Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):


Provide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed on Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Anderson, John, J.B. / POSITION TITLE
Professor of Nutrition, Emeritus
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable) / YEAR(s) / FIELD OF STUDY
WilliamsCollege, Williamstown, MA / BA / 1956 / History
HarvardUniversity, Cambridge, MA / M.A.T. / 1958 / Sec. Educ.
BostonUniversity, Boston, MA / MA / 1962 / Biology
CornellUniversity, Ithaca, NY / PhD / 1966 / Physical Biology

PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 05/01)Page Continuation Format Page

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):

  1. Positions and Honors.

Positions and Employment

1959-1962Instructor, Bradford (Massachusetts) Junior College

1966-1971Assistant Professor, Physiology and Pharmacology, University of Illinois, IL

1971-1972Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC

1972-1977Associate Professor of Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC

1977-Professor of Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC

2007Professor Emeritus

Other Experiences and Professional Memberships

Editorial Board Member: Journal of AmericanCollege of Nutrition, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Nutrition Research, Nutrition Today, Osteoporosis International, Nutrition and Food Science


1982:Distinguished Service Award, American Heart Association, NC Affiliate

2002:Distinguished Career Award, AmericanCollege of Nutrition

  1. Selected peer-reviewed publications. (Publications selected from 150 peer-reviewed publications)

1.Anderson, J.J.B., and Floeckher, M.M. Skeletal uptake of 3H-Estradiol by rats primed with nonradioactive estrogen. Israel J Med Sci 1971; 7:353-354.

2.Anderson, J.J.B., Milin, L., and Crackel, W.C. Effect of exercise on mineral and organic bone turnover in swine. J Applied Physiol 1971; 30:803-813.

3.Anderson, J.J.B, Balk, M.W., Crackel, W.C., Austin, M.K., Bollmeier, E.C., and Slusher, R. Effect of calcitonin on 85SR whole body retention in the dog. Nature 1971; 232:93-94.

4.Talmage, R.V., and Anderson, J.J.B. The effect of calcitonin on 32p disappearance from plasma in parathyroidectomized and nephrectomized rats. Proc Soc Exper Biol Med 1972; 141:982-985.

5.Talmage, R.V., Whitehurst, L.A., and Anderson, J.J.B. Effect of calcitonin and calcium infusion of plasma phosphate. Endocrinology 1973; 92:729-798.

6.Anderson, J.J.B., and Talmage, R.V. The effect of calcium infusion and calcitonin on plasma phosphate in Sham-operated and thyroparathyroidectomized dogs. Endocrinology 1973; 93:1222-1226.

7.Talmage, R.V., Anderson, J.J.B., and Kennedy, J.W. Separation of the hypocalcemic and hypophosphonate actions of calcitonin with disodium ethane-1-hydroxy-1, 1-diphosphonate. Endocrinology 1974; 94:413-418.

8.Talmage, R.V., and Anderson, J.J.B. Parathyroid hormone effects in rats treated with diphosphonate. Science 1974; 183:661-663.

9.Talmage, R.V., Roycroft, J.H., and Anderson, J.J.B. Daily fluctuations in plasma calcium, phosphate, and their radionuclide concentrations in the rat. Calcified Tissue Res 1975; 17:91-102.

10.Switzer, B.R., Anderson, J.J.B., and Pick, J.R. Effects of dietary protein and ethanol intake on pregnant beagles fed purified diets. J. Nutrition 1986;116:689-697.

11.Tylavsky, F.A., and Anderson, J.J.B. Dietary factors in bone health and elderly lacto-ovo-vegetarian and omnivorous women. Am J Clin Nutr 1988; 48:842-849.

12.Halioua, L., and Anderson, J.J.B. Lifetime calcium intake and physical activity habits: Independent and combined effects on bone mass in healthy pre-menopausal caucasian women. Am J Clin Nutr 1989; 49: 632.

13.Pollitzer, W.S., and Anderson, J.J.B.. Ethnic and genetic differences in bone mass: A review with an hereditary vs. environmental perspective. Am J Clin Nutr 1989; 50:1244-1259.

14.Tylavsky, F.A., Bortz, A.D., Hancock, R.L., and Anderson, J.J.B. Familial resemblance of radial bone mass between pre-menopausal mothers and their college-age daughters. Calcified Tissue Intl 1989; 45:265-272.

15.Halioua, L., and Anderson, J.J.B. Age and anthropometric determinants of radial bone mass in pre-menopausal caucasian women: A cross-sectional study. Osteoporosis Intl 1990; 1:50-55.

16.Lester, G.E., Anderson, J.J.B., Tylavsky, F.A., Sutton, W.R., Stinnett, S.S., and Talmage, R.V. Update on the use of distal radial bone density measurements in prediction of wrist and colles fracture risk. J Orthopaedic Res 1990; 8:220-226.

17.Anderson, J.J.B., Garner, S.G., Mar, M-H., and Toverud, S.U. The ovariectomized, lactating rat as an experimental m.odel for osteoporosis: Calcium metabolism and bone changes. Bone Mineral 1990; 11:43-53.

18.Lacey, J., Anderson, J.J.B., and Fujita, T., et al. Correlates of cortical bone mass among pre-menopausal and post-menopausal Japanese women. J Bone Mineral Res 1991; 6:651-659.

19.Anderson, J.J.B. Nutritional biochemistry of calcium and phosphorus. J Nutr Biochem 1991; 2:300-307.

20.Hancock, RL, Tylavsky, FA, Moore, R and Anderson, JJB. Hereditary and environmental influence on blood pressure values of pre-menopausal women and their college-age daughters. J Am Coll Nutr 1991;10:376-382.

21.Garner, S.C., Anderson, J.J.B., Mar, M-H., and Parikh, I. Hereditary and environmental influences on blood pressure values of pre-menopausal women and their college-age daughters. Bone Mineral 1991; 15: 19-31.

22.Tylavsky, F.A., Anderson, J.J.B., Talmage, R.V., and Taft, T.N. Are calcium intakes and physical activity patterns during adolescence related to radial bone mass of white college-age females? Osteoporosis Int 1992; 2:232-241.

23.Anderson, J.J.B. The Role of Nutrition in the Functioning of Skeletal Tissue. Nutr. Rev 1992; 50:1-7.

24.Metz, J.A., Anderson, J.J.B., and Gallagher, P.N. Intakes of calcium, phosphorus, and protein, and physical-activity level are related to radial bone mass in young adult women. Am J Clin Nutr 1993; 58:537-542.

25.Anderson, J.J.B., and Metz, J.A. Contributions of Dietary Calcium and Physical Activity to Primary Prevention of Osteoporosis in Females. J Am College Nutr 1993; 12:378-383.

26.Anderson, J.J.B., and Tylavsky, F.A., Halioua, A., and Metz, J.A. Determinants of peak bone mass in young adult women: A review. Osteoporosis Int 1993; 3 Suppl 1:S32-S36.

27.Kuczmarski, R.J., Anderson, J.J.B., and Koch, G.G . Correlates of Blood Pressure in Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) and Non-SDA Adolescents. J Am College Nutr 1994; 13:165-173.

28.Anderson, J.J.B., and Toverud, S. Diet and vitamin D: A review with an emphasis on human function. J Nutr Biochem 1994; 5:58-65.

29.Reed, J.A., Anderson, J.J.B., Tylavsky, F.A., and Gallagher, PN. Comparative changes in radial-bone density of elderly female lactoovovegetarians and omnivores. Am J Clin Nutr 1994; 59(S):1197S-202S,

30.Anderson, J.J.B., and Barrett, C.J.H. Dietary phosphorus: The benefits and the problems. Nutr. Today 1994; 29:29-34.

31.Anderson, J.J.B., and GarnerS.C. Calcium and Phosphorus in Health and Disease. CRC Press, Inc. 1996, Boca Raton, FL.

32.Anderson, J.J.B., Rondano, P., and Holmes, A. Roles of diet and physical activity in the prevention of osteoporisis. Scand J Rheumaltol 1996; 25 (Suppl 103):73-82.

33.Anderson, J.J.B., and Garner, S.C. The effects of phytoestrogens on bone. Nutr Res 1997; 17: 1617-1632.

34.Anderson, JJB, Calcium, phosphorus and human bone development. J Nutr 1996; 1153S-1185S.

35.Anderson, J.J.B., Ambrose, W.W., and GarnerS.C. Biphasic effects of genistein on bone tissue in the ovariectomized, lactating rat model. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1998; 217:345-350.

36.Anderson, J.J.B, and Miller, C.P. Lower lifetime estrogen exposure. Vegetarian Nutr 1998; 2:4-12.

37.Anderson, J.J., Anthony, M.S., Cline, J.M., Washburn, S.A., and Garner, S.C. Health potential of soy isoflavones for menopausal women. Publ Hlth Nutr 1999; 2:489-504.

38.Anderson, J.J. The importance of physical activity in skeletal development: how exercise may counter low calcium intake. Am J Clin Nutr 2000; 71:1384-1386.

39.Anderson, J.J. Calcium requirements during adolescence to maximize bone health. J Am Coll Nutr 2001; 20(2 Suppl):186S-191S.

40.Anderson, J.J., Chen, X., Boass, A., Symons, M.S., Kohlmeier, M., Renner, J.B., and Garner, S.C. Soy isoflavones: no effects on bone mineral content and bone mineral density in healthy, menstruating young adult women after one year. J Am Coll Nutr 2002; 21:388-393.

41.Chen, X.W., Garner, S.C., and Anderson, J.J. Isoflavones regulate interleukin-6 and osteoprotegerin synthesis during osteoblast cell differentiation via an estrogen-receptor-dependent pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2002; 295:417-422.

42.Migliacco, S., and Anderson, J.J. Isoflavones and skeletal health: are these molecules ready for clinical application? Osteoporos Int 2003; 14:361-368.

43.Chen,X., Garner, S.C., Quarles, L.D., and Anderson, J.J. Effects of genistein on expression of bone markers during MC3T3-E1 osteoblastic cell differentiation. J Nutr Biochem 2003; 14:342-349.

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