2 No

13. Did anyone provide outstanding service? If so, whom?

All (0000000712 Anonymous)

All Staff (0000000667 Anonymous)

Betty (0000000710 Anonymous)

coworkers (0000000736 Anonymous)

Everyone (0000000669 Anonymous)

Everyone (0000000739 Anonymous)

Everyone (0000000751 Anonymous)

N/A (0000000698 Anonymous)

The lady that has you sign papers I love her. (0000000668 Anonymous)

Yes (0000000670 Anonymous)

Yes Betty did. (0000000699 Anonymous)

Yes everyone (0000000683 Anonymous)

14. What did we do well during our service to you?

All were helpful. (0000000712 Anonymous)

Awesome :) (0000000664 Anonymous)

Everything (0000000668 Anonymous)

Everything (0000000739 Anonymous)

Everything (0000000741 Anonymous)

Everything (0000000751 Anonymous)

Everything professional (0000000684 Anonymous)

Explaining answers to any questions (0000000708 Anonymous)

Fast service (0000000680 Anonymous)

Friendly (0000000756 Anonymous)

Friendly and quick (0000000752 Anonymous)

Getting Rubella shot (0000000710 Anonymous)

Great attenion (0000000699 Anonymous)

Kindness (0000000698 Anonymous)

Listened and were gentle (0000000665 Anonymous)

Prompt (0000000666 Anonymous)

Provide information (0000000709 Anonymous)

Shot (0000000677 Anonymous)

TB test (0000000670 Anonymous)

To reach the patient within the appointment time. (0000000738 Anonymous)

Very courteous (0000000742 Anonymous)

Very friendly (0000000667 Anonymous)

Visiting (0000000740 Anonymous)

Yes (0000000700 Anonymous)

15. What can we improve? (Please be specific)

I don't know, seems fine to me. (0000000684 Anonymous)

Im not sure because recently I will join the service (0000000738 Anonymous)

It's all great (0000000699 Anonymous)

N/A (0000000668 Anonymous)

N/A (0000000670 Anonymous)

N/A (0000000754 Anonymous)

NA (0000000741 Anonymous)

NA (0000000742 Anonymous)

Needs no improvement (0000000709 Anonymous)

No (0000000677 Anonymous)

Nothing (0000000665 Anonymous)

Nothing (0000000667 Anonymous)

Nothing (0000000698 Anonymous)

Nothing (0000000752 Anonymous)

Nothing (0000000756 Anonymous)

Nothing, everything and everyone was wonderful (0000000739 Anonymous)

You all were great. (0000000664 Anonymous)

16. Where did you learn about our services?

42.9% 15 Your Physician

40.0% 14 Another community agency, please speify

11.4% 4 Friend or family member

2.9% 1 Public Health brochure

2.9% 1 Public Health web site

Comments/Notes for "Another community agency, please speify":

Arbor Development (0000000667 Anonymous)

Arbor Development (0000000701 Anonymous)

Arbor Development (0000000741 Anonymous)

Arbor Housing and Development (0000000742 Anonymous)

Employee (0000000698 Anonymous)

Home Health Care (0000000666 Anonymous)

Net (0000000737 Anonymous)

School (0000000681 Anonymous)

School nurse (0000000678 Anonymous)

Work (0000000670 Anonymous)

Work (0000000700 Anonymous)

work (0000000740 Anonymous)

17. Where did you receive services?

75.0% 24 Public Health Office

25.0% 8 Clinic

Section - Optional Questions:

18. Race/Ethnicity:

97.0% 32 White/Non-Hispanic

3.0% 1 Asian

19. Gender:

71.9% 23 Female

28.1% 9 Male

20. What is your current age?

51.6% 16 40-64 years old

32.3% 10 25-39 years old

9.7% 3 65+ years old

6.5% 2 18-24 years old

21. What is the highest level of education you completed?

36.4% 12 High School Graduate

27.3% 9 Some College

12.1% 4 Less than High School

9.1% 3 Associates Degree

9.1% 3 Bachelor's Degree

6.1% 2 Graduate or Professional Degree


12 years old (0000000677 Anonymous)

Age under 18 still in school. (0000000678 Anonymous)

GED (0000000755 Anonymous)

22. Would you like us to contact you in regards to this survey.

96.3% 26 No

3.7% 1 Yes, Phone Number
