Set written and edited by current and former students of RockfordAuburnHigh School(Abid Haseeb, Lloyd Sy, Jordan Hoffmann, Saad Sheikh, Alex Pandya, Michael Kikta, and Jacob Balogh)

1. This character’s inspiration stemmed partially from his creator’s dyslexic reading of the name “meal man” on a grave marker. This character is abandoned by his fiancée Belle, and he observes the traits of Ignorance and Want personified as children. He is deeply affected by the death of his sister Fan, and he encounters a vision of the funeral of (*) Tiny Tim, to whose family he sends a turkey at the end of the novel he appears in. This boss of Bob Cratchit is visited by Jacob Marley, who announces the coming of the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come. For 10 points, name this grumpy man who says “Bah, humbug!” in A Christmas Carol.

ANSWER: EbenezerScrooge (accept either)

2. Because this god’s favorite color was red, brides in Scandinavia wore red gowns and used rings with red stones. In preparation for his duel with this god at Griottunagard, one giant created Mokerkialfi to battle this man’s servant; that giant was Hrungnir. Served by (*) Thialfi, this god fathered Magni and Modi on Jarnsaxa. This god unexpectedly ate a large amount of food while disguised as Freya before killing the giant Thrym. At Ragnarok, this God will kill and be killed by Jormungandr, and this husband of Sif wields the hammer Mjollnir. For 10 points, name this Norse god of thunder.


3. This leader sent a delegate to observe the Knights of Malta and changed the celebration of the New Year from September 1 to January 1. This ruler attempted to establish the Grand Assembly and faced the Bulavin Rebellion. This ruler shared power early in his reign with his brother Ivan V, and captured (*) Azov as part of a push to gain a warm-water port. This man lost the Battle of Narva but later gained Livonia and Estonia after the Treaty of Nystad, which ended a war that challenged Charles XII, the Great Northern War. For 10 points, name this tall ruler who pushed for modernization in Russia.

ANSWER: Peter the Great (or Peter I, prompt on just Peter)

4. This character befriends waitresses in order to get free deserts and supposedly always finishes her sandwiches. This character does a rendition of “Memory” from Cats that is described as “hauntingly beautiful”. This character was present at a St. Patrick’s Day party in 2008, and this bass-playing roommate of Cindy attended an Economics class, which her future husband mistook for an architecture class, at Columbia. This owner of a yellow umbrella meets her (*) future husband at a wedding, and this character is not Robin Scherbatsky, although she might be Barney Stinson’s half-sister. For 10 points, name this eventual wife of Ted Mosby on a CBS sitcom entitled How I Met [this character].

ANSWER: the Mother or Your Motherfrom How I Met Your Mother [accept things like Ted Mosby’s future wife]

5. In the presence of a strong base, this functionality is changed from internal to external in a namesake zipper reaction. Substituted forms of this functional group can be created from aryl ketones in the Seyferth-Gilbert homologation. This functional group can be created from aldehydes in the Corey-Fuchs reaction. In the presence of palladium deposited on calcium carbonate and (*) poisoned with lead, a compound known as Lindlar’s catalyst, this functional group can be hydrogenated to an alkene. For 10 points, identify this functional group, the simplest of which is acetylene, characterized by a carbon-carbon triple bond.

Answer: alkynes

6. A figure is seen stabbing a fish with a golden knife in this artist’s homage to Meissonier, and this artist also created a depiction of the crucifixion in which his wife looks diagonally up at Jesus, whose crucifix is composed of golden cubes. This painter ofTuna Fishing andCorpus Hypercubus included an optical illusion involving some birds at a pond in his (*)Swans Reflecting Elephants. This artist also created the Lobster Telephone, but he remains best-known for a work in which some ants are seen on a timepiece; that work also includes three melting clocks. For 10 points, identify this Spanish surrealist who painted The Persistence of Memory.

ANSWER: SalvadorDalí

7. Warnings pertaining to this event were given by Nicholas Barker, and in one incident during this conflict, 20 people were killed aboard a vessel commanded by Sandy Woodward. The Mikado operation took place during this conflict, which included the sinking of the Atlantic Conveyor and the Sheffield. The aggressors in this conflict suffered the sinking of the Belgrano, and they were led by (*) Leopoldo Galtieri. It resulted in the taking back of Stanley, and this conflict was a victory for Margaret Thatcher. For 10 points, identify this 1982 conflict between the United Kingdom and Argentina over the namesake archipelago.

ANSWER: Falkland Islands War [accept MalvinasWar or South Atlantic War]

8. A psychological model which incorporates information metabolism with this man’s work is called socionics. One work by this thinker discusses a “divine drama” and God’s lack of moderation; in that work, he also suggests adding a fourth evil side to the Trinity. He described sensation and intuition as “perceiving functions,” whereas thinking and feeling are “judging functions.” This author of The Answer to Job and (*)Psychological Types discussed the “shadow aspect” as well as the animus and anima in describing archetypes. For 10 points, identify this Swiss psychologist who theorized the collective unconscious.

ANSWER: Carl Gustav Jung

9. Mutations in this structure’s ABCD1 membrane protein can lead to adrenoleukodystrophy. This structure contains DHAP acyltransferase, which is used for plasmologen synthesis. One disease of this structure results from excess phytanic acid in myelin sheaths, while another disease results from defects in the PEX5 and PEX7 genes. Those diseases are Refsum’s disease and (*) Zellweger syndrome. A modified version of this structure called a glyoxysome is found in germinating seeds, but this structure is better known for containing the enzyme catalase. For 10 points, name this structure responsible for breaking down a compound, with formula H2O2.

Answer: peroxisome

10. This man set Hawthorne’s “Rappacini’s Daughter” for the stage and wrote a biography of a writer from his own country, The Traps of Faith. This author’s Eastern Slope was written along with a work about Hanuman, (*)The Monkey Grammarian, while he was in India. The works “The Day of the Dead” and “The Conquest and Colonialism” appear in this author’s essay collection which analyzes how the titular mood of isolation has shaped the minds of his countrymen. A poem by this man consists of 584 lines and stands for the days of the Aztec calendar. For 10 points, name this Mexican author of “Sunstone” and The Labyrinth of Solitude.

ANSWER: Octavio Paz

11. One holder of this position visited Madam Marcia during a campaign, and another holder of this position sewed $56,000 in government bonds in a coat worn while walking around town. Another person who filled this role appointed Mary McLeod Bethune as the head of the Division of Negro Affairs, while a later person in this position began the (*) Society for a More Beautiful National Capital. The current holder of this position started the “Let’s Move!” campaign against childhood obesity, and a former holder of this position is currently Secretary of State. For 10 points, name this position currently held by Michelle Obama.

ANSWER: First Lady of the United States

12. In this work, a goat representing Greece has his horn broken off and split into four smaller horns. At the beginning of this book, the central character has three companions named Azariah, Mishael, and Hananiah, and that character later makes a request from Arioch. It sometimes contains the story of (*) Susanna and the Elders and a description of Bel and the Dragon. This book’s title prophet interprets a dream about an idol made of four metals, and reads the words “Menay, Menay, Taykel, Ufarseen” during Belshazzar’s Feast. For 10 points, identify this book of the Old Testament whose title character God saved from being eaten by lions.

ANSWER: Book of Daniel

13. The antagonist of this work can turn into an owl. This work borrows from Undina in its second act and features Neapolitan and Spanish Dances in its third act. It was originally choreographed by Julius Reisinger, and in its first act, the tutor Wolfgang gets drunk. The protagonist goes into the woods with his friend (*) Benno after receiving a crossbow as a present on his birthday. Siegfried is seduced by Odile, causing the female lead to commit suicide by drowning in the title locale. For 10 points, name this Tchaikovsky ballet that features Odette, who is turned into the titular bird.

ANSWER: SwanLake

14. This man wrote about a woman who becomes obsessed with Laléande, in his short story “Melancholy Summer of Madame Breyves.”In a better known work by this author, the Jewish man Bloch becomes a famous writer after introducing the narrator to the works of Bergotte. Another character in that novel by this man listens to Vinteuil’s sonata and meets (*) Odette at the dinner parties of the Verdurins. The narrator of that novel, which is composed of volumes such as Within a Budding Grove, remembers the past after eating a madeleine. For 10 points, name this French novelist of the enormous seven-part novel In Search of Lost Time.

ANSWER: Marcel Proust

15. One study of this region involved Lindzen and Holton’s examination of the dissipative effects of its quasi-biennial oscillation. This region is the subject of a model partially named Brewer, and the other namesake of that model was Gordon Dobson, who names a unit for the atmospheric density of a (*) substance found in one portion of this layer of the atmosphere. The lower boundary of this region is the tropopause, and thermal inversion takes place due to the absorption of ultraviolet rays by the ozone layer contained within it. For 10 points, identify this layer of the atmosphere, which is above the troposphere and below the mesosphere.

ANSWER: stratosphere

16. The achievement of one form of this quantity is the subject of the injection problem, and an attempt to account for one type of this quantity predicts a “big rip”; that is the phantom energy model for its cosmic variety. In addition to the aforementioned type of this quantity named for Fermi, another form of this quantity which is NOT force is named for Coriolis. Another form of it can be calculated as the (*) velocity squared over the radius of curvature of a path. Its derivative with respect to time is jerk, and it is the second derivative of position. For 10 points, identify this quantity which is the rate of change of velocity.

ANSWER: acceleration [accept Fermi acceleration before mentioned; also be generous and accept cosmic acceleration early]

17. A period of orogeny named after this mountain range was the last event in the building of Pangaea. The central portion of this mountain range reaches its top height at Basegi and cradles part of the UfaRiver. The southern end of this range is connected to the Mugodzar Hills and the IremelRange. The KamaRiver rises from its western portion, and its namesake river flows into the (*)Caspian Sea. VaygachIsland and Novaya Zemlya are extensions of this mountain range, which runs from the KaraSea in the north down to the northern border of Kazakhstan. For 10 points, name these mountains that run down western Russia, often considered a boundary between Europe and Asia.

ANSWER: Ural Mountains

18. This composer’s 6th, 7th, and 8th piano sonatas are collectively known as the “War Sonatas”, and his ballet The Tale of the Stone Flower is about Danilo. One of this man’s works has a fourth movement “Troika” and was composed for an Alexandr Faintsimmer film. In a ballet by this composer, Truffaldino makes the Prince laugh when Fata Morgana falls down. This composer of (*)The Love for Three Oranges and Lieutenant Kije Suite wrote a work in which the bassoon represents the grandfather and the oboe stands for the duck. For 10 points, name this Russian composer of Peter and the Wolf.

ANSWER: Sergei Prokofiev

19. This country’s political parties included UNO, which was founded by General Manuel Odría, who led a 1948 coup over José Bustamante. Another coup here, sparked by a debate over oil fields, deposed Fernando Belaúnde. One group in this nation suffered after the capture of its leader Abimael Guzmán and conducted the Lucanamarca massacre in the province of Huanca Sancos. TheBarrios Altos massacre occurred under the leadership of a president of this nation who was connected to the (*) Grupo Colina and was of Japanese descent. For 10 points, name this country that is home to the Shining Path terrorists and was led by Alberto Fujimori from Lima.


20. One character in this work says to another, “You’re my religion. You’re all I’ve got.” The last line of this novel states that the protagonist travels “back to his hotel in the rain.” In this novel, Count Greffi plays billiards with the main character, whose friend romances Helen Ferguson. This book depicts the (*) Battle of Caporetto, which leads to the protagonist being reunited with Rinaldi. The protagonist of this novel rows to Switzerland with his lover, Catherine Barkley, who dies in childbirth at the novel’s end. For 10 points, name this novel about Frederic Henry, set in World War I, by Ernest Hemingway.

ANSWER: A Farewell to Arms

1. Maxwell modified the original formulation of this law by adding the displacement current. For 10 points each:

[10] First, identify this law from physics which states that the line integral of the magnetic field around any closed path equals the product of the permeability of free space and the current passing through the given surface.

ANSWER: Ampere’s circuit law

[10] This SI unit for charge, symbolized C, is defined in terms of the SI unit for current, the ampere. The quantity of charge which flows through the cross-section of a conductor with a current of one ampere is one of these units.

ANSWER: coulomb [prompt on just C]

[10] This doubly-eponymous law is a special case of Ampere’s law. It indicates that the magnetic field is directly proportional to the current.

ANSWER: Biot-Savart law

2. Answer some stuff relating to Super Bowl XLII (42), for 10 points each:

[10] That Super Bowl featured the New York Giants facing off against this team, which had previously gone 18-0 leading up to the Super Bowl. Its stars included Tom Brady and Randy Moss.

ANSWER: New EnglandPatriots [accept either underlined part]

[10] Eli Manning capped off the game-winning 83-yard drive by throwing a touchdown to this Giants wide receiver, who was being covered by Ellis Hobbs. He shot himself in the leg inadvertently in 2008.

ANSWER: Plaxico Burress

[10] On 2nd and 5, with 1:20 [one minute and twenty seconds] left in the game, this Patriots cornerback dropped a potential interception which likely would have won the game for the Patriots. He is a four-time Pro Bowler.

ANSWER: AsanteSamuel

3. This poem takes place on “the darkest evening of the year.” For 10 points each:

[10] Name this poem whose last two lines repeat the phrase “And miles to go before I sleep.” Its speaker owns a horse who “must think it queer/to stop without a farmhouse near.”

ANSWER: “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening”

[10] This poet of “The Road Not Taken” and “Mending Wall” wrote “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.”

ANSWER: Robert Frost

[10] The speaker of this Frost poem finds a “dimpled spider” and realizes that the title concept “govern[s] in a thing so small,” but connects it with a divine figure of “darkness”.

ANSWER: “Design”

4. Answer the following about the Five Good Emperors, for 10 points each:

[10] This second of the Five Good Emperors commemorated his conquest of Dacia in his namesake “Column”. Anatole France placed this supposedly pious, though pagan, successor of Nerva in heaven.

ANSWER: Trajan

[10] This last of the Five Good Emperors succeeded Antoninus Pius. He faced the Macromanni in a set of namesake wars and wrote one of the defining works of Stoic philosophy, Meditations.

ANSWER: Marcus Aurelius

[10] This man co-ruled with Marcus Aurelius as emperor for the first nine years of his reign. He earned the disapproval of Marcus Aurelius since he partied a lot in Rome, and he eventually died of the plague.

ANSWER: LuciusVerus (accept either)

5. Answer the following about some things relating to Japanese social structure, for 10 points each:

[10] These warriors who fought for regional military leaders followed a strict warrior code called Bushidō.