Participants are to keep their work in a folder and turn it into the school’s Common Core Contact for the awarding of inservice points upon completion. All work must be completed by the last day of the 3rd 9 weeks (March 8).

Each block of questions is designed to be completed after viewing the online webinar. Webinars are available approximately two weeks after each Early Release PD day.
After Webinar #1: Deliberate Practice Action Research
·  Submit evidence of assignments linked to standards and graded in Pinnacle Grade
·  Thinking of your 3rd Grading Period Unit –
o  What aspects of CCSS can I integrate?
o  Based on the Crosswalk Activity, what are my standards-referenced goals for this unit?
o  What are the implications on how I will grade this unit?
o  How can I incorporate the High-Impact Anchor Literacy Standard?
*Please reference the Resources/Tools you used to complete this deliberate practice (i.e., Quick Tips, VIMS Newsletter, PD 360).
After Webinar #2: Deliberate Practice Action Research
·  Create a Class Profile using student achievement data from Pinnacle Insight
·  Does the data you are seeing align with or validate what you have observed in the classroom?
·  Based on the data, which of your students are experiencing difficulty with the September 26th High-Impact Anchor Literacy Standard?
·  As you consider your 3rd Grading Period Unit, how does this information about your students’ needs and strengths influence how you will plan for differentiated instruction?
*Please reference the Resources/Tools you used to complete this deliberate practice (i.e., Quick Tips, VIMS Newsletter, PD 360).
After Webinar #3:Deliberate Practice Action Research
·  Plan for Instruction in your 3rd Grading Period Unit including the following elements:
o  Standards-Referenced Grading
o  Interdisciplinary Collaboration
o  High-Impact Anchor Literacy Standards related to your unit
o  Differentiation Based on Student Data (Qualitative and Quantitative)
·  Put your unit into Pinnacle Instruction with Lessons and Activities
*Please reference the Resources/Tools you used to complete this deliberate practice (i.e., Quick Tips, VIMS Newsletter, PD 360).
After Webinar #4: Deliberate Practice Action Research
·  Plan for Assessments in your 3rd Grading Period Unit including the following elements:
o  Standards-Referenced Grading
o  Interdisciplinary Collaboration
o  High-Impact Anchor Literacy Standards related to your unit
o  Differentiation Based on Student Data (Qualitative and Quantitative)
o  Rigor and cognitive levels of standards
o  Quality questioning and discussion techniques
·  Plan for how you will communicate to students the standards they are responsible for learning, how they will be expected to demonstrate understanding, and how they’ve done.
·  Add Activities and Assessments to your unit in Pinnacle Instruction
*Please reference the Resources/Tools you used to complete this deliberate practice (i.e., Quick Tips, VIMS Newsletter, PD 360).
After Webinar #5: Deliberate Practice Action Research
·  Provide students with access to data about their own achievement (My Learning Plan, Pinnacle Insight, etc.).
·  Share your ideas and plans for your 3rd Grading Period Unit with your students and solicit student feedback about what would increase their engagement, increase student choice options, etc. aligned with the critical attributes in 3C and the High-Impact Anchor Literacy Standard from November 14th.
·  Adjust your planning for the unit in Pinnacle Instruction based on the students’ input accordingly.
*Please reference the Resources/Tools you used to complete this deliberate practice (i.e., Quick Tips, VIMS Newsletter, PD 360).
After Webinar #6: Deliberate Practice Action Research
·  Consider the feedback you’ve received from your students about how they want to learn, feel they learn best, and are most engaged in learning.
·  Additionally, consider what you learned on December 5th about multiple measures of assessments, accommodations for diverse learners, the High-Impact Anchor Literacy Standard, and expectations of PARCC assessments.
·  Based on your reflections, adjust your planning for the assessments within your unit in Pinnacle Instruction accordingly.
*Please reference the Resources/Tools you used to complete this deliberate practice (i.e., Quick Tips, VIMS Newsletter, PD 360).
After Webinar #7: Deliberate Practice Action Research
·  Revise your Class Profile using updated student achievement data from Pinnacle Insight and recent assessments.
·  Does the data indicate any shifts in student grouping patterns? Shifts in patterns of student understanding?
·  How can the January 23rd High-Impact Anchor Literacy Standard be incorporated in your planning for formative assessments?
·  Plan backwards from your summative unit assessment to plan for formative assessments throughout the unit. Put these into Pinnacle Instruction.
·  As you consider your 3rd Grading Period Unit, how will you plan for students’ self-assessments? How do the assessments you’ve planned provide formative data to help you adjust instruction accordingly?
*Please reference the Resources/Tools you used to complete this deliberate practice (i.e., Quick Tips, VIMS Newsletter, PD 360).
After Webinar #8: Deliberate Practice Action Research
·  Review one unit from at least two other colleagues’ in Pinnacle Instruction by rating the unit/lesson/activity/assessment and providing comments.
·  Reflect on your unit. Based on everything you’ve learned, ideas you’ve gotten from your colleagues’ units, and feedback from your students, what would you do differently the next time you planned this unit? What would you keep the same? Why?
·  Reflect on this process as a professional learning experience. What made it successful? Challenging?
*Please reference the Resources/Tools you used to complete this deliberate practice (i.e., Quick Tips, VIMS Newsletter, PD 360).