To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. --Nelson Mandela
Teaching for Global Community: Overcoming the
“Divide and Conquer” Strategies of the Oppressor
Wednesday, 9/27 Camino Real Hotel, Downtown El Paso
Registration starts 5:00 p.m., North Mezzanine
Wine and Cheese Reception 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Uptown’s (next to the hotel lobby & the Dome Restaurant)
*** A few spaces remain for the Sunday excursion to Paquimé. Those who have not pre-registered but would like to join us must register by Thursday at 10:00 a.m. The cost is $60. See Lourdes Chee at the registration desk. ***
Thursday, 9/28Camino Real Hotel, Downtown El Paso
8:00-9:00 / Registration / Cont. Breakfast – Mezzanine
9:00-9:30 Main Ballroom / Inauguration and welcome / Josefina Tinajero, Dean, College of Education, UTEP
María Teresa Montero, Decana, Facultad de Humanidades, UACJ
Marc Pruyn, Co-Chair, Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction, NMSU
CONFELE Organizing Committee
Ballroom A & B / Ballroom C & D
Invited Guest Speakers / Jill Blackmore
(Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia)
Governance, Educational Labor, Leadership and the Matter of Social Justice: Some Feminist Observations
(in English)
Introduction: Brenda Cherednichenko / Elena Izquierdo (UTEP) &
Herman García (NMSU)
Transnacionalismo, Bilingüismo y Educación Bilingüe en la Región Fronteriza E.U.- México (en español)
Introduction: María Mercado
10:35-10:50 / BREAK
10:50-12:25 / Decolonizing Academia: Institutional Control, Social Tensions, and Resistance within the University – Part 1
(Moderator: Zulma Méndez) / Brahma Room
10:50-11:10 / A Model of Resiliency: Professional Brazilian and U.S. Women of African Descent Showing the Way to Success Despite … / Francis Musa Boakari (Univ. of the Incarnate Word)
11:10-11:30 / Educational Research that Reinscribes the Colonial Relationship of the Self/Other–(Mexican) American / Areceli Rivas (Independent Scholar)
11:30-11:50 / Igniting the Fire of Racism
The Conservative Response to Ward Churchill / Christopher Brown (Univ. of New Mexico)
11:50-12:10 / Fighting Against the Conservative Agenda in the Academy: An Examination of the 4 S’s of Academic Repression and Repressive Pedagogy Post-9/11/01 / Anthony Nocella (Syracuse Univ.)
12:10-12:25 / Discussion / Q & A
10:50-12:25 / Incorporando Perspectivas Indígenas en la Escuela /
Incorporating Indigenous Perspectives into Schooling
(Moderator: Diana Moran) / Angus Room
10:50-11:10 / El Desarrollo de las Literacidades Locales en Quechua: Un Estudio de Caso / Maria Teresa de la Piedra (Univ. of Texas-El Paso)
11:10-11:30 / El Retorno de la Sabiduría Shamánica: Propuesta para una Educación Incluyente / José Cristian Castorena Garza (Universidad Tecmilenio, Mex.Mexico)
11:30-11:50 / Metaphysics in Education:What it Means to Incorporate Indigenous Perspectives into Multicultural Education / Dolores Calderón (UCLA)
11:50-12:10 / From A Native And Community Activist Point of View: Has Anything Changed, or Are the English Still on Their Crusade? / David E. Kahn (Independent Scholar)
12:10-12:25 / Discussion / Q & A
10:50-12:10 / Developing Critical Consciousness in Pre-service Schoolteachers – Part 1 (Moderator: Elena Izquierdo) / Kohlberg Room
10:50-11:10 / Political, Economic, and Social Issues: Teacher Beliefs and Multicultural Pedagogy / Emilie Miller Camp (Dayton Indep. School District, KY)
11:10-11:30 / Schooling Future Oppressors: Borders and U.S. Students’ Sense of Privilege / Cesar Rossatto (Univ. of Texas-El Paso)
11:30-11:50 / Structure, Agency, and Empowerment: Engaging Latina Pre-Service Teachers’ Views on the Link between Social Class and Academic Success / Aurolyn Luykx & Joe Heyman (Univ. of Texas-El Paso)
11:50-12:10 / How to Prepare Women to Teach Critically / YiShan Lea (Randolph-Macon Woman’s College)
12:10-12:25 / Discussion / Q & A
10:50-12:25 / Research as Praxis – A Path for Social Change by Converging Academia with School Communities
(Moderador: John Boucher) / Pancho Villa Room
10:50-11:10 / For Me, RAP Came from Heaven / Vivian Lopez (New Mexico State U.)
11:10-11:30 / Making Community: Research as Praxis in the Borderland / Luis Huerta-Charles (New Mexico State U.)
11:30-11:50 / Reconceptualizing Academic Research from RAP’s Perspective / Loui Reyes (New Mexico State U.)
11:50-12:10 / Research as Praxis: RAP and the Re-politicization of Action Research / Myriam Torres (New Mexico State U.)
12:10-12:25 / Discusión / Q & A
10:50-12:25 / Critical Cyber-Pedagogy: Transformative Technologies in Instructional Settings (Moderator: Rafael Espinoza) / Charolais Room
10:50-11:10 / Capitorg (Capital Organism) or Cyborg (Cybernetic Organism)? A FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software/ Society) Perspective / Soowook Kim (Univ. of British Columbia)
11:10-11:30 / Instructional Technology Using a Constructivist Approach / Najib Manea (New Mexico State Univ.)
11:30-11:50 / Paulo Freire, Ivan Illich, and the Critical Pedagogy of Technology: A Reconstructive Approach / Richard Kahn (Univ. of California-Los Angeles)
11:50-12:10 / Anti-Democratic Science andNCLB: Producing Knowledge for Neo-liberal Society / Clayton Pierce (Univ. of California-Los Angeles)
12:10-12:25 / Discussion / Q & A
Main Ballroom / Comida/Lunch
Presentation of Paulo Freire Award to Tom Wilson by Paulo Freire Special Interest Group, AERA (American Educational Research Association) – Main Ballroom
2:00-3:00 / Decolonizing Academia: Institutional Control, Social Tensions, and Resistance within the University – Part 2 (Moderator: Zulma Méndez) / Brahma Room
2:00-2:20 / Notes on the Intellectual Subversion of Academic Shopkeeping / Susan Talburt (Georgia State Univ.)
2:20-2:40 / The Radical Academy: Lessons for Doctoral Students and Assistant Professors from the Front Lines / Marc Pruyn (New Mexico State Univ.)
2:40-3:00 / Discussion / Q & A
2:00-3:15 / Teachers as Workers and Activists – Part 1
(Moderator: Josiah Heyman) / Angus Room
2:00-2:20 / Union Leadership for Educational Democracy and Equity in a Culture of Change / Frank E. Padilla (Kremen School of Education & Human Development)
2:20-2:40 / Social Justice Activist Teachers Theorize Their Work in Public Schools / Julia MacRae (Univ. of British Colombia)
2:40-3:00 / Work and Study in a Time of Neoliberal Corporatocracy: Creating Alternatives with El Paso Displaced Workers / Jena Camp (community-based educator & researcher)
Flor Carmona (UTEP)
3:00-3:15 / Discussion / Q & A
2:00-3:15 / Critical Perspectives in Mathematics Education
(Moderator: Francisco Mas Soto) / Pancho Villa Room
2:00-2:20 / Towards Combining Freirean Ideas and Russian Experience in Mathematics Education / Olga Kosheleva (Univ. of Texas-El Paso)
2:20-2:40 / Are Students Motivated by Mathematics in a Teaching for Social Justice Context? Results and Reflections from A Randomized Experiment / Larry Lesser (Univ. of Texas-El Paso)
2:40-3:00 / Teacher Knowledge and its Impact on Student Achievement / Mourat Tchoshanov (Univ. of Texas-El Paso), with Larry Lesser, James Salazar, Sumaya Al Momani, Agueda Salazar & Sherita Martin
3:00-3:15 / Discussion / Q & A
1:45-3:20 / Educación, Género y Familia en la Frontera Norte de México
(Moderator: Martha Casas) / Charolais Room
1:45-2:05 / Diferencias en el Maltrato Infantil: Un Asunto Relacionado con Ser Hombre o Mujer / Rosalba Robles (Univ. Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez)
2:05-2:25 / Equidad de Género y Derechos Humanos: Una Experiencia Universitaria Hacia la Politización del Curriculum / Alfredo Limas (Univ. Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez)
2:25-2:45 / La Familia Juarense: Hacia la Democratización del Trabajo Doméstico / Ma. Teresa Montero (Univ. Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez)
3:05-3:20 / Discusión
2:00-3:15 / Academics in Transit: The Negotiation of Identity among Educational Nomads (Moderator: Violet Jones) / Kohlberg Room
2:00-2:20 / Re-imagining Spaces for Intellectuals in Transit – from the Blurring Boundaries of Experience / Claudia Matus (Pontificia Univ. Católica de Chile)
2:20-2:40 / Impact of Gender Discourses and Cross-Cultural Adjustment on International Women’s Perceptions of their Cultural and Social Identities / Nadezhda Nazarenko (NHMCCD)
2:40-3:00 / Towards Strategic Alliances: The Work of Mexican Community Foundations Who Comprise the U.S. Mexico Border Philanthropy Partnership / Sylvia Peregrino (Univ. of Texas-El Paso)
3:00-3:15 / Discussion / Q & A
3:15-3:30 / BREAK
3:30-4:25 / High School Students Speak Out About Class, Race, and Power
(Moderator: Tim Cashman) / Brahma Room
3:30-3:50 / Critical Perspectives: High School Students’ Perceptions of Urban Education / Kurt Haste & Aja LaDuke (Univ. of Connecticut)
3:50-4:10 / Border Youth, Civic Engagement, and Immigration Activism / Kathleen Staudt. (Univ. of Texas-El Paso)
4:10-4:25 / Discussion / Q & A
3:30-4:25 / Growing Up in New Mexico: Family Funds of Knowledge (Moderator: Arturo Rodríguez) / Pancho Villa Room
3:30-3:50 / Critical Science Literacy in Rural Northeastern New Mexico / Diane Walker (New Mexico State U.)
3:50-4:10 / What kind of information and knowledge do children have before they start to attend preschool and/or Head Start Programs? / Carlos Baca (New Mexico State U.)
4:10-4:25 / Discussion / Q & A
3:30-4:25 / Radical Inclusiveness: Against the Dominant Cosmology
(Moderator: Char Ullman) / Charolais Room
3:30-3:50 / Revolutionary Environmentalism: An Emerging New Struggle for Total Liberation / Steven Best (Univ. of Texas-El Paso) & Anthony J. Nocella (Syracuse U.)
3:50-4:10 / A New Eve and a New Eden: The Nexus of Liberation Theology and Eco-Feminist Hermeneutics in Kenosis / David K. Goodin. (McGill University, Montreal)
4:10-4:25 / Discussion / Q & A
3:30-4:25 / Teachers as Workers and Activists – Part 2 (Moderator: Josiah Heyman) / Charolais Room
3:30-3:50 / Solidarity Amongst Teachers: What Moves a Movement? / Diana Elena Moran (Univ. of Texas-El Paso/UACJ)
3:50-4:10 / Emotional Energy and Resistance: Why Resistance Movements Succeed or Fail / Robert George (Univ. of New Mexico)
4:10-4:25 / Discussion / Q & A
4:25-4:40 / Break
4:40-5:40 / KEYNOTE ADDRESS:
JOEL SPRING (Queens College, City University of New York)
A New Paradigm for Global Schooling (in English)
Introduction: Herman García
Traducción: Patricia González / Main Ballroom
5:40-7:00 / BOOK EXHIBIT/SALE:
Come check out exciting new releases from Peter Lang Publishing, Westview Press, Caddogap Publishing, Lawrence Erlbaum, Rethinking Schools, SENSE Publishing, Teacher's College Press,
AK Press, Cinco Puntos Press…
Most books $10 each (cash or check only), proceeds to benefit CONFELE. One day only – don’t miss it! / Mezzanine
Friday, 9/29
Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
7:15 / Bus leaves Camino Real for Juárez
8:30-8:50 / Bienvenida: Dr. Felipe Fornelli Lafon, Rector , UACJ
Lic. Jorge Mario Quintana S., Director del ICSA
- Continental Breakfast - / Macroaula
1 & 2
9:00-10:15 / Jurjo Torres Santomé (Univ. de A Coruña, España)
Repensando el Rol de Profesorado en las Sociedades Neoliberales de la Información y el Conocimiento
Introducción: João Paraskeva
Moderadora: Ma. Teresa Montero
Traducción: Patricia González / Macroaula
1 & 2
9:00-10:15 / Gramsci Meets Freire: Constructing Liberatory Pedagogy in a Context of Cultural Hegemony
(Moderador: Rodolfo Rincones) / Sala García Maynes
9:00-9:20 / Understanding Organic Intellectualism through Pedagogy of the Oppressed / Regina Bernard (Hunter College)
9:20-9:40 / Education for Emancipation: An Analysis of Gramscian Formative Educational Theory / Benjamin Osborne (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
9:40-10:00 / Race and Class Meet at the Precipice for Yet Another Duel of -Isms, Schisms and -Ologies: An Anti-Colonial Critique of the Race/Class Debate / Arlo Kempf (Univ. of Toronto)
10:00-10:15 / Discussion / Q & A
9:00-10:15 / Developing Agency and Reflexivity in Language Teachers (Moderadora: Consuelo Pequeño) / Sala R. Almada
9:00-9:20 / The English Language in Bilingual Education: Teaching-Learning Object and Mediating Tool / Ana Paula Barbosa Riserio Cortez (Univ. Católica Pontifícia, São Paulo, Brazil)
9:20-9:40 / Challenging Pedagogy in Challenging Times: Liberatory Intentions in Language Teacher Education / Phillip Ryan (Union Univ.) & Suzan Kobashigawa (Northwest Univ.)
9:40-10:00 / Critical Research in Pedagogical Loci: A Means to Include Language Teachers and their Students / Angela Cavenaghi-Lessa & Sueli Fidalgo (U. Católica Pontifícia, São Paulo, Brazil)
10:00-10:15 / Discussion / Q & A
10:15-10:30 / BREAK
10:30-12:40 / El “Otro” Estigmatizado: La Construcción de la Marginación dentro y fuera de la Escuela
(Moderador: Ulises Campbel) / Macroaula 1
10:30-10:50 / Homofobia en la Escuela y la Familia ySus Coincidencias con el Antisemitismo / Efraín Rodríguez (UACJ)
10:50-11:10 / Políticas de Resistencia y Dignidad Racial del Actual Movimiento Migratorio en los E.U.: Lecciones de Alumnos del Nivel Bachillerato / Ruth Trinidad Galvan & Juana de Dios Pineda (Univ. of New Mexico)
11:10-11:30 / Internal Colonialism & The Political Language of “Chicano” / Federico Reade (Univ. of New Mexico)
11:30-11:45 / Break
11:45-12:05 / En el Siglo XXI la América Profunda Aún Nos Interpela / Claudia Peralta Nash (Boise State U.)
12:05-12:25 / Realidades de la Educación Especial en Ciudad Juárez / María del Carmen Santos Fabelo, Claudia Sánchez Adame & Tina Klages
12:25-12:40 / Discusión / Preguntas
10:30-12:40 / Empowering Communities Through Research, Transforming Research into Action: A Demonstration Project in Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) (Moderador: Ricardo León) / Sala García Maynes
10:30-10:50 / Empowering Communities Through Knowledge: Foundation Support for Community Based Participatory Research / Jon Law (Center for Border Health Research, Paso del Norte Foundation, El Paso)
10:50-11:10 / Otero County, New Mexico, Methamphetamines Use Research Study (CBPR) / Lee Ann Loney (CBO, Alamogordo, NM)
11:10-11:30 / Transforming Communities Through Community Based Organizations Research and Action: A Demonstration Project in CBPR / Marlynn May (School of Public Health, Texas A & M)
11:30-11:45 / Break
11:45-12:05 / Building Communitarian Networks / Hernán Ortiz & Andrea Baltazar (CBO, Ciudad Juárez)
12:05-12:25 / Student Absenteeism – Causes, Consequences and Possible Solutions: A Case Study in Rural and Urban Schools in El Paso County / Pema García (CBO, El Paso) & Gina Nuñez (Univ. of Texas-El Paso)
12:25-12:40 / Discussion / Q & A
10:30-12:40 / Redes Sociales y Culturales Académicas en la Educación Superior Pública de Hoy (Moderadora: Isabel Arcudia) / Sala R. Almada
10:30-10:50 / Metodología y Dinámica de las Culturas Académicas / Isabel Arcudia
10:50-11:10 / Estrategias Políticas desde los Académicos / Dora María Aguilar (Univ. Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez)
11:10-11:30 / El Campo Disciplinar, un Espacio Particular / Guadalupe Dávila (UACJ)
11:30-11:45 / Break
11:45-12:05 / ¿Quiénes son los Académicos? / Patricia González (UACJ)
12:05-12:25 / Redes Sociales y Sus Vínculos / Sergio Moreno (UACJ)
12:25-12:40 / Discusión / Preguntas
10:30-11:30 / Going Post-al: Ideologies of Liberalism and Modernism in Education (Moderador: Arturo Márquez) / Macroaula 2