March 28, 2017

1.  Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. The following Board members were in attendance: Chairman Miller, Supervisor Mueller, Clerk, Treasurer and Deputy Clerk. Board member Supervisor Averbeck arrived 7:44.

2.  Minutes from the February meeting were read aloud and a motion was made by Mueller/Miller to approve them as read. Motion carried.

3.  Aaron Sadoff from North Fond du Lac School District was unable to attend the meeting.

4.  Discussion regarding bulky waste drop off. Linger reported Advanced Disposal will provide same service/fees as last year. Miller reported quote from Guelig was $485 to deliver dumpsters and $180 to take back. Mueller/Miller motion to stay with Advanced. Motion carried 2-0.

5.  Linger received photos and documents from Marty Johnson related to possible raze order for nuisance property at W7345 Townline Circle. Will Send to Tim VandeBerg to get estimate for repairs. Discussion followed: 30 days to address problem or raze order will be put in place. Motion was made by Mueller/Miller to approve contract with Tim VandeBerg to provide estimates for repairs. Motion carried 3-0.

6.  Sidewalk project update: Averbeck reported sidewalk conditions are a safety issue. County will give favorable pricing for project and will do both sides of the street. County wants to widen road mostly the curve to the north to a wider curve. County would need to purchase property from property owners. Map of area is available for viewing at the Community Center. Will need to inform property owners. Catch basins are also in disrepair; three are bad and need to be replaced, one has been repaired. Engineering for project is basically complete. Verbal high bids from sidewalk companies, county more conservative and reasonable. Issue: town needs to set up program for properties affected, discuss with owners how they would like to finance their portion. Prelimanary start date after picnic 2018, estimated length 3-4 months. Need to find out if grants may be available for project.

7.  Dave Jahns questioned ordinance disparities in setbacks for A1 Farmland District. Carlton Kastorff stated need to review. Averbeck stated Section 17 of ordinance replaces old ordinances, if discrepancies exist then we need to inform attorney. Road Access control Chapter 8 states one driveway per residence, otherwise would need to go to Board of Appeals. Discussion regarding farmer field access, 1 driveway for 3 contiguous lots, this is a town board issues not a Board of Appeals issue. Mike Wagner reported on a recent Board of Appeals hearing regarding Dick Schultz/Cory Schultz property that needed variance for setbacks for new shed.

8.  Reports:

  1. Plan Commission Report- Carlton Kastorff reported that a Conditional Use Permit review on March 13 to review three properties. Two non-farm conditional use and 1 property has future resale. All three properties were given 3 year renewal. Need written confirmation back to property owners. All three satisfied with outcome.
  1. Town Highway- Mike Pionke reported on order for salt. Can put 120 ton in shed, 80 ton on hand, 90 ton on reserve. Used 120 ton this year. International plow truck has 3 broken springs on driver’s side.
  1. Fire Department- Rickert Farm barn fire, multiple departments assisted, no equipment loss to department. Need to educate police/sheriff that farming and milk pick up still need to happen. New members doing well with truck inspections. Sirens must run during active fire call. Linger reported that received a letter from Advanced Disposal to donate $500 in honor of Rod “Tiny” Menne. Send to FD Memorial Fund in his name.

9.  Public Input:

Discussion regarding gates on Marsh Rd. Miller stated we were supposed to have meeting with Lamartine, DNR does not have money any longer for project. Mueller reported we have gates, can put them up, won’t likely happen this year.

10.  Monthly bills were approved and paid.

11.  Motion to adjorn meeting was made by Mueller/Miller. Motion carried 3-0.

Cathy Winters, Deputy Town Clerk