
Close Reading: “St. Lucy’s School for Girls Raised by Wolves”

Lesson 3

1)  Class Starter: What happened during Stage 1 and Stage 2? Why are the girls at the school? How are they doing?

2)  Read from halfway down page 233 (start at Stage 3) to halfway down page 245 (stop at the paragraph that ends with “…gnawing on my loafers.”). What is happening to Mirabella?

a.  CLAIM:

b.  EVIDENCE #1:

c.  EVIDENCE #2:

3)  Continue reading from halfway down page 245 to the top of page 247 (stop at “Jeanette got a hole-in-one.”). Working with a neighbor, make a list of the things the girls are learning to do (besides walk and talk).





4)  Now read from the top of page 247 to halfway down page 248 (stop at “…how the pack felt about anything.”). How does this scene reveal the differences between the three girls, and what evidence supports your ideas?

a.  CLAIM: Mirabella is characterized as ______.


i.  CLAIM: Jeanette is characterized as ______.


1.  CLAIM: Claudette is characterized as ______.


5)  Continue reading from halfway down page 248 to halfway down page 251 (stop before Stage 5). Independently, answer the following questions.

a.  What happened at the dance? (Be sure to mention all three girls.)

b.  What is your response to Mirabella being expelled? Use evidence from the text to support your thinking.

i.  CLAIM: My response to Mirabella being expelled is that ______.

ii. EVIDENCE #1:

iii.  EVIDENCE #2:

6)  Continue reading from halfway down page 251 to the end of the story. Write down four questions you have about what you’ve read, focusing on Stages 4 & 5. Look back in the text if necessary. One example has been provided for you.

a.  Why is Claudette unable to perform the dance?




7)  CLOSING QUESTION: What is the central idea of “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves”? Cite THREE pieces of textual evidence to support your response.

a.  CLAIM:

b.  EVIDENCE #1:

c.  EVIDENCE #2:

d.  EVIDENCE #3: