Dear Church Family,
This is an exciting year to be an American Baptist. 2013 marks the 200th anniversary of Ann and Adoniram Judson’s arrival as Baptist missionaries in Burma, today known as Myanmar. The Judsons labored for six years among the Burmese before they baptized their first convert. God blessed the Judsons work and the work of the missionaries, Burmese pastors and evangelists who followed them. Today the Myanmar Baptist Convention has 4,500 churches with more than 2 million baptized members. And those numbers represent only a fraction of the people who have come to Christ as a result of American Baptist mission work around the globe. We celebrate the lives that are being transformed by the power of Jesus Christ, through the witness of American Baptist missionaries. We currently have 109 long-term missionaries serving Christ in over 70 countries. American Baptist missionaries partner with local leaders and other Christian organizations to serve Christ in the following areas:
· Evangelism
· Health and Healing
· Anti-Human Trafficking
· Theological Education
· Economic Development
· Education
· Peace and Refuge
We have the opportunity to support our international missionaries through prayer and through giving to the World Mission Offering. We will be receiving the World Mission Offering throughout the month of September, using the theme Embrace the Cause. I believe that when we Embrace the Cause, God will lead us to provide increased support for our worldwide missions. Our 2013 offering goal is $400, which is $100 above our 2012 goal. Please join me as we gain deeper understanding of International Ministries and are blessed through our giving to the WMO.
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to witness to the love of Jesus Christ, not only in far off places around the world, but in our own community as well. One opportunity that we have to share God’s love in Owosso is through our participation in Kingdom Fest, an inter-denominational outreach event that is being held at the amphitheater in Owosso on September 7. This event will help share the love of Christ with unchurched families in our community. Volunteers are still needed to help serve food, supervise a game, or assist with a craft project. If you are able to give a few hours of your time to this worthy effort, please see Marcia Oliver.
Whenever we give financially to support the work of International Ministries, or share our time to help with Kingdom Fest, or speak the good news of Jesus Christ to our neighbor, we remember Jesus’ promise: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
Your servant for Christ,
Pastor Carol
Pastor Carol’s office hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. She will also be at the church on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and is available to meet at additional times by appointment.
Bob Spencer, contractor, has finished some significant plaster and ceiling repair at the parsonage (the three upstairs bedrooms), and now it’s our turn. We need some help (and supplies) to paint the master bedroom and two guest bedrooms. I have scheduled two painting days. Please choose one (or both) and let me know ASAP so I can balance the work load/teams:
Saturday – September 14th from 9 am to noon
Saturday – September 21st from 9 am to noon
Family and friend are welcome! Please bring (if you have) ladder, drop cloths, brushes, rollers (rough and smooth heads), paint roller trays, etc.
For any questions and/or to schedule your day(s) to paint, please call John Creighton.
Are you hearing the call of the wild? Are you prepared to face the wilderness? Come and join us as we are once again privileged to welcome Gabe Van Wormer, from Michigan Out of Doors, as a guest speaker at our worship service on Sunday, September 29th for the “BLESSING OF THE HUNTER.”
Next ABW Meeting: The first meeting of 2013-2014 of the ABW will be held on Thursday, September 12th 1:00 p.m. in the lounge. All women are welcome to attend!
You are invited to help put baby layettes together on Friday, September 13th at 9:00 a.m. All workers are welcomed!
CRAFTERS: Do you have a special craft you do? Would you like to donate your craft to the ABW Bazaar? Would you like to have your own booth and earn a little extra money?
WORKERS: To set up tables and chairs on Friday, September 27th
To help on Saturday, September 28th:
To help outside crafters carry their products in the morning (8-10)
To help with the luncheon
To help sell the crafts
To work on the Bake Sale
To help clean up after the Bazaar
BAKE SALE: Donations of any yummy baked goods.
CARD TABLES AND CHAIRS for the luncheon
ARTISTS: To make signs and posters
Together we can make this a fun-filled, profitable day!!! If you would like an application for your own booth or have any questions, contact Mary Johns.
Men and women of the congregation are invited to a baby shower for Annika Strawser to be held on Sunday, September 22nd at Marty and Doug Dixon’s home at 825 Riverlane Drive in Owosso . A cook-out will be provided. Please RSVP to Marty.
The Keenagers potluck will be held on Thursday September 26th at noon at FBC. Bring a passing dish and come and enjoy the fellowship.
Do you like to read? Do you have a lot of books at home you don’t know what to do with? We are going to try to build a lending library for our members and friends. This will be located in the bookcases on the lower level by the elevator. If you would like to donate your books, please leave them by the bookshelves. We will accept any books deemed acceptable for a church library. They will then be available for anyone to borrow whenever they want, and return when they are finished. If you have any questions, contact Mary Johns.
This year, First Baptist Church has the opportunity to participate in Kingdom Fest, an interdenominational outreach that will be held September 7th at the Amphitheater. The goal of Kingdom fest is for area churches to work together to provide a day of family fun for unchurched families in our community. This FREE event will include food, music, games, inspirational speakers as well as opportunities for families to feel the love of Christ and connect with believers in the community. Last year, dedicated volunteers shared God’s love with 1,200 people, and we are preparing for even more participants this year. In order to carry out this ambitious undertaking, the Kingdom Fest planning team is in need of donations of both time and money. We are looking for volunteers who can work a two hour shift on September 7th helping with food, games, set-up and tear-down, as well as people who will pray faithfully for this event. Sign-up sheets are available in the welcome center and fellowship hall. If you would like to offer financial support, you may mark you donation Kingdom Fest and place it in the offering plate. If you have any additional questions, please contact Marcia Oliver.
This is a good time to start collecting items to include in your Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoeboxes. The collection will happen on November 10th . Information and packing forms are located in the Welcome Center. We also have preprinted boxes available. Contact the church office or Ruth Pulley.
All items for the newsletter need to be submitted to the church office by
Monday, September 23rd.
Dear First Baptist Church,
I would like to thank you for sending me to Camp Lake Louise in June. I learned a lot of great things about God, and I am really thankful that the church paid for me to attend. Church camp is the highlight of my Summer, and I really had a lot of fun.
Thank you,
Collin Valley
Dear Baptist Family,
Thank you for supporting me in the respite Volunteers “Rock-A-Thon” on August 20th. I’m happy to tell you that I raised almost $400.00 I could not have done it without you! I appreciate each and every one of you.
Thanks again,
Mable Reid
THRU 7/31/13 / OUR GIVING / OUR EXPENSESCurrent Expenses / $54,539.80 / $65,781.26
Special Receipts / $ 3,051.94 / $ 3,051.94
TOTAL / $57,591.74 / $68,833.20
Average weekly collection thru 7/31/13 = $1,817.99
NEEDED per week = $1,932.60
$11,241.46 income under expenses as of June 30th
Want to make a huge difference in someone’s life?
Be a Respite volunteer!
Upcoming Respite Volunteer Trainings:
Thursday, September 19th from 5-9 pm at the
Perry Church of the Nazarene in the Heritage Hall
3100 Ellsworth Road – entrance off of South M-52
Drive around the church to the addition and use side door.
(evening trainings are scheduled only twice a year – in the Fall and Spring)
Tuesday, October 22nd from 10 am to 2:30 pm at the
Laingsburg United Methodist Church
210 Crum Street in Laingsburg
A light meal will be provided at the training sessions
for potential volunteers participating.
To register or for additional information contact the
Respite Volunteer office at 989-725-1127 or
Website: and on Facebook.
Treasure’s Restaurant has two ways to participate in the 5% church give-back program.
1. When you or anyone from our church family dines at Treasure’s Family Restaurant, bring in a current church bulletin and they will send 5% of the bill to FBC. No reservations are required. Stop in for breakfast, lunch or dinner and let them give the church 5% back.
2. When you or anyone from our church reserves Treasure’s banquet room, “The 109 Room,” for a bible study, bridal shower, rehearsal dinner or baby shower, etc…they will donate 5% of the bill to FBC. Also, the same will hold true if Treasure’s is called to cater a funeral luncheon or event either at their restaurant or an off-site location. There is no charge for “The 109 Room” if a total of $25.00 is ordered during the use of the room.
Submitted by: Marilyn Dixon
From: TCT Devotional
“He rewards those who earnestly seek him.”……….Heb. 11:6 NIV
Ever notice how icy winters cause multiple car pile-ups, leaving drivers in ditches waiting for tow trucks to rescue them? In life, we each have different reactions. Some surrender to feelings of being powerless, others get frustrated and deepen the rut they’re in, but the wise think rationally of steps they can take to get unstuck. Getting stuck isn’t always an option, but staying stuck is! Good news: no matter how long you’ve been stuck, the right attitude can get you moving again. So here are some attitude changers:
1) Forgiveness. The guilt that follows failure can immobilize you long-term, but forgiveness liberates you-freeing up your energy and creativity. Forgiveness is two-dimensional; first, you must receive God’s forgiveness for your failures. Things you’ve done; betrayal, angry words, dishonesty, broken promises, etc. Things you haven’t done; love unexpressed, responsibility avoided, a child, parent or spouse neglected, the truth withheld. Heartfelt confession always brings God’s forgiveness (see I Jn. 1:9). Second, you must forgive those who’ve failed you-parents, siblings, children, bosses, spouses, friends, enemies, etc. Severing the chains to your past restores your options for the future.
2) Faith. When you’ve been stuck a long time, forward momentum can seem impossible. You lack direction, energy and confidence. What to do? Getting traction requires a willingness to act in spite of your feelings. God calls this “faith”, and He always responds to it! “He rewards those who earnestly seek him.” When you act like you believe, God will reward your faith-and the feeling of faith will follow you’re action!
“I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.”…Php. 3:14 TM
Though you’ve settled the issues of forgiveness and faith, getting unstuck involves two more challenges. You will need to learn:
1) Flexibility. Flexibility. a) An attitude of determination to adjust to life’s challenges and stay on course; to trust God for wisdom; to fine-tune your responses to changing circumstances. b) A commitment to take action. A positive mind-set alone won’t get you unstuck. You’ll have to “do something!” Remember, big doors swing on little hinges; taking small steps of faith will move you forward.
2) Firmness. Firmness is a resolve not to quit. a) Don’t give in to fear. Don’t let it decide your response. b) Stand still. Stop your irrational, emotion-drive behaviors. c) Quit talking. Don’t talk yourself into defeat. d) Look for God’s way forward. Expect Him to take action that will get you unstuck. e) Be ready to move forward when He opens the way. These are simple but powerful steps you can take when you don’t know what to do. And what about when you blow it? Acknowledge it. Relabel it as “Valuable lessons learned,” and put in your “What not to do next time” file!
9/01 Betty Kelsey 9/01 Richard Bruder
9/08 Lola Jean Smith 9/08 Mable Reid
9/15 Mary Johns 9/15 Lola Jean Smith
9/22 Bob Johns 9/22 Karen DeLong
9/29 Richard Bruder 9/29 Deb Creighton
Bob Johns & Doug Sadilek Sept. 1st – Worship & Music Team
7 September 2013