BOOKING FORM – Thursday 28thAugust to Friday 17thOctober 2014

Name of Child(ren):

I would like my child to attend on the following sessions (please tick):

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Dates: (from/to or individual dates)
I wish to pay: weekly  monthly  half-termly  termly 
(it may help you/save you time to put all dates for the term even if you opt to pay weekly or monthly)


I enclose payment for the session(s) listed above and agree to the terms and conditions overleaf. (Please make cheques payable to LCCWooldenHillPrimary School).

Signed …………………………………………………………… Date ………………………………………..

See overleaf for terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions of WooldenHillPrimary School Breakfast Club:

  1. Bookings for the club must be made on the booking form in advance. (Children cannot turn up ‘on the day’). Please hand in your booking form to the school office or send it via your child to hand in at registration.
  2. Payments must be made at the time of booking and should accompany the booking form.
  3. Breakfast club staff rely on information provided on the booking form being correct. Parents/carers must inform the school of any changes to the information given on this form as soon as possible.
  4. Breakfast club doors will open at 7.45 am. We cannot take responsibility for your child before this time.
  5. Breakfast will be served until 8.15 am.
  6. Children should enter through the main entrance. Please ensure they sign in.
  7. We will be serving a variety of breakfast foods: including cereal, semi-skimmed milk, toast & butter spread (I Can’t believe it’s not Butter/Clover or similar), jam, marmalade, yoghurt, fruit.
  8. Refunds will only be made if 2 full weeks notice is given. (Refunds cannot be made due to illness as staffing and food will already have been arranged).


  • £3.00 per child per session
  • As a general rule, for consistent use of the club, ie termly, more long term bookings, you must book in advance and can opt to pay monthly, half-termly or termly. For more occasional, non-regular use you must still book in advance and pay on booking by the Thursday before the week that the club is required.


Please telephone Mrs Barkley or Mrs Knight with any questions or if you would like us to work out your costs. (0116 2362154)