Arts Alive Grants



Prospective Applicants

FROM:Beth Deluzain, Bay Education Foundation


DATE:June 8, 2015

We are excited to be able to continue a grant program in support of performing arts in Bay District Schools. Funds for this program were generated by the Bay Education Foundation’s Arts Alive event in April. Attached you will find guidelines and application forms for this grant program. Experienced grant writers will notice that this application is very different from the usual applications we require for classroom grants. It is anticipated that about $25,000-$30,000 will be available—to be distributed $500 increments--for this program for the 2015-2016school year.

Please make as many copies of this cover memo and the application as you wish. This program is designed specifically to address needs in performing arts classrooms: vocal music, instrumental music, dance, and drama; however, you must address one of the following priorities in your proposal: increasing graduation rates, providing career/technical education, promoting STEM education, or assisting low-achieving students. I urge you to read the guidelines carefully. Applications should arrive at the Bay Education Foundation at the Nelson Building office no later thanSeptember 14, 2015, at 4:30 p.m. Please note that this application does not require separate school board approval.

An electronic version of this application will be available on the BEF web site:. HOWEVER, you may not submit your application or your evaluation electronically.

ATTENTION: While individuals and schools may submit as many Arts Alive proposals as they wish, any single applicant may be awarded a maximum of five grants and any single school may receive a maximum of ten (10) grants, unless there are insufficient applicants.

Please note that evaluations of these grants are required at the end of the project and must be submitted by May 31, 2015. IF YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO GET OVERWHELMED AT THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR, THIS PROGRAM IS PROBABLY NOT A GOOD FIT FOR YOU.


PURPOSE: The purpose of this program is to support individual educators or groups of educatorswho are striving toenhance student learning. Sadly, we can’t draw matching funds for enhancing learning in music or theater, SO you must link your project to the following areas: increasing graduation rates, providing career/technical education, providing STEM education, or helping low-performing students. This should be easy if you are creative. For example, if you are hiring a series of guest performers, perhaps you could work in a lesson on careers in music. If you are teaching students to read music, perhaps you could work in a lesson on fractions. If you are advertising a concert, get the kids to do the ad copy and design.

ELIGIBILITY: All Bay District Schools(including charter schools) personnel are eligible to apply, but the applications must specify how the proposed project will positively impact the performing arts program. You may apply more than once if you wish. Remember: Maximum of five grant awards to one person; maximum of ten to one school.

FUNDS: Applicants or teams of applicants may apply for up to $500. It is expected that approximately 30-60 grants will be awarded.

JUDGING: A panel of the Bay Education Foundation Board and/or their designees will judge the proposals and make awards. The judges may or may not be educators; therefore, please keep in mind that they will possibly not be familiar with technical terms and educational acronyms. Awards will be made strictly on merit and will be blind. THEREFORE, DO NOT INCLUDE TEACHER NAMES, SCHOOL NAMES/MASCOTS, OR OTHER INFORMATION THAT IDENTIFIES THE SCHOOL. For example, refer to “our band” rather than the “Million Dollar Band.” Identifying the level of your school (elementary, middle, high, special center) is allowed.


  • Classroom activities or projects
  • Schoolwide activities or projects
  • Projects involving two or more schools
  • Partial support project (funding from more than one source)
  • Materials, supplies, software, and equipment to support the project
  • Transportation for students

LENGTH: Adhere to the application, which you may reenter or scan into your word processing program (or use the one on-line). DO NOT INCLUDE A TITLE PAGE, LETTERS OF SUPPORT, ATTACHMENTS, OR BINDERS. Use only the pages provided by the application. You may make individual sections longer or shorter, but do not exceed the limit.

REPORT: All recipients are required to submit an end-of -year project report. This project must be completed and an evaluation submitted to Beth Deluzain, Bay Education Foundation, Nelson Building ON OR BEFORE May 31, 2017.

DEADLINE: Submitone four-page original and five copies of the three-page application to Beth Deluzain, Bay Education Foundation, Nelson Building. Your original will be four pages: one cover page and three application pages. Staple in the upper left hand corner. Do not use binders. Do not use binders. Do not use binders. Do not use binders. (Got it?) DO NOT SUBMIT ELECTRONICALLY!!!!!!!

FUNDING PERIOD: December 2016—May 2017—If you cannot have your evaluation in by THE END OF MAY 2017, DO NOT APPLY FOR THIS GRANT.





(The project director is the applicant or the member of the group of applicants who agrees to serve as the contact person.)

I have read and approved this project.

Principal’s Signature:


I understand that I will be required to submit an evaluation by May 31, 2017.

Project Director’s Signature: ______


  1. Project Name :______
  1. Priority Addressed:

____Increasing graduation rates

____Providing career/technical education

____Providing STEM education

____Helping low-performing students

  1. Project Impact:

______Estimated number ofstudents who will be impacted (participants and audiences).

  1. Needs: What needs of your program does this project address? How did you identify the needs?
  1. Goals: What are your primary learning goals for this project? What will the students know and be able to do as a result of the project?
  1. Project Description/Activities/Timeline: What will you actually do? When?
  1. Evaluation: How will you prove that you accomplished your goals?How many participants were involved? How many achieved the learning target you set for them? How will you prove it?
  1. Bonus/Special Needs: Check all that apply.

______I am a Bay Education Foundation member. (+ 5 points)

______Someone from my school auditioned for Arts Alive. (+ 5 points)



****See below

What? / $Amount
(field trips)
Classroom materials (includes shipping)
Classroom materials
OPS (printing, binding, repairs, etc.)
Computer hardware (printers, etc.)
A-V materials (tapes, movies, DVDs,etc.)
Other equipment
(tape players, cameras, earphones, instruments,etc.)

If other private—not school budgets--funds will be used to help fund your project, please write the source of the funds (business partner name, PTO, etc.) and the amount. This is a real plus. (Please keep documentation of the donation.)


******For the purposes of your proposal, you do not have to itemize. For example, if you are purchasing scripts for your project, simply write “scripts ----$300. “ Leave lines blank if you are not spending funds in these categories.

Hint Page

Take the time to get the best proofreader in your school to go over your proposal. It makes a terrible impression when applications have errors. Don’t even THINK about handwriting. The application consists of eight (8) sections plus budget page. The numbers below correspond to the eight (8) sections in the application.

  1. Project Name: A short, memorable name makes your project stand out. Pay some attention to this.
  2. Priority Addressed: Remember, addressing these priorities is how we get matching funds. If your kids will be learning vocabulary related to a performance, that’s literacy. You can do this!!
  1. Project Impact: The number of students who will be impacted by your project as actual participants or as audience members is an important metric for reporting purposes.
  1. Need: Be sure to focus on needs, not wants. You should be able to explain the need in a convincing way. Explain the reason you need what you need. For example, “For the past two years, we have not been able to … because of budget restrictions” or “Our music library is limited to . . ., and our students need to be exposed to . . . .”
  1. Goals: What is it that students will learn or be able to do as a result of this project? Please relate the goals to the priorities and needs.
  1. Project Descripting/Activities/Timeline: Provide a brief summary of the project, outlining activities and times as appropriate. A table would work nicely for the activities and timeline.
  1. Evaluation: How will you prove that you accomplished your goals? THIS IS CRITICAL. You MUST include the number of kids you tried to help and the number who were actually helped.
  1. Bonus/Special Needs: This section is included to give you space to highlight special qualities. Are you a Foundation member? (It is perfectly fine—and recommended-- to send your membership with your application; you get 5 extra points.) Did your school support Arts Alive by auditioning? Did you work at Arts Alive as a helper? Have you supported the Foundation in some other way? Are there other reasons you should get extra points?

Budget Hints: In setting up your budget, please use the categories listed. You may not use funds for refreshments, awards, banquets, t-shirts, or similar items. The budget page is designed to allow for the most common expenditures. If you do not see a line for something you wish to purchase, please e-mail Beth Deluzain () for information.

Judging Criteria
Sections 1/2/3 (15 points)
Adherence to Guidelines / Is the proposal comprised of three pages only? Are all sections of the proposal complete?
Section 4 (15 points)
Need / Is the need for this proposal clear and substantiated?
Section 5 (15 points)
Goals / Are the goals clearly related to need and priorities?
Section 6(15 points) / Is the plan sensible?
Section 7 (15 points) / Does this plan include a specific way to measure how many kids receive the “treatment” and how many improved as a result of the “treatment”?
Section8 (up to 15 points)
Special Needs / Is the writer a member of the Foundation? (5 points)
Did the writer’s school have a student or employee audition for Arts Alive? (5 points)
Are there special needs explained in the proposal? ( up to 5 points)
Total Points for This Proposal ( 90 Possible)

APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 13, 2016

The entire application package is eight (7) pages: cover memo (1 page); guidelines (1 page); cover page(1 page); application page (1 page); budget page (1); hint page (1) and judges’ page (1 page). If you do not have all these pages including the cover memo, you are missing important information. Please keep a copy of the entire packet and your proposal for your files.