Invisible Illness Club

Founders: Harley Skorpenske and AnneliseSprau

President: Harley Skorpenske

Vice President: AnneliseSprau


Article I:

Section I: Name

Section II: Purpose: The purpose of this club is to provide a safe space for students with an invisible illness to discuss problems that they may encounter, meet other invisible illness sufferers, and create a support system to aid in their collegiate experience. The club will also aim to shed light on accessibility issues, and attempt to resolve the issue by working with Ohio State and related parties. The club will correspond with people in the professional world that have invisible illness so to provide examples of successful disease stories. Lastly, the club will spread awareness of invisible illness throughout campus in order to create a more tolerant and understanding feel on campus.

Section III: Non-discrimination Policy: While the club’s target audience is students with invisible illnesses, it is not exclusive to only these students and is completely open to allies and those interested in understanding what these students may face on a day to day basis. This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Article II: Memberships, Qualifications, and Membership Categories: Member Capable of voting in club elections will be undergraduate students at The Ohio State University. Other members may include University faculty, alumni, post-grad students, or professionals, but will be unable to vote.

Article III: Organization Leadership: Leadership positions and their duties include: President, makes executive decisions for the club. Initiates meetings, provides schedule, takes into consideration club wants, secures event space, and manages recruitment and membership.

Vice President: Aids president in duties. Takes over duties if president is unable to fulfill any obligation.

Secretary: Communicates with members via email, facebook, and twitter, regarding events and meetings. Records each meeting and creates summary at the end.

Treasurer: Manages club funds.

Social Chair (Optional): creates/schedules social events for members.

Each elected officer will be elected for the year. Elections for a new executive board will be held at the end of second semester.

*The first executive board will be based off of founders and other students appointed by the founders.

Article IV: Removing Officers

In the event that an officer is unable to fulfill their expected duties another executive board member can bring the discrepancy to the attention of the board. At this point a warning can be issued. After three warnings a board member may be removed from the executive board and a member may be appointed by the board to fill their space.

Article V: Advisor

The advisor of the club is expected to guide the club when needed and to correspond with the university when the clubs efforts have not sufficed.

Article VI: Meetings

Meeting will be held once a week for approximately 1 hour. Social event will happen once a month.