Analyse technological applications of enzymes in some industrial processes, and evaluate technological advances in the field of cellular biology B1 / poorly or not at all / with limited effectiveness / with some effectiveness / with considerable effectiveness / with a high degree of effectiveness
Enzyme use in Industry: Infographic Project
Enzymes are used in many different industries, to speed up reactions and help produce a wide variety of products. In this assignment we are going to analyse the application of enzymes in these industries and evaluate the advances that have been made.
· Production of HFCS
· Production of Baby food
· Production of biofuel
· Production of paper
· Production of rubber
· Production of Photographs
· Production of Detergents
· Human Cancer Therapy
· Other Human Therapies
For this assignment you will work individually and choose an industry in which enzymes are used. Many examples are listed above, but you can choose something else if you would like. You will then research the use of enzymes in this sector and analyze the role they play. Your task is to produce an infographic, a podcast, or a video public service announcement and accompanying written page or chart that evaluates their use.
If you choose the infographic, it could be done on the computer, using one of the following methods:
· Use a site like,, or piktochart,
· Find your own site using
· Use photoshop, GIMP, or another software based digital image editor
Your presentation and accompanying page must include the following somewhere between the two – try to stick with one theme or message to include in your creative component, and cover the rest on the accompanying page:
1) Names of enzymes involved
2) Some method of displaying how it is used in the industry
3) Benefits of use
4) Concerns associated with industry (Discuss the larger industry, and not just the use of the enzymes)
As this may be the first infographic you make, be sure to spend some time looking at examples. Below are some great links to help point you in the right direction when making them:
Due date for this project is: Mon. Oct. 3, 2016
Category / Below Level 1 / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4Analyzing/Research
· Shows understanding of enzymes use in industry / Poorly or not at all / With limited effectiveness / With some effectiveness / With considerable effectiveness / With a high degree of effectiveness
Evaluating the application
· Makes reasonable conclusions about industry known / Poorly or not at all / With limited effectiveness / With some effectiveness / With considerable effectiveness / With a high degree of effectiveness
· Infographic, podcast, or PSA is used appropriately, and communicates ideas well / Poorly or not at all / With limited effectiveness / With some effectiveness / With considerable effectiveness / With a high degree of effectiveness
Your project will be evaluated using the above rubric and then given a single level for the overall expectation seen on the front of this handout.
1. The accompanying written page should be created using Google Docs and then shared with me.
2. At the top or bottom of your Google Doc you should include the link where I can access your infographic, podcast etc.